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Hey reforger,

for mission Making I used the BW-Mod "Tropentarn" or "Flecktarn" and the black light Plate-Carrier (Vanilla) as equipment for a PSA-Team. (My Team were on the roads of Takistan ^^ ) As Vehicle they used a "Dingo" wich will be brought to the Real PSA in a relativ short time. Maybe this ould be a possibility for you to make a mission with a PSA-Team. But your Idea is awsome :) .


it would be great if you would use your skills to make this possible you would be my Hero :D

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Creating missions with these assets? I already have some ideas but, as usual, no time.^^

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great rich colours on the camo. blends in very well with all the green of Tanoa.

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Today's progress: Tacvest, Chestrig, Booniehat, Military Cap, and some minor tweaks on the unis (ziplines and that patch in the neck mostly). Also need to do something about the T-Shirts, they still have the wrong green. A couple of guys receiving some training on drones down at the Tanoa firing range. With some of Kydoimos' splendid Eden Objects filling the background.










I also streamlined the German translation a little bit. In the first iteration, I used the original translations but - no offence to the translators at Bohemia which I'm sure are doing their best to localise the whole game and make it more accessible - but these are hurting my mother tongue. Often in a hillarious way. But well, I'll stick to my own terms for most of the stuff from now on.

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The work of the past days involved a couple of caps and bandanas, and the really cool load bearing vests of CSAT which also happen to look great on BLUFOR units. Unfortuantely, the thermal-proof balaclavas clip through soft headgear like caps, bandanas, and booniehats. A real shame, I hope BI is able to adjust them somehow.


Then I've touched the Navid 9.3mm a.k.a. HK121. I'm not sure yet if it will stay that way, opinions are welcomed. This was my first attempt at some sort of DIY in-the-field spraypaint camo. They used some hex net-thingy (obviously taken from a captured CSAT outpost :)), wrapped it around the gun and started spraying some colour on the bigger parts. The magazine bag fabric is kept in the known Crystallised Flecktarn though. Well, best I can do with my limited skill- and toolset in that regard. But judge for yourself (and yes, the weapon is too shiny because of the vanilla specular maps):









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Dunno if it is good or sad but this mod has taken over my default CTRG for Tanoa! Can you make a replacement config when this mod is complete as well? :D


Just amazing work for all your mods.

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Thanks! I'm not sure if the classes will stay that way so I don't know yet if that would make sense. And I'm not really fond of repalcements anyway. But I can always add an optional PBO that overwrites the CTRG.

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I've been experimenting with a different spray pattern for the weapons. I feel hexes are somehow taken by CSAT already. So I gave triangles a shot (much creative, such idea, many camo, wow - I know), which incidentally fit the TI-proof uniform print quite well.


A bit of spam; a machine gun team taking position:




The Assistant Heavy Gunner secures their six - and shows off the freshly painted Carryall:




While I'm not quite sure yet on the triangles for the machinegun (and yes, I'm aware they're somewhat misaligned, going to fix that hopefully)...




...though I do really enjoy that particular pattern on the new MAR-10 DMR this sniper team is showing off (Tactical Backpack's also new):






In case you haven't noticed already, the t-shirt also got new colours. A bit more flashy but with the ridculously overbrightened reflections, you'll see arms stick out in the jungle anyway. Also, Eden Objects again:




And surprise, there's also the P07 coming in a proper green:




So, got some configs to write, sort out the Navid, and then we're all set for v1.10 which should wrap up the planned infantry.

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Love the camo on the guns, keep up the great work :)

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I have decided to go for a non-patterned camo on the Navid for now. (The MAR-10 still comes in triangles.) So, until I find something better, it will feature a regular spraypaint makeover. I've also configured proper recon pendants for almost every class: lighter gear and less ammo, but also less weight, and suppressed weapons of course. The infantry is mostly done by that; we'll see if and what Bohemia does to CTRG over the next few weeks and adapt accordingly. I'm aiming for a release tomorrow, if I find the time that is. After that, I'll probably be looking into some vehicle assets such as the Strider, Mohawk, and maybe some UXVs to give them a bit more mobility and punch while staying within the scope.









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Hey guys,


v1.10 is here, completing the infantry with some additional classes plus recon versions of most units. It also adds a bunch of soft headgear, vests, backpacks, and Marksmen DLC weapons.








Arma 3 Marksmen DLC
Arma 3 Apex (DevBranch)


How to Install
Standard mod procedure. Just subscribe on steam or manually download and unpack the @KSK_TROPIC folder to your Arma 3 directory. Then launch it with BI's or a custom launcher.


