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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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  On 12/21/2017 at 4:56 PM, alganthe said:

Did you have a player unit placed?

Yeah two units placed, will try again, as it might have been something I did, will try and screen grab the error..

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Does the error looks like this?
If that's the case it's simply a mod missing and the item won't be added to said loadout, they should still be transferred properly.

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No, this is the error, as you can see, in one screen it says one of the load outs has been loaded, but the character is still default, and when you go to test, it's the default load out. 





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How did you end up with this O.o?
The loadouts didn't import properly as you can see, they're empty for most of them and contain errors, delete them and re-run the func.
Make sure to copy paste properly otherwise it might give you the same result.

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not a clue!! I copied and pasted the contents of your post above, it did transfer the load outs as said, but nothing gets loaded, also of interest, there's nothing showing within the arsenal, like the various bits of gear etc.

I haven't got a clue what the error means, or says.. apart from " we ain't playing" LOL

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Can anyone tell me what the "medical_allowUnconciousAnimationOnTreatment" and "ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconcious" does in the CBA settings? I have never seen that before. And while I'm sure they are self explanatory before enabling or disabling them on our server I'd like to know what they do exactly first.

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  On 12/21/2017 at 5:09 PM, alganthe said:

How did you end up with this O.o?
The loadouts didn't import properly as you can see, they're empty for most of them and contain errors, delete them and re-run the func.
Make sure to copy paste properly otherwise it might give you the same result.

Okay, it's working as it should, I think the issue was the last time I tried, and hit the local exec button, nothing happened, it seemed to hang, this time it generated the command, and the custom load outs are showing, complete.

Thanks for your patience.

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No worries,

  On 12/21/2017 at 5:14 PM, rekkless said:

Can anyone tell me what the "medical_allowUnconciousAnimationOnTreatment" and "ace_medical_moveUnitsFromGroupOnUnconcious" does in the CBA settings? I have never seen that before. And while I'm sure they are self explanatory before enabling or disabling them on our server I'd like to know what they do exactly first.

Those are server only settings and thus have no description / display name

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If you get shoot down you will removed from your group so that the enemy stops shooting at you.

I hope thats true. But I think after moving in your group you are no longer the leader.

I have deactivated this.

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@Alganthe, I think he would like to know what those settings affect if changed one way or the other.

iV Ghost has one answered.   Thanks!

What does the first one refer to regarding unconscious treatment animation?

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I have two issues / complaints - already posted in the GitHub but figured I post here as well:
1.) Issue regarding saving and loading ACE Settings, as well as usage of the import / export functionality
---> https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/5945

2.) Issue regarding RPT spam in-editor whilst applying ACE Settings
---> https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/issues/5946

Despite the frustration, overall am liking the various fixes and changes. ACE Arsenal implementation is frustrating at the moment, but I can tell that it is far more useful both for the player and the mission maker. Hope that the importing presets from vanilla VA gets implemented as well.

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  On 12/21/2017 at 3:38 PM, road runner said:

You missed the point entirely, because it overwrites the VA within EDEN, I'd say that pretty much fucked the VA within the EDEN editor, especially when there was no warning that it would do that.

That being said, I'm still grateful for all that ACE has to offer, and the steps being taken to offer a solution, all one has to do is read some of the comments posted on your steam page, to see it was the biggest complaint of the update. I'm satisfied that removing the ACE arsenal is a short term solution, so thank you for that, the ACE arsenal layout though, is pretty cool, it would be the cherry on the top if the VA custom load outs can be ported over in a later update.

I understood it, just wanted to clarify for anyone reading due to the wording used. Sadly Steam page is a mess with useless comments from people who can't be bothered to read anything at all and we do not track it often. And thank you!


  On 12/21/2017 at 4:19 PM, Hova311 said:

Did the recent update make changes to the stamina mod? After the update seems like it has?

No changes from what I remember.

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Hi. I am using the latest dev build and ACE 3.12.0. I am getting the following error popup whenever I preview a mission:


'...fnc_setting.sqf", 28 + 1]];



if ([I#I_settingName, "mission"] call CBA_settin...'

Error Undefined variable in expression: _settingname

File z\ace\addons\common\functions\fnc_setSetting.sqf, line 13


Any ideas what could be causing this?


Also, has anyone noticed the editor has become very laggy recently? For me there is a delay whenever I draw a box around units to select them, or when I click and drag them to a different place on the map.

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Can someone explain how to use the CBA Settings for a mission on a dedicated server?

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  On 12/21/2017 at 4:04 PM, rekkless said:


After reading the public "press" release can I just confirm you are now recommending all mission makers and server admins remove all ACE modules from their missions and mission framework? and force use the CBA settings instead?


That's correct, those systems are considered deprecated as they have been replaced by CBA settings. They will eventually stop working as code is updated in future versions.

