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Dynamic Sound AI - RUG DSAI A3

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RUG DSAI (of ArmA fame) move on Arma 3

All credits must go to the autors and persons who have created this addon and those who have been involved to keep it alive.

There is any new langage since Arma2 but if someone has a whole package of a new one I can include it on the pack.


Credits & Thanks:

Sickboy, Wolfrug ,6th Sense & Thunderbird

Palyamerc for german's voices pack

Titi & Dystopian1 (who rejoined me on this project)


It gives your and the enemies AI a voice beyond the stale radio messages.

* Ready made scripts for Dynamic Sound AI that is easily modifiable by the end-user.
* Your AI will shout curses at the enemy, tell you when they're reloading, throwing a grenade, engaging, when they're hurt, fleeing or when they've scored a big kill! And much more.
* Works in both SP, client-side MP and server-side MP
* Features English, Arab, Russian, Spanish and german voices
* Can assign voices to all sides (BLUFOR, OPFOR, Independent, Civilian, SideEnemy)
* Easily activated/deactived by mission makers, addon makers or server admins as required, using global variables and config entries (see below for more information)
* Auto-initialization using CBA (fully CBA compatible)

* Factions Auto detection voices for Vanilla, RHS, CUP & IFA. (no need to open mission to add command line but old way works yet see optional below)

* CBA setting to enable or diseable sentences in addon configuration
* No further langage will be added 

* Only English voices are extensive, other languages are mostly combat-oriented
* Serverkey included



Included .pbo files:






- Added factions configuration for FOW and WW2 Massi's units
- Syntax error corrected in Dsai_loop.sqf (Thanks to Dystopian1)

- Base classes cleaned for RHS and IFA in CfgFactionClasses to evoid inheritance conflic
Thanks to Dystopian1 & Kju 


- Added IFA factions configuration. These factions don't need to be configured by mission designer and units speak automatically in any mission
- Bug corrected reload shout



- Commands selection ordered as below
a/ If Rug_dsai_sides array is used in a gamelogic it overrides all languages set by factions default selection.
b/ If a language on a group leader is applied (ex: this setVariable ["RUG_DSAI_LANG", "RUG_DSAIRUS"];) it overrides the language of the group only set by factions default selection.
c/ If any languages have been set by gamelogic or on leader group, the default selection faction runs automatically.

Thanks to Dystopian1


- Fixed the old reload shout "reloading" (now sound is heard after AI reload weapon for real)
- Fixed bug in water where Ai were able to talk underwater if they start in and lost theirs voices when exiting it
- Fixed CBA settings to enable or disable sentences in rug dsai addon configuration page in game
  Thanks to LarsAspra & Leopard20


- Added language configuration per factions (vanilla, RHS, CUP). These factions don't need to be configured by mission designer and units speak automatically in any mission
- Added "Disable sentences" CBA setting in "DSAI" category, checked by default
- Optimized much code (init mainly)
- Some scheduled code is replaced with unscheduled counterpart
Thanks to Dystopian1 for these new features



1- Extended delay for sentence "reloading"
2- Generic voices weren't audible


1- Changed eventhandlers command in .cpp
2- Reduced levels of some english sounds
3- Deleted lip files (Credits to Tomolyons for finding the issue, thanks a lot)

1- Reworked base scripts from A2 to A3 and fixed some bugs

2 - Added logo and names' reference of autors
3- Deleting entries of missing sounds
4- Adjusted some levels sounds
5- New serverkey


Listed classes below:

  Reveal hidden contents


- Optional since v.1.1
To select voices in old way that have to be played in game, create game logic somewhere in your scenario (thanks to Alex840 for MP issue) and put in it's init field the array (example as below):


or add command on leaders groups like:

this setVariable ["RUG_DSAI_LANG", "RUG_DSAIRUS"]; 


Note: Vanilla CSAT & CUP Czech are not listed in our factions, you need to use the optional way and implement language you want.


How it runs:

Works on SP, MP & MP synchronized (if both server and client mod active)



Not allowed:

Any commercial use (monetized servers included)



Download links below:

#1 Sendspace

#2 My Drive




Community Base addons A3



For steam users:

Same version on steam: RUG_DSAI_A3



Advanced installation notes on the BIKI page.



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The issues regarding permissions concerning this mod have been resolved. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Awesome. This was definitely one of my favourite mods in A2.

Is this MP compatible?

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  On 7/20/2016 at 2:38 PM, domokun said:

Awesome. This was definitely one of my favourite mods in A2.

Is this MP compatible?

SP and MP compatible

Serverkey inside


Some english voices are too loud I known and if I had a few time I will try to find and decrease them

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Currently using this playing RAVAGE, works a charm. Thanks for releasing such an old favourite of mine Titi. ;)

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Thanks Foxhound,


My favorite biker ;)

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Thanks Titi :)


Can you add download links in first post?

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I just wanted to say I love this mod. Makes firefights way more fun especially with the German voices added since it feels like I'm playing against the bad guys from Die Hard 1!!!


I do have one problem and it may be other mod related since I load this up with JSRS APEX, ACE, Enhance Movement, TPW MOD for ambiance, GroupLink 5 FX beta build, Blastcore, Headgore, Bloodlust and other movement / interaction mods.


When it first starts up, the AI starts to talk as if they are underwater. There is a slight stutter as if the sounds are reverbing or perhaps more than 1 AI is talking but using the same exact lines, though within a fraction of a second apart.


I have lowered most of my settings to ensure over 25 FPS and game runs smooth in SP.


I have been testing this extensively with the mentioned mods and on ESCAPE TANOA SP mission.


