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Operation BlockHead eXpanded with Vector Building

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Yesterday was bored and made this.
Thanks to Mondkalb for his hard work on OBH in the first place.

Added 8 new citizens and 5 custom characters
12 caps all base colors

12 pants all base colors

24 chest / chestNgloves all base colors and mixed
200+ CfgMag and CfgVeh for all the plates and bricks in every color.

Added simple mission for 3DEN which includes crates and characters loaded in.

Add the mission folder to your USER Documents / Arma 3 folder

The crates are filled with 20 of every brick and plate.
To spawn in a new crate use this code in Debug Console and Local Exec it

"OBH_Buildables_Crate" createVehicle position player;

This mission also includes a setup for building.
Simply add a brick to your chest/vest and then double click it to start building.

Shift = Fastest stepping
Ctrl = Step Down 
Alt = Precision stepping

Keys Q and E as well as NUM7 and NUM9 will rotate the object
Keys PageUP and PageDOWN take care of Height of the object
Keys Home and END as well as NUM8 and NUM2 will move the object farther and closer
Keys NUM4 and NUM6 will move the object left and right
Keys NUM5 as well as BACKSPACE will reset the object to a [0,2,1] attachment point
Key NUM0 while looking at a built object will prompt you to SNAP
Key ESC will cancel out building and return the item to your inventory
Key WINDOWS LEFT while looking at a built object will prompt you to remove the object and return it to your inventory

This vector building system was created for my Anarchy mod write and then ported into Exile for eXpoch, then made into an eXpanded Housing system in Altis Life and now here for the BlockHeads!!!


SteamWorkshop: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=862243337

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