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West AA AI team keeps respawning with linebacker

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I added M6 to West AA recon team, but it results in AI keep respawning and despawning the hmmwv avenger non stop at base.  


_n = _n	+ ["ReconAA"];
_d = _d	+ [GetText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "HMMWV_Avenger" >> "displayName")];
_t = _t + [_MECHANIZED];
_ab=_ab + [_TEAMTYPEAA];
_ai=_ai	+ [false];
_f = _f	+ [Localize "STR_FN_USMC"];
_i = _i	+ [false];
_l = _l	+ [true];
_h = _h	+ [false];
_a = _a	+ [false];
_u		= ["HMMWV_Avenger"];
_u = _u + ["M6_EP1"];
_c = _c	+ [_u];


I've added ural zu23 to east AA team no problem.

I've both in Init_Common.  I've also tried to remove the oversized recon AA squads in config squads, but it didn't work.

[] Call Compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers ("Common\Config\Config_Teams.sqf");
[] Call Compile PreprocessFileLineNumbers ("Common\Config\Config_Squads.sqf");


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I added m6 to the heavy factory first.  Then added to recon AA in Config_Teams.sqf, but that AA team then just keeps respawning.  I thought maybe it was because of squad oversize, so I removed extra AA team in Config_Squads.sqf


_n = _n	+ ["AAReconSquad"];
_d = _d	+ ["AA Recon Squad"];
_t = _t + [_MECHANIZED];
_ai=_ai	+ [false];
_f = _f	+ [Localize "STR_FN_USMC"];
_te		= ["ReconAA"];
//removed_te=_te + ["ReconAA"];
_s = _s	+ [_te];

/*_n = _n	+ ["LargeATAAReconSquad"];
_d = _d	+ ["Large AT/AA Recon Squad"];
_t = _t + [_MECHANIZED];
_ai=_ai	+ [false];
_f = _f	+ [Localize "STR_FN_USMC"];
_te		= ["Recon"];
_te=_te + ["ReconAA"];
_te=_te + ["ReconAT"];
_s = _s	+ [_te];removed*/



What's weird is that M6 doesn't cause problem when added to other teams like MechanizedHeavy.

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The problem wouldn't be oversize, the oversize templates are filtered out when the team reinforces.  The problem is likely this:

_i = _i	+ [false];
_l = _l	+ [true];
_h = _h	+ [false];
_a = _a	+ [false];

These indicate the factory the Team buys the units from.

_i = Barracks (infantry)

_l = Light

_h = Heavy

_a = Aircraft


It's been added to Heavy factory but Teams is being told it comes from Light.

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