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Increment var names in a "foreach" loop ?

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Hi Folks,

I know how to do the loop and increment counters and such - however - how do I increment the name of a "variable" on each run through the loop ? _var1, _var2, _var3, _varx ??? If I use the "format" command trying to create the var name - it turns it into a "string" instead of a var - no ?




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{compile format ['_var%1',_forEachindex]} foreach _this




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HI Folks,

Hmm - yeah - I think "compile" will do the trick - I've also just seen it referenced preceded by "call"... The wiki is a bit vague though...

Yeah - I'm just trying to increment the variable name...

The first time through the loop I want to use "_moo1" - the second time through the loop I want to use "_moo2" and so on...

Let me try this - much appreciated - gents...



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Just out of curiosity, can you post the script you want to use it in?

There's most likely a more convenient approach to solve your problem.



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Hi Folks,

Sure - the gist of this is to launch (4) troop laden slicks to an LZ - empty the slicks - and they return to base... I am working on adding a feature where you can add up to six markers to create a user defined path to the LZ... So I'm trying to increment the various vars holding defined waypoints as I loop through it... This part is not working yet...

This is my first attempt at Arma scripting - so I'm certainly open to feedback...

I'm looking at that BIS function - I'm not sure I understand what it's doing - I'll read it a few more times....

Appreciate the help...

// SLICKS - SCO Launch Script //

// Given: Helicopters preloaded with infantry squads - units named in assets.
// Given: Helicopters will assault LZ with defined helipads - drop troops - RTB to home helipads.

// Assets: (s1 - player)
// Assets: (slick1 - slick helo) (slick2 - slick helo) (slick3 - slick helo) (slick4 - slick helo)
// Assets: (chalk1 - inf squad) (chalk2 - inf squad) (chalk3 - inf squad) (chalk4 - inf squad)
// Assets: (LzPad1 - lz hpad) (LzPad2 - lz hpad) (LzPad3 - lz hpad) (LzPad4 - lz hpad)
// Assets: (BsPad1 - base hpad) (BsPad2 - base hpad) (BsPad3 - base hpad) (BsPad4 - base hpad)

hint "Slicks GO";

private ["_slkG1","_slkG2","_slkG3","_slkG4","_lzPad1","_lzPad2","_lzPad3","_lzPad4","_bsPad1","_bsPad2","_bsPad3","_bsPad4","_wplz","_wpip","_wpul","_wpmv","_wpbs","_arrX","_arrY","_arrZ","_arrXn","_arrYn","_wpslk1","_wpslk2","_wpslk3","_chktmp","_chkG1","_chkG2","_chkG3","_chkG4","_strlnd","_strhgt","_wpchk1","_wpchk2","_ipdis","_ipoff","_ScoHeloWp","_dist","_offs","_strp","_endp","_head","_mkrman","_mkrcnt","_mkrarr","_mkXpam","_mkYpam","_m1","_m2","_m3","_m4","_m5","_m6"];

// var - slick groups //
_slkG1 = group slick1;
_slkG2 = group slick2;
_slkG3 = group slick3;
_slkG4 = group slick4;

// var - chalk groups //
_chkG1 = group chalk1;
_chkG2 = group chalk2;
_chkG3 = group chalk3;
_chkG4 = group chalk4;

// var - lz landing pads //
_lzPad1 = getPos LzPad1;
_lzPad2 = getPos LzPad2;
_lzPad3 = getPos LzPad3;
_lzPad4 = getPos LzPad4;

// var - waypoints //
_wplz = nil;
_wpip = nil;
_wpul = nil;
_wpmv = nil;
_wpbs = nil;
_wpslk1 = nil;
_wpslk2 = nil;
_wpslk3 = nil;
_wpchk1 = nil;
_wpchk2 = nil;

// var - home landing pads //
_bsPad1 = getPos BsPad1;
_bsPad2 = getPos BsPad2;
_bsPad3 = getPos BsPad3;
_bsPad4 = getPos BsPad4;

// var - direction/distance from LZ to BASE for IP //
_ipdis = nil;

// var - position array //
_arrX = nil;
_arrY = nil;
_arrZ = nil;
_arrXn = nil;
_arrYn = nil;

//var - position calculations //
_head = nil;
_dist = nil;
_offs = nil;
_strp = nil;
_endp = nil;

// var - manual marker positions //
_mkrman = 0;
_mkrcnt = 0;
_mkrarr = nil;
_mkXpam = nil;
_mkYpam = nil;
_m0 = nil;
_m1 = getMarkerPos "m1";
_m2 = getMarkerPos "m2";
_m3 = getMarkerPos "m3";
_m4 = getMarkerPos "m4";
_m5 = getMarkerPos "m5";
_m6 = getMarkerPos "m6";

sleep 10;

// func - calulate positions - args [distance, angle offset, start point, end point] //
_ScoHeloWp = {
	_dist = _this select 0;
	_offs = _this select 1;
	_strp = _this select 2;
	_endp = _this select 3;
	_arrX = _endp select 0;
	_arrY = _endp select 1;
	_arrZ = _endp select 2;
	_head = [_endp, _strp] call BIS_fnc_dirTo;
	_head = _head + _offs;
	if (_head > 360) then {_head = _head - 360};
	if (_head < 0) then {_head = _head + 360};
	_arrXn = ((sin _head) * _dist) + _arrX;
	_arrYn = ((cos _head) * _dist) + _arrY;

