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Kommando Spezialkräfte 2035



Hey there!


I would just like to drop my first Mod for Arma 3 Apex here. This was a rather quick take on a German CTRG counterpart - the Kommando Spezialkräfte 2035. Slightly futuristic and dressed in the splendid new thermal-resistant clothing Apex brought us, they are pretty much a tropic-themed re-textured copy of the CTRG units currently available. So, feel free to check it out and make sure to leave some feedback.








Kommando Spezialkräfte 2035 delivers a futuristic version of the German special forces to Arma 3. KSK operators come in customised gear in the Crystallised Flecktarn pattern for tropic, arid, and woodland environments.



  • Hi-res re-textures of BLUFOR uniforms, vests, and headgear in Crystallised Flecktarn Tropic pattern.
  • Designed as CTRG partner faction.
  • Full English and German translation.
  • Zeus and Alive support.


Impressions (More images in full resolution can be found in the gallery.)















The used pattern is a digitalised form of the orginal five-colour Bundeswehr Flecktarn and still work-in-progress. While the structure has been altered, the pattern still contains the Flecktarn-typical blobs. In addition, the central European colour palette of the original has been altered using colours from MultiCam Tropic to suit the lush and colourful environment on Tanoa.


The currently used colours are:

  • Schwarz (#312D2A, 5-Farb Flecktarn)
  • BRIGHT GREEN 252 (#70743A, MultiCam Tropic)
  • Braun (#764A2F, 5-Farb Flecktarn)
  • Hellgrün (#A7AD6D, 5-Farb Flecktarn)
  • GREEN 253 (#5B5F42, MultiCam Tropic)


Comparison between the orginal Flecktarn (left) and its crystallised tropic version (right):



The pattern in detail:




Arma 3 Marksmen DLC
Arma 3 Apex (Stable)


How to Install
Standard mod procedure. Just subscribe on steam or manually download and unpack the @KSK_TROPIC folder to your Arma 3 directory. Then launch it with BI's or a custom launcher.


1.60 - 16.01.2020

  • FIXED: Minor Stringtable Errors
  • CHANGED: Generalised Description Texts
  • CHANGED: Framework Changes for KSK Missions
  • ADDED: KSK 6094 [01 - 10] (Green)
  • ADDED: KSK 6094 [01 - 10] (Crystallised Flecktarn)
  • ADDED: KSK Sprinter
  Reveal hidden contents


Known Issues

  • The thermal-imaging-proof facewear clips through soft headgear such as booniehats and caps.
  • Both Pandur II and Leopard 2 show AAF-coloured elements due to missing hidden selections (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T119594).


Content created by IndeedPete is published under the "Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA)". You are free to take or change anything you can use, just give me a mention in the credits.





  • Road Runner for allowing me to re-texture his awesome 6094 vests!
  • Igor Nikolaev for his Russian translation!
  • Bohemia for the splendid game that is Arma 3!
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Very nice Pete!

But the guy in the gimp mask, and hands on hips needs to hit the gym a bit more!! :D

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  On 6/18/2016 at 2:05 PM, road runner said:

Very nice Pete!

But the guy in the gimp mask, and hands on hips needs to hit the gym a bit more!! :D




Yeah, all hail to BI's animations and my terrible camera work! :D

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Looks good...gonna give it a try as soon as the new MCC version hits the flor for some nice random missions.

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just asking, are those black ski masks already in the game? or are they from your mod?


Awesome looking units!

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If you are on DevBranch, which is required for this mod to work at the moment, they are among the Apex assets. Not sure if that also goes for the Apex preview build, but I think it had them as well. They're used by the CTRG units.

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Congrats to the release. I'll definitely will use them in some sort of mission for us ;D

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Hey IndeedPete we made a short showcase of your units, many thanks for your work:


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Wow, awesome, hugely appreciated! Thanks, mate! I will put it in the first post ASAP. ;)

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Really nice video jeza.....these guys look fantastic deep in the jungle.

Awesome job IndeedPete.

