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Advanced Rappelling

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This mod is very impressive Duda, you and many other mod makers are doing things that were supposedly impossible with this engine and it is fantastic.

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v1.1 Released!






  • Adding rappelling sounds (thanks to Mynock for the audio files). Still supports server-side install, however, clients without the addon enabled locally won't hear the sounds.
  • Adding ability to detach before reaching ground
  • Player will fall off rope if end reached
  • Rappel action removed if moving more than 150km/h
  • Improved rope attachment points on player (comes down middle and now hangs off right hip)
  • Added function to auto-rappel cargo units at a specific position and height. See directions on first page! You can now tell AI helis to drop AI within ~1m accuracy and from a specific height!
  • Added support for APEX VTOLS


Demo of auto-AI deploy:


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Hi Duda, really impressive work and so lightweight


Don't know if this belongs here or in the sling load thread, feature request.


Would be nice if the player could be hoisted back into a helo, allowing extract from a jungle or on top of a building.

I would imagine this wont be too difficult, reverse of the rappell or allow sling load 1 rope and retract, popping player into a cargo seat when he gets within x distance of roped helo.

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Nice work duda! Right on time for Apex release!

How does positionASL work however?

Can you make an example please?


Also, how can we know the position ASL of a location?

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Nice work duda! Right on time for Apex release!

How does positionASL work however?

Can you make an example please?


Also, how can we know the position ASL of a location?


Depends how your're getting the position.

If there's already an object/unit/vehicle at the position, you can use getPosASL OBJECTNAME.

Another way is to place a marker and the use AGLtoASL getMarkerPos "MarkerName"

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Ok, thanks.

ATM, I tried to call the script in a trigger or in a WP, didn't work.

Can you explain me how you did it, for your test video for example?


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If you're using a waypoint, you can use this in its activation:


[vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo


That will cause the heli to drop troops at the vehicle's current position once the waypoint is reached.


Let me know what you're trying to do, and I can recommend an approach.

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AI won't go out of heli (AI) when I use [vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo on waypoint activation. Help ?

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AI won't go out of heli (AI) when I use [vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo on waypoint activation. Help ?[/size]

What does the heli do?

Make sure you have another group of AI in the heli's cargo.

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What does the heli do?

Make sure you have another group of AI in the heli's cargo.

I have, both crew and "cargo" are AI. Heli just hovers at the waypoint. Same when I use more complex version of code (with heli name, position, height).

Oh, and I am using Little Bird from RHS.

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I have, both crew and "cargo" are AI. Heli just hovers at the waypoint. Same when I use more complex version of code (with heli name, position, height).

Oh, and I am using Little Bird from RHS.

Odd - can you try with the vanilla ghost hawk?

Also, if you know how, can you check your client log for any errors?

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Also, what type of WP are you using?

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Odd - can you try with the vanilla ghost hawk?

Also, if you know how, can you check your client log for any errors?

Yes, it is working with Ghost Hawk. Honestly, I don't know how to check that :/ Descending from Little Bird was working when I was commanding the team inside.

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kindof confirmed. This happens with a few of the RHS US helicopters

In zeus on a dedicated server (with or without overriding rappelling points) I spawn a crewed UH60, MH6H or a UH1Y and load up X passengers (tried everything from 1 to full cargo), fly it to a waypoint and exec "[vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo" on the helicopter. Sometimes it just hovers, sometimes it drops one AI, sometimes it drops a couple (equaling the amount of available ropes). When overriding rappel points on the UH60 (one on each side) it drops two passengers and then goes back to hover. If I try to execute the same command again, nothing happens.

When trying with a RHS Mi8 or Mi24 everything works fine it seems.


Will try with vanilla helicopters as per your message, I haven't tried that.


MightyDusan: are you using Kimis' HMD mod by any chance?

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Nope, I am not using it. I will try now other RHS helicopters as well as all vanilla and will report back.

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The reason why I was asking about the HMD-mod because I'm getting the following each time I try with for example the RHS UH60 (that goes away if i revert version to 1.0.1); 

Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMagazines.IR_Jammer_Magazine_HMDs_Kimi'.

Warning Message: No entry '.picture'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.scope'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: Error: creating magazine IR_Jammer_Magazine_HMDs_Kimi with scope=private
Warning Message: No entry '.displayName'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.displayNameShort'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.nameSound'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.Library'.
Warning Message: No entry '.libTextDesc'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.type'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.count'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.maxLeadSpeed'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.initSpeed'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.reloadAction'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.modelSpecial'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.ammo'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value
Warning Message: No entry '.model'.
Warning Message: '/' is not a value


I'll continue testing more tonight when I have some more time and report back. The regular functionality when it comes to player rappelling and commanding your own AI-squad to rappel seems to be working 10/10 still.

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Not home ATM, so I'll let you know asap.

Just for you know, I ran the test with the MH-9

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hmm any idea why mi AI units rappell out  just to get the choper to land and get in again ? ;)

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hmm any idea why mi AI units rappell out  just to get the choper to land and get in again ? ;)

Is the chopper in the same group as your units in cargo?

If yes, the team leader will order them go board in everytime.

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no its not thats the thing 2 groups two different sets of wayoints , there'S just a heli pad nearby  ( stratis airbase for testing )

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no its not thats the thing 2 groups two different sets of wayoints , there'S just a heli pad nearby  ( stratis airbase for testing )


That's one problem I wasn't able to solve if you place the cargo group directly into the heli using the editor.


Try placing cargo group outside the vehicle and then put this in the group leader's init line:


{_x moveInCargo NAME_OF_HELI} foreach units group this



If anyone has any ideas how to make the editor-placed-cargo units work, let me know. I've tried using the leaveVehicle function (which prevents them from trying to get back in), but it has the side effect of causing the pilot to stop following orders / waypoints for some reason.

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ah i see thanks -


and if i wanted them to rapell on top of a building , would this work ? :


NAME_OF_HELI doMove (getMarkerPos "Markername");

sleep 1;

[vehicle Name_OF_HELI] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo;


and is there a possibility to just unload one specific group from cargo ? i.e. if i had two fireteams in them i would rappel one on the roof the other one would be unloaded in front of the building and they'd start clearing the building from two sides ( top and bottom )

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ah i see thanks -


and if i wanted them to rapell on top of a building , would this work ? :


NAME_OF_HELI doMove (getMarkerPos "Markername");

sleep 1;

[vehicle Name_OF_HELI] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo;


and is there a possibility to just unload one specific group from cargo ? i.e. if i had two fireteams in them i would rappel one on the roof the other one would be unloaded in front of the building and they'd start clearing the building from two sides ( top and bottom )


Maybe, but this will work even better:


1. Give the heli a move waypoint near the building (and then another move waypoint back where it came from)

2. Place a small object on top of the building (in the exact position you want to rappel onto). You can make it invisible if you'd like.

3. In the move waypoint activation (for the WP near the building), put this in:


[vehicle this, 25, getPosASL NAME_OF_OBJECT_ON_BUILDING] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo


This will cause the heli to fly in, drop on top of the building, and then fly away once everyone is out.


Just watch out - the AI like to walk off the edges :)

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