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Quack O'Neill

Round based ambush setup?

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How can i set up round based gameplay similar to Insurgency Ambush ? 

Im having trouble with end scenario states
It needs to be able to display what side wins or loses when the conditions are met


opfor wins or your team wins

if they kill a specific unit (VIP) !alive vip1;

and if they kill everyone but the vip and the time runs out (higher ratio than the other teams kills


blufor wins or your team wins

if the vip gets to the destinations A or B

and if they kill all of the opposition. or a majority of the opposition before the time runs out.


iv set all of this up, but i cant get it to display that the other team lost at the end, at the moment it just says the same state for both sides no matter who won or lost. Are there any modules that i can use to make what i want ?




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