// test for the existance of manual waypoints - m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6 //	
	_mkXpam = _x select 0;
	_mkYpam = _x select 1;
	if ((_mkXpam > 0 || _mkYpam > 0) && _mkrman == 0) then
		_mkrarr = _mkrarr + _x;
		_mkrman = 1;
} foreach [_m1,_m2,_m3,_m4,_m5,_m6];

// array of manual markers //
_mkrcnt = count _mkrarr;

// slick delete all waypoints //
while {(count (waypoints _x)) > 0} do
	deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _x) select 0);
// troop delete all waypoints //
while {(count (waypoints _chktmp)) > 0} do
	deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _chktmp) select 0);

	// get slick LZ and Base waypoint - get respective troop var //
	switch (_x) do {
        case _slkG1: { 
						_wplz = _lzPad1;
						_wpbs = _bsPad1;
						_chktmp = _chkG1;
						_strlnd = "slick1 land 'LAND'";
						_strhgt = "slick1 flyInHeight 20";
						_formdis = 25;
						_formoff = 180;
        case _slkG2: { 	
						_wplz = _lzPad2;
						_wpbs = _bsPad2;
						_chktmp = _chkG2;
						_strlnd = "slick2 land 'LAND'";
						_strhgt = "slick2 flyInHeight 20";
						_formdis = 25;
						_formoff = 45;
		case _slkG3: { 	
						_wplz = _lzPad3;
						_wpbs = _bsPad3;
						_chktmp = _chkG3;
						_strlnd = "slick3 land 'LAND'";
						_strhgt = "slick3 flyInHeight 20";
						_formdis = 25;
						_formoff = -45;
		case _slkG4: { 	
						_wplz = _lzPad4;
						_wpbs = _bsPad4;
						_chktmp = _chkG4;
						_strlnd = "slick4 land 'LAND'";
						_strhgt = "slick4 flyInHeight 20";
						_formdis = 25;
						_formoff = 0;
	// if manual waypoint exist - else auto waypoint //
	if (_mkrcnt > 0) then
		_counter = 0;
		_m0 = getpos _x;
		_helogrp = _x;
		_formstr = _m0;
		_formend = _m1;
			_wpform = [_formdis,_formoff,_formstr,_formend] call _ScoHeloWp;
			_wpslik = _helogrp addWaypoint [_wpform,0];
			_counter = _counter + 1; 
		} foreach _mkrarr;
		// get LZ position and break down array //
		_arrX = _wplz select 0;
		_arrY = _wplz select 1;
		_arrZ = _wplz select 2;
		// get slick IP waypoint - bearing relative to start posit - COS and SIN reversed for BIS //
		_ipoff = -50;
		_wpip = [_ipdis,_ipoff,_wpbs,_wplz] call _ScoHeloWp;
		// create slick waypoints //
		_wpslk1 = _x addWaypoint [_wpip,0];
		_wpslk2 = _x addWaypoint [_wplz,0];
		_wpslk3 = _x addWaypoint [_wpbs,0];
		_wpslk1 setWaypointType "MOVE";
		_wpslk2 setWaypointType "TR UNLOAD";
		_wpslk2 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
		_wpslk3 setWaypointType "MOVE";
		_wpslk3 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";
		_wpslk3 setWaypointBehaviour "CARELESS";
		_wpslk3 setWaypointCompletionRadius 50;
		_wpslk3 setWaypointStatements ["true", _strlnd];	
	// get troops UNLOAD waypoint //
	_arrXn = _arrX + 5;
	_wpul = [_arrXn,_arrY,_arrZ];
	// get troops MOVE waypoint //
	_arrXn = _arrX - 50;
	_arrYn = _arrY + 50;
	_wpmv = [_arrXn,_arrYn,_arrZ];
	// create troops waypoints //
	_wpchk1 = _chktmp addWaypoint [_wpul,0];
	_wpchk2 = _chktmp addWaypoint [_wpmv,0];

	_wpchk1 setWaypointType "GETOUT";
	_wpchk2 setWaypointType "MOVE";
	_wpchk2 setWaypointBehaviour "COMBAT";
	_wpchk2 setWaypointSpeed "LIMITED";
	_wpchk2 setWaypointFormation "WEDGE";
	// sync unload waypoints - helo and troops //
	_wpslk2 synchronizeWaypoint _wpchk1;
	// sleep for spacing of slicks //
	sleep 15;

} foreach [_slkG1, _slkG2, _slkG3, _slkG4];


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Thanks Grumpy - I'll give it a shot...

The distilled version of what I'm trying to do for markers (m1-m6)... I'm on my iPad so I can't test now but I think this may be close...

_wpcnt = 0;
_m0 = getpos _slick;
_helogrp = _slick;
    _formstr = call compile format ["_m%1",_wpcnt];
    _wpplus = _wpcnt + 1;
    _formend = call compile format ["_m%1",_wpplus];
    _wpform = [_formdis,_formoff,_formstr,_formend] call _ScoHeloWp;
    _wpslik = _helogrp addWaypoint [_wpform,0];
    _wpcnt = _wpcnt + 1;
} foreach [_m1, _m2, _m3, _m4, _m5, _m6];



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