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  On 12/21/2017 at 2:03 PM, alganthe said:
params [["_override", false, [false]]];
private _VALoadouts = +(profilenamespace getvariable ["bis_fnc_saveInventory_data",[]]);
private _aceLoadouts = +(profileNamespace getVariable ["ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts",[]]);

if (_VALoadouts isEqualTo []) exitWith {};

for "_i" from 0 to (count _VALoadouts - 1) step 2 do {
   _name = _VALoadouts select _i;
   _inventory = _VALoadouts select (_i + 1);

   private _sameNameLoadoutsList = _aceLoadouts select {_x select 0 == _name};
   [player, [profilenamespace, _name]] call bis_fnc_loadinventory;
   private _loadout = getUnitLoadout player;

   if (count _sameNameLoadoutsList > 0) then {
       if (_override) then {
           _aceLoadouts set [_aceLoadouts find (_sameNameLoadoutsList select 0), [_name, _loadout]];

   } else {
       _aceLoadouts pushBack [_name, _loadout];

profileNamespace setVariable ["ace_arsenal_saved_loadouts", _aceLoadouts];

For now copy pasting this in the debug console and running it will copy all the loadouts from BI VA to ACE Arsenal, note that missing mod items will not be ported over.
Please note that you need a player unit to be present in 3DEN.



Doesnt seem to be working anymore for me. Was working the when you first posted it just stopped.


Its transfers over the loudout names however each loadout is usually wearing completely different stuff to what my actual VA loadouts are wearing. Same mods and same everything as when it was last working. 

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  On 12/22/2017 at 2:17 AM, CPT J. Shaw said:

Can someone explain how to use the CBA Settings for a mission on a dedicated server?

Iam curious too.

Never used that.  Why you just couldnt let the modules be? 

Modules are easy,  mudules are nice modules are good. Now i have to search some settings somewhere.  NOt mentioning that Modules are sitting there on the map in the editor where you can see them as nice icons, so you can confortably and quickly change a desired setting, by just clicking an icon wich is easy to find.  I hate to navigate menus and lists. icons are much easier to navigate because you can place them in groups and organise them. Also menus come in Lines and lines are much easier to overlook than icons, because lines look all the same.  Did i mention that i hate menus and lists? i allways end up lost in them.  Also where is the Bloody CBA settings thing in EDEN? Cant bloody find it.  


And off course i bet i would have to set all the settings again, because the darn menus will not automaticaly copy the settings i set in the modules. And i would have to do it in every mission i made. F**k!

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  1. I have created a folder named "userconfig/" in the root of my server.
  2. In this I have placed a file named "cba_settings.sqf".
  3. Then I go into my mission in the 3den editor and play as singleplayer.
  4. In the mission I open configure -> mod options and edit all the content.
  5. I export the content with the "Export"-button.
  6. I paste it into my "cba_setting.sqf".
  7. And uploaded the file in my created "userconfig/" folder.


If AceServer was active the "userconfig/" still exist.

  1. I deleted @aceserver from my server.
  2. I delete config file for this which layed in the "userconfig/ace/" folder.
  3. I delete @aceserver from my startparameters.



But I have still some problems which I have postet in the CBA thread.



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  On 12/22/2017 at 2:17 AM, CPT J. Shaw said:

Can someone explain how to use the CBA Settings for a mission on a dedicated server?

https://github.com/CBATeam/CBA_A3/wiki/CBA-Settings-System as linked in the news post.


  On 12/22/2017 at 10:25 AM, Mirek said:

Iam curious too.

Never used that.  Why you just couldnt let the modules be? 

Modules are easy,  mudules are nice modules are good. Now i have to search some settings somewhere.  NOt mentioning that Modules are sitting there on the map in the editor where you can see them as nice icons, so you can confortably and quickly change a desired setting, by just clicking an icon wich is easy to find.  I hate to navigate menus and lists. icons are much easier to navigate because you can place them in groups and organise them. Also menus come in Lines and lines are much easier to overlook than icons, because lines look all the same.  Did i mention that i hate menus and lists? i allways end up lost in them.  Also where is the Bloody CBA settings thing in EDEN? Cant bloody find it.  


And off course i bet i would have to set all the settings again, because the darn menus will not automaticaly copy the settings i set in the modules. And i would have to do it in every mission i made. F**k!

Because we couldn't, they are not easy, they are not nice or good, they come with all sorts of issues and more work to have them. It is in fact easier. If you hate menus and lists, there is nothing we can do and is entirely subjective, fact is CBA Settings are way easier than modules. Now stop complaining and go read the documentation I linked above, it explains exactly where to find them in Eden. When you are done with that go read the news post that was released shortly before the update, instead of jumping to false conclusions that your settings are lost.

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So I have a question with this new NVG effect. What was the thought process on making it limit your view distance to like 1km? Very annoying feature honestly and the noise effect is a little...strong to say the least. Like even on a bright full moon night and no cloud cover with a shit ton of ambient light you can't see anything. What's up with that? I know for a fact that's not how NVG's look in real life on nice bright night.

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I went into the options and dialed the effects waaaaay back. I remember watching Dyslexis video explaining why they created the mod in the fashion they did but it seems too grainy and blurry to me.


Felt like a 1990s version of NVGs.


Then again, I’ve never used a pair IRL.

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  On 12/22/2017 at 4:38 PM, Rich_R said:

I went into the options and dialed the effects waaaaay back. I remember watching Dyslexis video explaining why they created the mod in the fashion they did but it seems too grainy and blurry to me.


Felt like a 1990s version of NVGs.


Then again, I’ve never used a pair IRL.

Agreed, I think the noise and stuff looked pretty accurate in his video. But the current default settings just makes the RHS PVS-15's look like you trying to shoot charlies through your vietnam era starlight scope. From my understanding the PVS-15's and 31's are pretty clear, still some noise that gets worse with bad weather/low light and what not but far clearer than what is currently depicted.


Here is a reference video


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