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[WIP] Jetman Wingsuit

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Concept / Idea:
This Mod is based on and inspired by Yves 'Jetman' Rossy's wing-suit system which utilises a carbon-fibre wing and is powered by four Jet-Cat P200 jet engines.
Yves Rossy is a swiss aviation pilot and enthusiast who is always pushing the boundaries of human flight with his experimental jet-packs which has brought him the title 'Jetman' and thus the name of this mod :)

If you want more info/media search for 'Jetman' on Youtube.

I also drew inspiration from Flay's Hang-glider mod which started me thinking about all the means of human flight that could be possible in the Arma 3 engine.


Although this mod is heavily based on Yves Rossy's wing it is not a carbon copy.

Mod Development:
The Jetwing has been in development since August 2016, during which time it has went through initial-idea -> concept -> 3D modelling -> texturing -> game rigging phases. 
The wing, harness, engines and engine mount models are fully ported into the Arma 3 game engine including all LODs, Textures and Materials.

I have to create a suitable chute-bag to compliment the wing and complete the aesthetics of the model, it will sit in the space between the wing to the rear of the harness.

Aside from the chute-bag the mod is into the development / testing phase where I am fine-tuning the flight model, working on animations and creating the associated code/eventhandlers to enable a smooth transition from launch > flight > landing.






Port parachute bag model.

Polish code/EH.

Tweak the sounds.

SP/MP Testing.

I may do some camo-variants, we will see.






Models, Textures, Materials, Animations, Configs, Code created by me.

Yves Rossy - for his innovation.
Mikero - for his tool suite.
BI for Arma 3.

Zeealex - Vertex weights magician.
Redphoenix - Early concept thoughts & imagery, critique and enthusiasm.
PuFu - Rigging Advice and model critique.

I know there is a Jet-pack mod in development which is a different type of jet-powered flight than the 'Jetman' concept, it's impressive and I wish it all the success it deserves.
Hopefully these mods can sit side by side along with all the other innovative mods out there!

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Between this, Riten's Jet Pack Mod, his Hot Air balloon mod and Sabre's Powered Paraglider, there will be no shortage of alternate aviation in Arma! Looking forward to this  :)

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Back in the day, OFP had many unique/odd units. I think this added to the game, it gave it variation and a uniqueness that hasn't yet been matched. Today, it's mods like the WingSuit and others that will hopefully bring that feeling back to the series once again. I look forward to its eventual release. 

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FFv planned for this one?   Formation lights for Dusk/Night flight would be useful,a parachute for rescue also.  This mod is AWSOME!  Thank you.

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how about missiles and small bombs. would love that :lol:


looking good so far.

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Just dropping grenades from up there would be insanely cool!

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  On 9/20/2016 at 12:28 AM, bad benson said:

how about missiles and small bombs. would love that :lol:


looking good so far.

Like the GI Joe´s Combat wings old toy!


Awesome... =)

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Saw him perform in person once at an airshow. Very cool.

Was planning on doing a wing-suit myself at some point.

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Amazing, I always like to see more novel addons like this. OFP was full of them, but unfortunately as the franchise progressed we got to see fewer and fewer of them.

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man. this is way too awesome. i had no idea it was rooted in reality this much.


now someone needs to port that take on helicopter Seattle map so we can relive those sky scarper fly bys.

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Updated main post with video link for you lovely people :)

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Yes and no, currently in Arma there exists no way for me to implement the mechanics I would require in which I would want to release it.


In the interests of clarity this might see the light of day in a future engine or if features are added to RV that enable the implementation I desire, until then I will have this thread locked.

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