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LEN - Weapons pack for IFA3 LITE

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This addon will add 13 World War 2 weapons to your IFA3 LITE:

- FG42 (including bayonet, adjustable sight and deployable bipod)
- M12 shotgun (including M1912 bayonet)
- M3a1 "Grease Gun" submachine gun
- PPS-43 submachine gun
- Pistole 640(b) "Browning Hi Power" with German Markings
- Radom VIS P35 pistol
- Walther PPK pistol
- SMLE No.4 Mk I rifle (including spike bayonet)
- SMLE No.4 Mk I (T) sniper rifle
- Sten Mk.II submachine gun
- Sten Mk.II silenced
- Sten Mk.V
- Welrod Mk.II silenced pistol
- PU Scope for SVT-40 (IFA3)


All weapons can also be found in a Ammobox in the form of a German Fallschirmjäger Drop Canister.


You will need IFA3 LITE for this addon to run.





AUTHOR: Lennard






- Mods used in screenshots: IFA3 LITE, Faces of War & Direone's static anims.



- Initial release




None known at the moment.




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STEN MkII        -    Seph & BuLL5H1T
STEN MkV        -    Synths
M3a1            -      RedRogueXIII & Teh Snake
PPK             -     RedRogueXIII
Welrod             -     RedRogueXIII 
M1912            -    KnechtRuprecht (Moritzmayer.de)
M1917 Bayonet        -    Divesh Deusion Jagger
FG42            -    Lap Lam Chan
SMLE scope        -    Vilas
PPS-43            -    Vilas
P-35            -    Lukelcc & Megamawman

Browning Hi Power    -     Mr. Rifleman
PU scope         -    Mr. Rifleman & BuLL5H1T

FJ Drop Canister - Lennard
Config help        -    El Tyranos & Kju




By downloading this content you agree with the following:


- The addon shall in no way be modified or repackaged, unless permission is given by the original author.
- This addon may under no circumstance be used in any monetized server.
- No responsibility can be claimed on the original author for (im)possible damage to your system/game that may be caused by installation of this addon.
- You may not use this addon for any commercial or military training purposes. 





Arma 3

Iron Front in Arma 3 LITE




LEN_IFA3_WP_V1.0 (Mediafire)


Steam workshop


Mirrors are welcome!



Have fun!

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Lennard is on an roll! :don12:

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Very nice work on this, Lennard - top quality as usual.

Only issue I found was the shotgun using the wrong "bolting" animation (I presume it's a placeholder). The SMLE is probably my favourite one - I friggin love this gun since Arma2, haha! ^^


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Len, you rock! Each toy is great, but there is also my beloved VIS. :respekt: buddy.


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  On 12/26/2016 at 7:40 PM, partyzant_pl said:

it will be work on IFA3 Full version ?

Yes it should as inheritances will stay as they are.
If not I will make an update to make it work, but we'll see in the future :)

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Just had the most enjoyable hour in the VA with this gorgeous pack. The FG42 might just be my new favorite battle rifle, what a beast on full auto!!.I think I've just dislodged a few fillings.

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reporting small issue

missing shotgun magazines while in object: inventory storage in 3D editor.

essentially when creating own virtual arsenal.

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Hi Lennard, I have run into an issue. Within the past week or so it seems that all of the pistols in your mod have disappeared for me. I've disabled all mods except IFA3 and this.

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  On 3/27/2017 at 7:50 AM, suds420 said:

Hi Lennard, I have run into an issue. Within the past week or so it seems that all of the pistols in your mod have disappeared for me. I've disabled all mods except IFA3 and this.

Do they appear in the arsenal?

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@R0adki11 Nope. And if it helps, I first noticed it on some custom loadouts I made in the editor with the Pistole 640(b). I went to go make some tweaks to them last night and saw that instead of that the units had the P07 from vanilla equipped.

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Probably suffering from the same issue as Massi's weapons pack and other outdated mods:



  On 3/21/2017 at 2:15 PM, bolo861 said:

Well there is nothing to make solution abaut. BIS in 1.68 patch made change in baseWeapon=""; attribute (there were missing attributes on some vanilla weapons) so addon weapons that inherit from BIS weapons classes and don t discriminate the change in cfgWeapons config just won t show in virtual arsenal anymore because weapon classname will not match baseWeapon attribute stated classname and so the game engine will treat those weapons as weapons with attachments and not the base weapons and won t show it in arsenal. There is nothing we can do abaut it. Only mod authors can fix this by adding correct attribute baseWeapon""; in their weapons configs.



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British Army, keeping up the tradition of ridciulus helmets. MK3 Turtle helmet to the MK6A helmet.

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Hi lennard

I want to you make German anti tank rifle(Panzerbüchse 39).

Now I dont know 7mm anti tank rifle in Arma3 mod.

So it is worth making.

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  On 6/19/2017 at 11:23 AM, alreadyused said:

German anti tank rifle(Panzerbüchse 39)

I have one from my former mod team IFR (Iron Front Revival) the gun was created for IFA2 back in the day, but someone will need to port it and update it according to arma3 standards,

if anyone can do this you have my permission, send me a pm, when you get the gun ported and fully working send me it so i can test it.

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Heya @Lennard. I am having a bug where the Lee Enfield is switching to a Kar98k when I reload a partial clip. Any ideas?

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