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Little David Hand - Rapel Help

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This will assist you when jumping on a edge.
It was stracted from my mod BRPVP and if some error happens, please post here.

[] spawn {
	_safePos = [0,0,0];
	BRPVP_rapelRapelling = false;
	BRPVP_rapelRope = objNull;

	BRPVP_rapelStopRapel = {
		ropeDestroy BRPVP_rapelRope;
		deleteVehicle BRPVP_svCriaVehRetorno;
		(findDisplay 46) displayRemoveEventHandler ["KeyUp",BRPVP_rapelKeyUpEH];
		BRPVP_rapelRapelling = false;
	BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwind = {
		if (!isNull (_this select 0)) then {
			ropeUnwind _this;
			BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwindPV = _this;
			publicVariable "BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwindPV";
	BRPVP_svCriaVeh = {
		BRPVP_svCriaVehEnvio = _this;
		publicVariableServer "BRPVP_svCriaVehEnvio";
	BRPVP_rapelOnDanger = {
		params ["_pP","_rapelHSafe"];
		_onDanger = false;
		_pPA = ASLToATL _pP;
		_lis = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_pP vectorAdd [0,0.2,0.5],_pP vectorAdd [0,0.2,-_rapelHSafe],player,objNull,true,1,"GEOM","NONE"];
		//drawLine3D [_pPA vectorAdd [0,0.2,0.5],_pPA vectorAdd [0,0.2,-_rapelHSafe],[1,0,0,1]];
		if (count _lis == 0) then {
			_lis = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_pP vectorAdd [0.15,-0.15,0.5],_pP vectorAdd [0.15,-0.15,-_rapelHSafe],player,objNull,true,1,"GEOM","NONE"];
			//drawLine3D [_pPA vectorAdd [0.15,-0.15,0.5],_pPA vectorAdd [0.15,-0.15,-_rapelHSafe],[0,1,0,1]];
			if (count _lis == 0) then {
				_lis = lineIntersectsSurfaces [_pP vectorAdd [-0.15,-0.15,0.5],_pP vectorAdd [-0.15,-0.15,-_rapelHSafe],player,objNull,true,1,"GEOM","NONE"];
				//drawLine3D [_pPA vectorAdd [-0.15,-0.15,0.5],_pPA vectorAdd [-0.15,-0.15,-_rapelHSafe],[0,0,1,1]];
				if (count _lis == 0) then {
					_onDanger = true;
		if (!_onDanger) then {
			[false,(_lis select 0 select 0) distance _pP]
		} else {

	if (hasInterface) then {
		"BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwindPV" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
			if (!isNull (_this select 1 select 0)) then {
				ropeUnwind (_this select 1);
		"BRPVP_svCriaVehRetorno" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
			BRPVP_rapelRope = ropeCreate [_this select 1,[0,0,0],player,[0,0,1],1.5];

		waitUntil {
			if (!BRPVP_rapelRapelling) then {
				_pP = getPosASL player;
				_rapelIt = [_pP,3.5] call BRPVP_rapelOnDanger;
				if (_rapelIt select 0) then {
					if (animationState player find "ladder" == -1 && _pP distance _safePos <= 2) then {
						BRPVP_rapelRapelling = true;
						_vel = velocity player;
						_pole = (vectorNormalized _vel) vectorMultiply 0.8;
						_pR = (_pP vectorAdd _pole) vectorAdd [0,0,-0.5];
						[player,["B_static_AA_F",ASLToAGL _pR,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]] call BRPVP_svCriaVeh;
						BRPVP_rapelKeyUpEH = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp",{
							params ["_unused","_key","_shift","_ctrl","_alt"];
							_return = false;
							if (!isNull BRPVP_rapelRope) then {
								if (_key == 0x11 && ropeUnwound BRPVP_rapelRope) then {
									_return = true;
									[BRPVP_rapelRope,5,-0.5,true] call BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwind;
								if (_key == 0x1F && ropeUnwound BRPVP_rapelRope) then {
									_return = true;
									_delta = 2 min (((getPos player) select 2) - 0.1);
									[BRPVP_rapelRope,5,_delta,true] call BRPVP_rapelRopeUnwind;
								if (_key == 0x39 && !_shift) then {
									_return = true;
									call BRPVP_rapelStopRapel;
								if (_key == 0x39 && _shift) then {
									_return = true;
									call BRPVP_rapelStopRapel;
									_dir = getDir player;
									player setVelocity [5*sin(_dir),5*cos(_dir),2.5];
								if (_key in actionKeys "Prone") then {_return = true;};
				} else {
					_h = _rapelIt select 1;
					if (vehicle player == player && stance player != "PRONE" && _h < 0.25) then {
						_safePos = _pP;
			} else {
				if (!isNull BRPVP_rapelRope) then {
					if !(([getPosASL player,0.5] call BRPVP_rapelOnDanger) select 0) then {
						call BRPVP_rapelStopRapel;
	if (isServer) then {
		"BRPVP_svCriaVehEnvio" addPublicVariableEventHandler {
			(_this select 1) params ["_p","_param"];
			_veh = createVehicle _param;
			_veh enableSimulation false;
			hideObjectGlobal _veh;
			BRPVP_svCriaVehRetorno = _veh;
			(owner _p) publicVariableClient "BRPVP_svCriaVehRetorno";

To install it copy the code to the root of your init.sqf.

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This was working to prevent player to go prone while in rope, but not working anymore.

if (_key in actionKeys "Prone") then {_return = true;};

Any help is apreciated.

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