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Coop Essential pack Rearmed

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Coop Essential pack Rearmed


Well, for ArmA 1, this was the most ausome suite of scripts, that by placing a few triggers and markers could create an area guarded by troops that would call reinforcements from nearby bases, that would clean up after itself with the body and object remover. It also included a 'cache unit' script that would cache away people and re put them in the game once they neared the enemy. All these being fully customizable.

Now, i started to make a CTI for ArmA 2, and thought - wait a Minuit I need Myke's CoOp Essentials Pack. So I tested it to see if it works. I have replaced every classname and added all of the ArmA 2 ones in, but it isnt working.

Ive tried to fiddle around with it but my knowledge of scripting ends here.

Thats why i am looking for an able scripter to have a look, and help me change it, so these can be re released for ArmA 2.

I have contacted Myke, the original creator, and he isn't releasing anything any time soon due to real life. He said i can release it / change it and do whatever i want, but i cant do anymore.

It might be the case that 1 line is out of place, or 1 command is set up wrong, But WTH.

Here is the group config file that I have fixed. My other changes were probably wrong as they didn't seem to fix it.

// _________________________________________________________________________________________________
// | Coop Essential Pack by -eutf-Myke                                                                                                          |
// |________________________________________________________________________________________________|
// | Do not change this script!                                                                                                                      |
// |________________________________________________________________________________________________|
// | Group description File                                                                                                                            |
// | If you want to use CEP with addons, fill in the correct Classnames into the corresponding line                            |
// |________________________________________________________________________________________________|

if (! isServer) exitwith {};

_cep_heavy_armored = ["M1A2_TUSK_MG"];
_cep_light_armored = ["AAVP7A1", "LAV-25", "M270 MLRS"];
_cep_cars_armed = ["HMMWV_M2", "HMMWV_Armored", "HMMWV_MK19", "HMMWV_TOW", "HMMWV_Avenger"];
_cep_cars_unarmed = ["MTVR", "HMMWV"];
_cep_units_leader = ["USMC_Soldier_SL", "USMC_Soldier_TL"];
_cep_units_armored = ["USMC_Soldier_Crew"];
_cep_units_basic = ["USMC_Soldier", "USMC_Soldier_AA", "USMC_Soldier_HAT", "USMC_Soldier_AT", "USMC_Soldier_Medic", " USMC_SoldierM_Marksman", "USMC_SoldierS_Engineer", "USMC_Soldier_GL", "USMC_Soldier_MG", "USMC_Soldier_AR", "USMC_SoldierS_Sniper"];
_cep_units_special = ["FR_GL", "FR_AR", "FR_Commander", "FR_Corpsman", "FR_Marksman", "FR_Sapper", "FR_AC"];
_cep_units_air = ["USMC_Soldier_Pilot"];
cep_west_config = [_cep_heavy_armored, _cep_light_armored, _cep_cars_armed, _cep_cars_unarmed, _cep_units_leader, _cep_units_armored, _cep_units_basic, _cep_units_special, _cep_units_air];

_cep_heavy_armored = ["T72_RU", "T90", "2S6M_Tunguska"];
_cep_light_armored = ["BMP3", "BTR90", "GAZ_Vodnik_HMG", "GAZ_Vodnik"];
_cep_cars_armed = ["UAZ_AGS30_RU", "GRAD_RU"];
_cep_cars_unarmed = ["UAZ_RU", "Kamaz", "KamazOpen"];
_cep_units_leader = ["RU_Commander", "RU_Soldier_SL", "RU_Soldier_TL"];
_cep_units_armored = ["RU_Soldier_Crew"];
_cep_units_basic = ["RU_Soldier_AA", "RU_Soldier_HAT", "RU_Soldier_AR", "RU_Soldier_GL", "RU_Soldier_MG", "RU_Soldier_Marksman", "RU_Soldier_Medic", "RU_Soldier", "RU_Soldier_LAT", "RU_Soldier_AT", "RU_Soldier_LAT", "RU_Soldier2", "RU_Soldier_Sniper", "RU_Soldier_Spotter" ];
_cep_units_special = ["MVD_Soldier_TL", "MVD_Soldier_Sniper", "MVD_Soldier_AT", "MVD_Soldier_GL", "MVD_Soldier", "MVD_Soldier_Marksman", "MVD_Soldier_MG" ];
_cep_units_air = ["RU_Soldier_Pilot"];
cep_east_config = [_cep_heavy_armored, _cep_light_armored, _cep_cars_armed, _cep_cars_unarmed, _cep_units_leader, _cep_units_armored, _cep_units_basic, _cep_units_special, _cep_units_air];

