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Overclocking i7-4790k, does it really make a difference?

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Not exactly a scientific approach, but does offer some insight to overclocking benefits.


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It varies from game to game. In arma you will definitely see an difference if you overclock. Although that CPU would get you pretty sweet performance anyway :)

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OCing a good CPU is one of the few things that actually does make a difference, in most situations.


If you're playing a poorly-optimized and/or overpopulated scenario you are still going to have problems though.

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I see about 10 % on my chip going from turbo 3.8 to OC 4.4

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depends, Ram at times can even have a bigger factor in Arma performance then a Good Cpu with horrible ram... DDR3 2400mhz vs 1866 Mhz is the equivalent of a 0.4 - 0.8ghz over clock 4gen I5 cpu to 4.8 ghz (stock 3.5) here is a graph showing Ram benchmarks http://cdn.overclock.net/d/d0/d0442906_iYvJYkq.png 

also if you are playing online FPS is limited to the server and the mission of which it is running. I7 vs I5 for games I5 wins... not worth the extra money for 1 fps difference and in most programs you wont notice much gain from hyper threading

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The trouble with the 4790K is that it's already in a high state of tune. There's not much more performance to got from it.


I chuckled when I saw all the online reports that 5 GHz isn't achievable with this CPU, seeing them as a challenge, rather than advice. After lots of fiddling, I couldn't get it stable north of 4.6 GHz. These days, I run it at stock, especially during the summer.

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I think the truth is, provided you have the ram, you don't need to overclock the 4790k, its more than capable to run A2 or A3.

But some see overclocking as the ultimate, I don't see that at all.


Just a thought, isn't the 4790k supposed to have the best single thread performance of most Intels. Although that would depend on usage no doubt. ;)

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Agreed, chrisb, especially with the 4790K.


I never find myself wanting for performance with this chip (and 16 GB of good RAM and an SSD). If I do struggle, I know it's not because of my hardware.

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