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searchlight: class reflectors on static weapon

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searchlight: class reflectors on static weapon


is it possible? has anyone managed to have a searchlight static in A3?

we had loads of them in A2 unsung - by adding ight mem points (L svetlo and konec L svetla) and selection (L svetlo) in the model, L svetlo selection in the model.cfg, and the class reflectors config (see below) to static weapons like M2, dshk etc


in A3 we have done the same, and added the new values which work fine on land vehicles like a jeep with a moving searchlight turret

but not a one of the static weapons work.


is it an engine limitation of A3? can it be added in a future release?


example of our static M2 with searchlight

	class uns_m2_high: StaticMGWeapon
		scope = 2;
		side = 1;
		faction = "UNSUNG_W";
		vehicleClass = "aa_uns_static_US";
		editorSubcategory = "aa_uns_static_US";
		crew = "uns_men_USMC_65_MGSG2";

		displayName = "M-2HB .50cal (High)";
		model = "\uns_static\m2\uns_M2_high.p3d";
		picture = "\uns_static\ico\pic_m2_mg_CA.paa";
		icon = "\uns_static\ico\icon_m2_CA.paa";
		mapSize = 4;
		nameSound = "veh_staticMGweapon";
		getInAction = "GetInlow";
		getOutAction = "GetOutlow";
		class Turrets: Turrets 
			class MainTurret: MainTurret 
				proxyType = "CPGunner";
				proxyIndex = 1;
				weapons[] = {"uns_m2"};
				magazines[] = {
				gunBeg = "usti_hlavne";
				gunEnd = "konec_hlavne";
				body = "FRONT_Turret";
				gun = "FRONT_Gun";
				animationSourceBody = "FRONT_Turret";
				animationSourceGun = "FRONT_Gun";
				selectionFireAnim = "FRONT_zasleh";
				gunnerLeftHandAnimName = "handle_L";
				gunnerRightHandAnimName = "handle_R";
				memoryPointGunnerOptics = "FRONT_gunnerview";
				gunnerOpticsModel = "\A3\weapons_f\reticle\optics_empty";
				gunnerForceOptics = 0;
				gunnerAction = "uns_M2_Gunner";
				gunnerInAction = "uns_M2_Gunner";
				gunnergetInAction = "GetInLow";
				gunnergetOutAction = "GetOutLow";
				stabilizedInAxes = "StabilizedInAxesNone";
				turretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
				discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800};
				discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
				initElev = 0;
				minElev = -45;
				maxElev = 75;
				initTurn = 0;
				minTurn = -360;
				maxTurn = 360;
				class ViewOptics: ViewOptics 
					initAngleX = 0;
					minAngleX = -45;
					maxAngleX = 75;
					initAngleY = 0;
					minAngleY = -120;
					maxAngleY = 120;
					initFov = 0.4;
					minFov = 0.4;
					maxFov = 0.4;
					turretInfoType = "RscWeaponZeroing";
					discreteDistance[] = {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1600,1700,1800};
					discreteDistanceInitIndex = 0;
				class ViewGunner 
					initAngleX = 0;
					minAngleX = -45;
					maxAngleX = 75;
					initAngleY = 0;
					minAngleY = -120;
					maxAngleY = 120;
					initFov = 0.7;
					minFov = 0.7;
					maxFov = 0.7;
		class assembleInfo 
			primary = 0;
			base = "";
			assembleTo = "";
			dissasembleTo[] = {"uns_m2_high_US_Bag","uns_Tripod_Bag"};
			displayName = "";
		class AnimationSources 
			class FRONT_ReloadAnim
				source = "reload";
				weapon = "uns_m2";
			class FRONT_recoil_source: FRONT_ReloadAnim
				animPeriod = 0.01;
			class FRONT_ReloadMagazine: FRONT_ReloadAnim
				source = "reloadmagazine";
			class FRONT_Revolving: FRONT_ReloadAnim
				source = "revolving";
		class Reflectors
			class Light 
				position = "L svetlo";
				direction = "konec L svetla";
				hitpoint = "L svetlo";
				selection = "L svetlo";
				color[] = {7000,7500,10000};
				ambient[] = {70,75,100};
				intensity = 50;
				size = 1;
				innerAngle = 15;
				outerAngle = 65;
				coneFadeCoef = 10;
				useFlare = 1;
				flareSize = 10;
				flareMaxDistance = 250;
				dayLight = 0;
				class Attenuation
					start = 0;
					constant = 0;
					linear = 1;
					quadratic = 1;
					hardLimitStart = 100;
					hardLimitEnd = 200;
	class uns_M2_high: uns_M2_low
		skeletonName = "uns_M2_skeleton";
		sectionsInherit = "uns_M2_low";
			"L svetlo","FRONT_zasleh"

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Reflectors inside Turrets are currently broken in A3 as of a few patches back (v1.56). There is a feedback tracker request to fix it, but it's been assigned a low priority. :-(



Are you sure that your searchlight on eg Jeep is currently steerable?

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yeah we have working searchlights on jeeps, boats and also zu23 cannons when mounted on a btr40, or m60s mounted on a boat or m134 on a gunship door or cobra nose turret for example.

all works as expected. EXCEPT they are just not working on a class staticweapon

to be clear, the class reflectors is not configged inside the turret, it is in the main vehicle config. the turret controls the reflector though.


the basic static searchlight model from A2, which i imported to A3, much like the M2 or any other staticweapon class will not show any light sources.

i believe this is because the core config does not include this function for class staticweapon like it does for all other main vehicleclasses -

i believe it is an oversight by BI.


hmm in your link i see many experienced modders having problems because they included class reflectors inside their turret class. i dont see any need to do that unless maybe it gives local control of the light switch to turret occupants maybe. you can just slave the light selection to the gun selection for each turret, then list them all in cfgvehicles / class vehicle/ class reflectors and they all work fine so long as you have the config of the turret done right.


ours all currently work fine

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hmm in your link i see many experienced modders having problems because they included class reflectors inside their turret class. i dont see any need to do that unless maybe it gives local control of the light switch to turret occupants maybe. you can just slave the light selection to the gun selection for each turret, then list them all in cfgvehicles / class vehicle/ class reflectors and they all work fine so long as you have the config of the turret done right.

well, controlling it by gunner is main point. daylights are auto turned off by ai in combat

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did you RHS guys port the arma 2 searchlight static weapon? basically it just will not work for me.

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You defined it in vehicle class, not turret class. Static weapons have no driver -> can't turn on/off light at all.

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oh i see. well in arma2 it worked fine. i guess this is what has changed in arma 3 then?

so if i add it into the turret class it should work?

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so if i add it into the turret class it should work?

No, see the ticket posted earlier. turret reflectors don't move at all due to the bug. You can turn them on/off but that's it.

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ok i see thanks. at least i got the mto light up. wouldn't do it out of the turret class. different to arma 2

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