1.10 - 29.06.2016

  • CHANGED: Improved uniforms.
  • CHANGED: Custom T-Shirt for KSK Recon Uniform (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic, Tee).
  • CHANGED: Swapped weapon optics for most units.
  • CHANGED: Improved UI images.
  • CHANGED: Improved German translation.
  • ADDED: KSK Tactical Backpack (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Carryall Backpack (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Bandana (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Bandana (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic, Headset)
  • ADDED: KSK Cap (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Cap (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic, Headset)
  • ADDED: KSK Cap (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic, Headphones)
  • ADDED: KSK Booniehat (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Booniehat (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic, Headset)
  • ADDED: KSK Military Cap (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Chest Rig (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Tactical Vest (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK LBV Grenadier Harness (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK LBV Harness (Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK P07 9mm (Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK Navid 9.3mm (Tropic)
  • ADDED: KSK MAR-10 .338 (Tropic)
  • ADDED: Ground weapon holders for headgear, uniforms, vests, and weapons.
  • ADDED: Sharpshooter, Heavy Gunner, Officer, Guard, and assistance units.
  • ADDED: Recon units.
  • ADDED: Groups for Sharpshooter and MG-Teams.
  • ADDED: Groups for recon units.

1.00 - 18.06.2016

  • Initial Release

Known Issues

  • This mod has been created on and requires DevBranch. Due to the short update cycles and the experimental nature of the DevBranch, be prepared for all kinds of problems.
  • The thermal-imaging-proof facewear clips through soft headgear such as booniehats and caps.

Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.





  • Bohemia for the splendid game that is Arma 3.
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Can't hold all the fancy! Great job with this mod,great job indeed. The only problem i see with it is that the camo doesn't match the terrain tanoa's "pattern" that well,but i've noticed that it's almost invisible in the forests (under the trees,under the shadows).

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Thanks! What do you mean with "doesn't match Tanoa's pattern"? The colours or the way they are arranged?

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  On 7/5/2016 at 4:22 PM, IndeedPete said:

Thanks! What do you mean with "doesn't match Tanoa's pattern"? The colours or the way they are arranged?

The red kinda sticks out,but it's ok since the plenty of green and small bits of black compensate for that

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The red-brown tone? Yeah, that is a prominent colour. I found it to resemble the dirt roads / dry areas around the Red Spring Mine quite okay. Tanoa's a diffcult terrain. What works well on an open field might stick out in the jungle and vice versa.

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As allways you provide great craftsmanship. 


Only thing that tieres me are those vanilla platecarreiers and vests wich got a thousand retextures allready.

So as you said get in contact with the BW Mod Team sooner rather than later and get their IdZ-Vests and if they don't wanne let you use their stuff find someone in the modding communtiy who has no problem with that.


VSM and TRYK come to mind as alternatives.

It should be possible to single out some assets and implement them into you mod once you have the original authors agreements. You will add some MB's to your mod but you don't create any dependencies that way.


Again marvelous work allready!

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Thank you! Yes, I think about that. I love the vanilla gear but I've reworked it one too many times already.^^

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Pete, Feel free to retexture and release my 6094s to your KSK cammo, if you're looking to have alternate vests.

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Oi road runner,


Your vests look great and would fit the KSK nicely(in my opinion), sorry for not having is on my scope.

Is it possible to use them without the RH Pistol Pack since that would create a rats tail of dependencies.

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Wow, thanks so much, mate! I'll check them out when I have time. Looking really great on pictures so far!

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  On 7/6/2016 at 5:32 PM, onetwo9th said:

Oi road runner,


Your vests look great and would fit the KSK nicely(in my opinion), sorry for not having is on my scope.

Is it possible to use them without the RH Pistol Pack since that would create a rats tail of dependencies.

They're not dependent really, they just fit them better as opposed to the default ones ;)

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One really nice thing now is that you can start creating items with the "integrated items" feature, wich means you can justify higher capacity vests with some kind of backpack permanetly attached.

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Thanks. You mean like the integrated thermal / NVG stuff in the CSAT helmet? I don't know (yet) how to configure that stuff. There's probably a section on locklear's config guide somewhere. I could think of integrated radios and GPS or UAV terminals as these are already on the vest models. (If that's even possible.) However, I don't see why that would justify higher capacities. It's not like they can suddenly carry more. Even the integrated items weigh after all. The gear already differs a bit from the vanilla. At least the recon units got lower camouflage values than the vanilla ones, making them harder to spot for AI.

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But it would be for the time being, something uniqe to your mod, and what I mean is:

A Vest like the ones down below from VSM Gear and Spec 4 Vests would be verry unkomfortable with a backpack but it saves wheigt for a wohle backpack and still adds some legitimate carryspace on the back.




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