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Switching action

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I have looked around and have tried a few things, but I can't get him out of the surrender action after I capture the HVT and he joins my team, below is the syntax I'm using.. Is there also a way of making him surrender if he runs out of ammo ? Not important,, would just add the right spice and emersion 

This script makes the hvt surrender or fire

 if (round random 100 < 50) then 

dummyweaponholder = createVehicle ["GroundWeaponHolder", ([getposatl o1, 1.3, getdir o1] call bis_fnc_relPos), [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
o1 action ["PutWeapon", dummyweaponholder, currentweapon o1];
sleep 3;//try trial and error of this number to the appropiate time
removeallweapons o1;
o1 disableai "move"; 
o1 setcaptive true; 
o1 action ["Surrender", o1]; 
hint "works";
[o1] join p1;}

called on act via trigger when bodyguards are dead

null = [] execVM "surrenderOfO1.sqf"

The HVT's init

this disableAI "move";
this setunitpos "middle"; this addaction ["Capture the Leader",{[o1] join (_this select 1); o1 setcaptive false; o1 setunitpos "auto";
o1 enableAI "Move";o1 removeAction 0;removeallweapons o1}];

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To free the HVT from anim o1 switchmove ""


And about the ammo i would suggest something like _ammo = o1 ammo (currentWeapon o1); _magazines = count magazines o1; if ((_ammo ==0)&&(_magazines==0)) then {do stuff here};


Edit: counting magazines like that won't work correctly, it'll count every type atm..

while {true} do{
sleep 1;
_ammo = player ammo (currentWeapon player);
_count = primaryWeaponMagazine player;
_magazines = {_x == _count select 0} count magazines player;
if ((_ammo ==0)&&(_magazines==0)) exitWith {systemChat "empty"};

Tried something like this, but it doesnt count the magazine in the weapon.

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To free the HVT from anim o1 switchmove ""


And about the ammo i would suggest something like _ammo = o1 ammo (currentWeapon o1); _magazines = count magazines o1; if ((_ammo ==0)&&(_magazines==0)) then {do stuff here};


Edit: counting magazines like that won't work correctly, it'll count every type atm..

while {true} do{
sleep 1;
_ammo = player ammo (currentWeapon player);
_count = primaryWeaponMagazine player;
_magazines = {_x == _count select 0} count magazines player;
if ((_ammo ==0)&&(_magazines==0)) exitWith {systemChat "empty"};

Tried something like this, but it doesnt count the magazine in the weapon.

Thank you so much!

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