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How to register modnames

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Hey guys,


I heard a rumor, that a "registration page" for modnames exist. Is that correct and where can I find it?



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You can call it whatever you want, and you don't need a name reservation or anything.


EDIT: Damn, even after playing since OFP came out I never heard of the tags part of ofpec. Color me surprised, my bad! :)

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You can call it whatever you want, and you don't need a name reservation or anything.

However there is a tag registration website, been used since OFP. Not sure how up-to-date it is though, http://www.ofpec.com/tags/

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It's optional. But it's still a good idea The ofpec tag page is a handy way to check if someone else has registered a similar choice to yours. A tag gives you a simple identifier for your work. It also helps prevent conflicts where authors have named some of their classes the same. Which has happened from time to time. :)


Looks like the tag system is having issues. If you're actively modding, it's still a good idea to have one though.

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I tried to register VQI a couple times now a year or two ago, and never heard back. May be outdated.

It's strongly recommended to avoid conflicts. Make sure you use it for everything though. Functions, Global Variables, Classnames, Models, PBOs, etc. I would error on overusing it to be safe.

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