And I just noticed the WIKI link on how to make further sounds! Is there a script to the all the English phrases so we can look at making similar and appropriate language updates?


I'm going to rope in some friends and colleagues for good old fashion battle cursing fun!  :D

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  On 8/9/2016 at 4:39 PM, Valken said:

I just wanted to say I love this mod. Makes firefights way more fun especially with the German voices added since it feels like I'm playing against the bad guys from Die Hard 1!!!


I do have one problem and it may be other mod related since I load this up with JSRS APEX, ACE, Enhance Movement, TPW MOD for ambiance, GroupLink 5 FX beta build, Blastcore, Headgore, Bloodlust and other movement / interaction mods.


When it first starts up, the AI starts to talk as if they are underwater. There is a slight stutter as if the sounds are reverbing or perhaps more than 1 AI is talking but using the same exact lines, though within a fraction of a second apart.


I have lowered most of my settings to ensure over 25 FPS and game runs smooth in SP.


I have been testing this extensively with the mentioned mods and on ESCAPE TANOA SP mission.


And I just noticed the WIKI link on how to make further sounds! Is there a script to the all the English phrases so we can look at making similar and appropriate language updates?


I'm going to rope in some friends and colleagues for good old fashion battle cursing fun!  :D

SInce Apex's release some issues appeared with 'say' command.

Some other people have also notice weird sound effects with or without this mod.

Rug_dsai worked well on 2D editor in SP or MP mode, I made several test and I'm a bit confused now.

Hope BI will find the solution.

I've also noticed a issue with Eden and I'm going to release a another version very soon.

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Ah great you noticed it. You can test with the SP mission Escape Tanoa. All it needs is Apex and no other mods to run it.


Also, would it be possible to use some of the default French and Chinese Mandarin voices since it is now built into Apex or are those lines not appropriate to this mod?


Lastly, would it be possible to sync up female voices from RHS mod since it has a female voices in it if it is loaded or detected?

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I love using this mod, but I've had to turn it off for a two reasons. First, if I have it activated and do something in the editor, everyone on the map is constantly talking which tends to lead to the inevitable crash quickly. Not a big deal, I wasn't really deterred by this, but I'm sure its an issue that popped up from Eden and the 3d editor. Again, that is hardly an issue. The big problem I was noticing was that the sounds for many of the English lines are far too loud, so loud that if you play with the volume high (I'm kinda deaf and I love listening to the ambient sounds of the battlefield so I tend to have my volume high) that the sounds start to chop and clip super hard and some become incredibly unpleasant to hear. Definitely not an FPS thing as I'm averaging around 45-60 and 35-40 in large scale battles. How could I fix this? Because I really hate playing with mute squad mates.

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  On 8/9/2016 at 6:12 PM, Valken said:

Ah great you noticed it. You can test with the SP mission Escape Tanoa. All it needs is Apex and no other mods to run it.


Also, would it be possible to use some of the default French and Chinese Mandarin voices since it is now built into Apex or are those lines not appropriate to this mod?


Lastly, would it be possible to sync up female voices from RHS mod since it has a female voices in it if it is loaded or detected?


Yup the problem was in 3D editor rug_dsai was launched before init of the mission was read and could not take knowledge of mission parameters


RUG_DSAI is an arma1 addon, ported on arma2 with German voices and available now on Arma3.

There no plan to add any language because it's a huge work.

But if someone has a whole langage pack working as intended for rug_dsai, I can include it easily.

Langage system in Apex (generaly arma) doesn't work as rug_dsai.

Arma langage is too complex

There are no female voices at all in any langages within rug_dsai :frown:

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  On 8/9/2016 at 7:47 PM, Transflux said:

I love using this mod, but I've had to turn it off for a two reasons. First, if I have it activated and do something in the editor, everyone on the map is constantly talking which tends to lead to the inevitable crash quickly. Not a big deal, I wasn't really deterred by this, but I'm sure its an issue that popped up from Eden and the 3d editor. Again, that is hardly an issue. The big problem I was noticing was that the sounds for many of the English lines are far too loud, so loud that if you play with the volume high (I'm kinda deaf and I love listening to the ambient sounds of the battlefield so I tend to have my volume high) that the sounds start to chop and clip super hard and some become incredibly unpleasant to hear. Definitely not an FPS thing as I'm averaging around 45-60 and 35-40 in large scale battles. How could I fix this? Because I really hate playing with mute squad mates.


Unfortunately voices turns badly for some weird reason since Apex and I'm awaiting an update


Some english voices are too loud as said on my firt post.

There are so many english tracks that is hard to easily find them however if I have time I will try to have a look

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Maybe you should take a look at Unsung, they also did random AI chatter and it works fine.

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  On 9/3/2016 at 7:06 PM, taro8 said:

Maybe you should take a look at Unsung, they also did random AI chatter and it works fine.

Unsung mod uses a Rug_dsai basic version but scripts are pratically the same.

The command is simple: unit say 'blabla'  nothing so difficult

Also this is not a problem due to Rug_Dsai itself but a weird issue since Apex release and reported here and there.

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Did the new 64 bit executable fubar the sounds on this one? I was looking forward to the voices again but it's to choppy.

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Found the cause of the Choppy Audio. Remove the .LIP files from the PBO and everything will sound fine :)



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  On 6/7/2017 at 1:09 PM, tomolyons said:



Found the cause of the Choppy Audio. Remove the .LIP files from the PBO and everything will sound fine :)



Thanks a lot mate that worked like a charm !

Many people will enjoy it

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Addon updated this day !

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Nice. Any chance this will be distributed on SWS?

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Updated to v1.02

1- Extended delay for sentence "reloading"
2- Generic voices weren't audible

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