// Resistance
_cep_heavy_armored = ["T34","T72_Gue"];
_cep_light_armored = ["BRDM2_Gue", "BMP2_Gue", "Ural_ZU23_Gue"];
_cep_cars_armed = ["Offroad_DSHKM_Gue", "Offroad_SPG9_Gue", "Pickup_PK_GUE" ];
_cep_cars_unarmed = ["TT650_Gue", "V3S_Gue"];
_cep_units_leader = ["GUE_Soldier_CO", "GUE_Commander"];
_cep_units_armored = ["GUE_Soldier_Crew"];
_cep_units_basic = ["GUE_Soldier_AR", "GUE_Soldier_GL", "GUE_Soldier_MG", "GUE_Soldier_Medic", "GUE_Soldier_3", "GUE_Soldier_2", "GUE_Soldier_1", "GUE_Soldier_AT", "GUE_Soldier_AA"];
_cep_units_special = ["GUE_Soldier_Scout", "GUE_Soldier_Sab", "GUE_Soldier_Sniper"];
_cep_units_air = ["GUE_Soldier_Pilot"];
cep_guer_config = [_cep_heavy_armored, _cep_light_armored, _cep_cars_armed, _cep_cars_unarmed, _cep_units_leader, _cep_units_armored, _cep_units_basic, _cep_units_special, _cep_units_air];

// Civilian
_cep_heavy_armored = [];
_cep_light_armored = [];
_cep_cars_armed = [];
_cep_cars_unarmed = ["Lada1", "Lada2", "LadaLM", "Lada_base", "UralCivil2", "UralCivil", "Tractor", "car_sedan", "V3S_Civ", "datsun1_civil_3_open", "datsun1_civil_2_covered", "datsun1_civil_1_open", "car_hatchback", "hilux1_civil_3_open", "hilux1_civil_1_open", "hilux1_civil_2_covered", "MMT_Civ", "TT650_Civ", "VWGolf", "Skoda", "SkodaRed", "SkodaGreen", "SkodaBlue", "Ikarus" ];
_cep_units_leader = ["RU_Assistant", "RU_Citizen2", "RU_Citizen1", "RU_Citizen3", "RU_Citizen4", "RU_Doctor", "RU_Functionary1", "RU_Functionary2", "RU_Policeman", "RU_Priest", "RU_Profiteer2", "RU_Profiteer3", "RU_Profiteer1", "RU_Profiteer4", "RU_Rocker1", "RU_Rocker3", "RU_Rocker2", "RU_Rocker4", "RU_SchoolTeacher", "RU_Villager1", "RU_Villager4" "RU_Villager2", "RU_Villager3", "RU_Woodlander1", "RU_Woodlander2", "RU_Woodlander3", "RU_Woodlander4", "RU_Worker3", "RU_Worker4", "RU_Worker1", "RU_Worker2" ];
_cep_units_armored = [];
_cep_units_basic = ["RU_Assistant", "RU_Citizen2", "RU_Citizen1", "RU_Citizen3", "RU_Citizen4", "RU_Doctor", "RU_Functionary1", "RU_Functionary2", "RU_Policeman", "RU_Priest", "RU_Profiteer2", "RU_Profiteer3", "RU_Profiteer1", "RU_Profiteer4", "RU_Rocker1", "RU_Rocker3", "RU_Rocker2", "RU_Rocker4", "RU_SchoolTeacher", "RU_Villager1", "RU_Villager4" "RU_Villager2", "RU_Villager3", "RU_Woodlander1", "RU_Woodlander2", "RU_Woodlander3", "RU_Woodlander4", "RU_Worker3", "RU_Worker4", "RU_Worker1", "RU_Worker2" ];
_cep_units_special = [];
_cep_units_air = ["RU_Pilot"];
cep_civ_config = [_cep_heavy_armored, _cep_light_armored, _cep_cars_armed, _cep_cars_unarmed, _cep_units_leader, _cep_units_armored, _cep_units_basic, _cep_units_special, _cep_units_air];

Thanks in advance,


OH, and BTW, unit cache works fine with no adjustments.

Edited by Grimfist

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hey do Ihave to replace that cofig file with the one u posted? im getting bad vehicle type errors and nothing is spawning. Epilot is not found etc

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It's a long time since i looked into this script package.

IIRC, The classnames "CivlianXX" doesn't exist anymore. Replace this classname array with one of the arrays above (_cep_units_leader or _cep_units_armored).

As in this script there's nothing special goin on besides array defining, there are not much things that could go wrong. You may try to init variables before using them (thought there has something changed since A1).

if (! isServer) exitwith {};

private ["_cep_heavy_armored", "_cep_light_armored", "_cep_cars_armed", "_cep_cars_unarmed", "_cep_units_leader", "_cep_units_armored", "_cep_units_basic", "_cep_units_special", "_cep_units_air"];

Maybe this will solve the problem. I can't see any other source of errors (guessing you've already checked for missing " and ; )


And before any discussion raises: yes, Grimfist (and anyone who wants also) is allowed to rework the code in whatever way he wants. He can also release it if he wants to. See it as "OpenSource". A small line in the credits would be nice, no other restrictions at all.

Edited by [FRL]Myke

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Try to load oac core along. It remaps the missing a1 classes to a2 ones.

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I wouldn't recommend this if you using lots of groups, whilst it is slightly less laggy than having the groups themselves, the script checks are very heavy on CPU.

As for it not working, I'll be releasing my own pack soon, just wait a few days.

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hey rommel what do u mean ur releasing your own pack? To create groups dynamically? That would sure be great as Iv had no joy with this one so far and stuck halfway making my mission without a system like this. the constant script writing is just not up my alley and so this would be perfect. Let me in on the secret brotha if u can.

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bump, rommel any news on your scripts, or can anyone help further with this plz?


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