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ACE 3 Extension Mod (Anim & Actions) + (Placeables)

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ACE3 Extension


Here is my ACE3 Extension mod!






ACE3 Extension (Anim & Actions)






RWybZiP.png                      6U4hYzM.png


More Screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6

Screenshot 7



I am open for ideas, if you have a good idea, just post it!




Thanks to the ACE3 Team!


Thanks to Flax for helping me!


Special Thanks to Direone for giving me his animation files!

Thanks to 654wak654 for helping me alot!!!





-Advanced Combat Environment 3


















ACE3 Extension (Placeables)






Ability to place specific Objects

Ability to move them around and pick them back up



Planned Features:

More placeable Objects

Requirement of Tools such as an Aku Drill



More Screenshots:

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4

Screenshot 5

Screenshot 6




Thanks to the ACE3 Team!


Thanks to mihal190 for ideas and inspiration!

Thanks to 654wak654 for helping me alot!!!





-Advanced Combat Environment 3


















ACE3 Extension (Gestures)






Ability to perform Gestures via ACE Interaction Menu



Planned Features:

More Gestures



More Screenshots:

Screenshot 1




Thanks to the ACE3 Team!





-Advanced Combat Environment 3

-KokaKolaA3's Gesture Pack (Animations)













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Havent tested it yet, but It will be a great addition to the game, keep in mind these poses should be called more specific for example "Standing Relaxed 1" etc.


One more proposition from me, that would be nice if you can integrate into it some animations from direone - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190062-wip-static-animations-pack/

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Love this addon-it makes taking great screenshots much easier :) Would be good if each pose was named instead of numbered.


I agree with the post above about Direone's animations-with his permission of course.

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just to be sure im correct in what im reading, this mod is a mod that only adds Poses. or static animation to the player using ACE self interaction.. 


should this be named ACE3 Photogenics, or ace3 Strike a pose, or ACE3 Animations, or ACE3 Posing. the name Exertions made me think of ACE X ... the X being Extension or extras... where it adds functional stuff to ace. (functional being the key word)


the name "extensions" leads me to think there is more.. good idea though 

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just to be sure im correct in what im reading, this mod is a mod that only adds Poses. or static animation to the player using ACE self interaction.. 


should this be named ACE3 Photogenics, or ace3 Strike a pose, or ACE3 Animations, or ACE3 Posing. the name Exertions made me think of ACE X ... the X being Extension or extras... where it adds functional stuff to ace. (functional being the key word)


the name "extensions" leads me to think there is more.. good idea though 

Adding new Poses was the first step. Im working on including a lot more!


PS: I will add a more detailed list later

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Havent tested it yet, but It will be a great addition to the game, keep in mind these poses should be called more specific for example "Standing Relaxed 1" etc.


One more proposition from me, that would be nice if you can integrate into it some animations from direone - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190062-wip-static-animations-pack/

Thanks for your Feedback! I will look into it!

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and to be sure i come across as an asshole alot its just in my blood i guess so i appoligize if thats how it seems i was just saying nice job but i feel like the name can be missleading right now. 


Again Thanks for this. 

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and to be sure i come across as an asshole alot its just in my blood i guess so i appoligize if thats how it seems i was just saying nice job but i feel like the name can be missleading right now. 


Again Thanks for this. 

You don't have to apologize! You're right that the name might be misleading at the moment, but be sure, i will extend the mod more!

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Havent tested it yet, but It will be a great addition to the game, keep in mind these poses should be called more specific for example "Standing Relaxed 1" etc.


One more proposition from me, that would be nice if you can integrate into it some animations from direone - https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190062-wip-static-animations-pack/

First of all, I would like to thank you for adding this mod. It's been something I been waiting for forever. This mods gives us the ability to make Arma 3 feel more life-like and alive. Please extend it with even more and lifelike animations like said above and agian THANKS!

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A Question to Everyone:
I looked into Direones Relax and NoCombat Poses, these animations are "static", so there is no movement. I won't add these animations to the main mod, but i would make another version just for screenshot makers, would you like that because you can't use the animations in a normal MilSim or any other Game Type, or does someone has a better idea?

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A Question to Everyone:

I looked into Direones Relax and NoCombat Poses, these animations are "static", so there is no movement. I won't add these animations to the main mod, but i would make another version just for screenshot makers, would you like that because you can't use the animations in a normal MilSim or any other Game Type, or does someone has a better idea?



