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Apex Model Gate Script Open/Close

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Is there a script to Trigger an Open/Close on the WallGate that was introduced to Arma in the Apex Expansion?

still stuck on using the Boomgates?

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be more specific on which wallgate you mean... a classname maybe?

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Would like to know that too. The Gate is called Land_Concretewall_01_I_gate_F -> [ Tall Concrete Wall (Gate) ]
Could someone tell me how to open/close this gate with a trigger?

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Give the gate a variable name and then on trigger activation,

doorOfMoria animateSource ["Door_1_source", 1];

and on trigger deactivation,

doorOfMoria animateSource ["Door_1_source", 0];

or possibly other way around depending on how you set the trigger to activate. Also remember to click on the Repeatable box.

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4 hours ago, kauppapekka said:


Give the gate a variable name and then on trigger activation,

doorOfMoria animateSource ["Door_1_source", 1];

and on trigger deactivation,

doorOfMoria animateSource ["Door_1_source", 0];

or possibly other way around depending on how you set the trigger to activate. Also remember to click on the Repeatable box.

Thanks! :)

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In your trigger you put these codes






On Activation:
Gate1 animate ['Door_1_move', 1];  //this will open

On Deactivation:
Gate1 animate ['Door_1_move', 0];  //this will close



//Because it is a Roller gate the Binary is different.

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