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Task does not create in multiplayer, but does in singleplayer and local hosted mp.

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Hi. In my mission a trigger completes a task and activates a new one.

The problem: In singleplayer and local MP it works... on a dedicated server it does not. But the trigger works. It activates a couple of waypoints and completes a mission...but it does not activate the new task.


on activation: {_x in crew heli1} count [unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4,unit5,unit6] > 0

on act: heli2 lock false; heli3 lock false; hint "does not matter"


The trigger activates when one of 6 playable units enters the heli1 helicopter.


What am i doing wrong? Why does it not create the new task but do everything else on a dedicated server.

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Are you using remoteExec/remoteExecCall/BIS_fnc_MP/manual task creation for every player? If not then it won't work. There are tutorials for this that are going to be more comprehensive than any advice you might get by asking this question.

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Are you using remoteExec/remoteExecCall/BIS_fnc_MP/manual task creation for every player? If not then it won't work. There are tutorials for this that are going to be more comprehensive than any advice you might get by asking this question.

I did it the same way in another mission, it worked fine. There is no JIP or emtpy player slots.

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I did it the same way in another mission, it worked fine. There is no JIP or emtpy player slots.

Tasks are local for every player. You have to use these wrappers.

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If you creating task server side using bis functions it will be automatically spreed over network to every player.

Use Arma 3 Task Framework for scripted tasks.




It is strongly suggested that all task operations are initialized from same place, preferably a server. With this approach, all task operations are being handled on server - task creation and updates are initialized from server and thanks to the task framework the task data are automatically transferred to appropriate clients and the local execution is triggered there, so the tasks states are fully synchronized over the network.

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