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Yes you are right all of these are static but some of them would be really nice to see here for example from combat poses that would be nice to see  combat_4 and combat_5 which are pretty nice and would be usefull imo :>


For relax ones it would be nice to get 7, 8, 9, 12, 15(abc), 22, 37, 44, 45 and 46


To check these poses you need to download a mod and check pose_pics folders :)

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A Question to Everyone:

I looked into Direones Relax and NoCombat Poses, these animations are "static", so there is no movement. I won't add these animations to the main mod, but i would make another version just for screenshot makers, would you like that because you can't use the animations in a normal MilSim or any other Game Type, or does someone has a better idea?


Not going to say this is a better idea, but would it be possible for you to add a "static poses" category/menu (so for instance, Actions, Animations, poses, static poses) just to differentiate it from your animated poses while at the same time make both available without having to run two mods? Reason I ask is because at least the way my community does things we'd usually just take photos at the beginning or end of an actual mission vs doing a separate "photo-op" just to take pictures. This will be much appreciated because it will make for better photos, vs everyone just standing around.

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Not going to say this is a better idea, but would it be possible for you to add a "static poses" category/menu (so for instance, Actions, Animations, poses, static poses) just to differentiate it from your animated poses while at the same time make both available without having to run two mods? Reason I ask is because at least the way my community does things we'd usually just take photos at the beginning or end of an actual mission vs doing a separate "photo-op" just to take pictures. This will be much appreciated because it will make for better photos, vs everyone just standing around.

I was thinking about that too, but other players withour Direones Relax and No Cambat Poses will have the category too, if they click on it there might be a error message or nothing happens and they might think its a bug... 

Is that okay or would you download an extra addon(~1MB or less)

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So, Direone gave me his Animation files, so i will add these Animations to the main mod, no one has to download something else and no one will get an error message! There will be a different category for Direones animations!

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If you have Direones animations in the one pack then you're pretty much forcing people to download that mod as well even if they might not want to use it or if Milsim units wanna use the immersive A3 animations but don't want to use Direones static ones. Gotta please both parties, a version with just A3 Animations and one with A3 Anims + D1 Anims is the best way to go for flexibility within the community. 


Nvm I see he gave you the files.

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Thanks. Although it happens pretty often it can't be overstated how good it is to see modders work together and make the game better for everyone. 

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Update 27.09.16


This are my plans for this mod:



ACE Extension (Anims/Actions)


Version 0.7:

-fix bugs

-add Direone`s animations


Version 1.0:

-All vanilla Arma 3 animations, that fits to the mod are added

-reduce the amount of bugs to minimum



ACE 3 Extension (Placeables)

-Add more Placeable Objects like Roadbarriers etc. to ACE



ACE 3 Extension (Food)

-Add eating and drinking





These are my "plans", im not sure if i can do all of the stuff, because of my limited scripting skills.

Im not able to work on this mod everyday, for a month or two because of school.


If someone wants to help, just contact me here or add me on steam (KokaKolaA3).


As you might already noticed, i want to make Arma more "Lifelike", thats my Goal with these mods, all mods will be optional, so you can choose between them or combine them.

Im open for ideas, if you have a good one, just tell me! 


Since im not sure about making the "Food" Extension, it would be great if you post your ideas and requests!

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For the eating stuff :  Heros Survive mod.   For the animations: If you can check how many in the team there is,you could add a random animation to the poses.And a random pose.  And add a small script file that make it run a set pose after a number of minutes,then change to the next one,if not in combat.


It would be very useful to make all playeble,and then simply shift to that group/ai and point to some ai,and make it play the pose.  If we can get the animation where they do pull-ups,or motorpool work on vehicles,it will be a +100 for me


This is a great idea!  Thanks!

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Im having some issues with adding Direone`s Animations, "static" animations won't work on players, so i can't add them, but it works if you don't have any weapon in your hand -.- ?!?


The animations looks wierd when you holding no weapon, but i included all those animations that looks good without weapons.

I just have to fix 1 bug, then im ready for the new release


Maybe someone knows a way how to perform static animations on players?

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I dont think it work on players.


Sir, can you make some poses like attention posture.




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I don't made any animations used in the pack, but i could ask Direone

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I dont think it work on players.


Sir, can you make some poses like attention posture.




How about this? ^^      ~thanks to Direone!



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