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findNearestEnemy : some weird changes since Apex

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It seems to me, BI changed the behavior of the findNearestenemy command. I use to display this "nearest enemy" (of player) by an icon using this command.

What i remarked since Apex or 1.58 (not sure), is that the nearest enemy is no more the nearest one.


If player knows about ground unit and planes, the "nearest enemy" is quickly marked on plane, even if this asset is flying away more than 2Km and ground units fire at you.


Same for tank, armored vehicle, in a lower priority than plane.


Same for emptied vehicle. If crew dismount and fly, the "nearest enemy" remains for a while the emptied car, even if dangerous units are closer than it.


If you are civilian, "nearest enemy" is an OPFOR, even if it has no intention to open fire at you...


So, please, could you make that findNearestEnemy recovers this former behavior and hits the geographically nearest unit/asset able and motivated to kill the unit which is parameterized?


I don't dislike the idea to have some classification by asset dangerousness, but this aim fails most of the time with the context (plane flying away, emptied car,..). Just focus on distance and "canfire" could be great.


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This command still continue to return an hidden unit by simulation manager module or hideObject command as far as the concerned unit still knows about this hidden enemy (non-decreasing value)!

Permanent knowledge about hidden (non visible and bulletproof) units is questionable.


I found a good point: "enable simulation false" lets the unit visible but not eligible for the nearest enemy. The knowledge about this kind of unit stay at 1 ( why not 0?), which seems to be sufficient to skip the findNearestEnemy command.

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