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Thanks, man!


If anyone sees potential for improvements on the colours, feel free to drop a comment. Although my current gripe is with the weapons, they just look really odd in low-light situations in the jungle. Almost as if they have no real texture applied. I hope BI manages to sort that out soon. And of course grant us modders access to the Apex textures so I would be able to customise the SPARs as well. ;)

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Pretty cool, love all of your re textures, Euro Force the most. Great addition to APEX, hope that in the future maybe some vehicles like the LEOPARD 2 and some other vehicles to make a full conventional force? Just a suggestion. When the new NATO helmets get texture maps get released they would also be a cool addition.

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The mod looks really nice, but i think it would be even better with something like the HLC G36 or the CUP G36.

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2035 they should have gotton rid of the G36 ;-)...the KSK actually has the HK416 already in use.

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  On 6/19/2016 at 3:16 AM, bagpiperguy said:

Pretty cool, love all of your re textures, Euro Force the most. Great addition to APEX, hope that in the future maybe some vehicles like the LEOPARD 2 and some other vehicles to make a full conventional force? Just a suggestion. When the new NATO helmets get texture maps get released they would also be a cool addition.


Thanks! Though I think MTBs are a bit out of the special forces scope for this one. And for regular troops, there's already the well-maintained BW Mod out there. But I could think of some lighter vehicles, like the Strider / Fennek.


Yes, I hope we will get access to the textures at some point. Luckily, the new TI-proof uniforms use the same texture as the vanilla ones from what I can tell. So we can at leat use that one.^^


  On 6/19/2016 at 3:19 AM, Eagle1992 said:

The mod looks really nice, but i think it would be even better with something like the HLC G36 or the CUP G36.


Well, the SPAR-16/17 seems to be strongly based on the HK 416/417 which, according to my very superficial research, is actually in use by KSK troops, even today. So, kitting them out with these makes sense. And while I love Toadie's work on the G36s, especially on the caseless version, I want to keep this one free of any third party dependencies.

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  On 6/19/2016 at 8:39 AM, Jack-Johnson said:

2035 they should have gotton rid of the G36 ;-)...the KSK actually has the HK416 already in use.

But the HK416 would be logically out of use too if the G36 would be out of use.

There is no real advantage in using the HK416 over the G36.

And most KSK Troops are still using the G36KA4.

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If both the G36 in its current version and the HK 416/17 get phased out, then what would they use? The most logical choice from my point of view would then be the G36 with the midlife improvement kit for 6.5mm caseless. However, this would again require third party mods which I don't want to be dependent on (yet). For now, at least as long as the whole scope of the original CTRG is unclear, I will stick to the existing SPAR-16/17s which by the way are marvellous pieces of work (the unnatural way the textures look in low light situations aside). The whole point of this mod is not to provide an accurate representation of today's KSK troops but instead a believable CTRG counterpart from the near future which blends in with the official Armaverse. As I said before, the BW mod already delivers contemporary and splendid-looking German forces in a more accurate manner.

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Great work IndeedPete!
I would suggest to add an officer named "Müller" as special character in the editor, so the Germans have a counterpart to "Miller". :D

Do you have any futher plans for german addons? I personally would love to see the personal protection detachement (PSA - http://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/05Die-Bundespolizei/04Einsatzkraefte/03GSG9/psa_anmod.html) of the german Federal Police on Tanoa to protect the embassor from the evil Syndikat. :o

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  On 6/20/2016 at 1:38 PM, reforger said:

Great work IndeedPete!


I would suggest to add an officer named "Müller" as special character in the editor, so the Germans have a counterpart to "Miller". :D

Do you have any futher plans for german addons? I personally would love to see the personal protection detachement (PSA - http://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/05Die-Bundespolizei/04Einsatzkraefte/03GSG9/psa_anmod.html) of the german Federal Police on Tanoa to protect the embassor from the evil Syndikat. :o


Great Idea, would love to see that as well. Can think of nice scenarios with KSK, PSA and Euroforce already :3

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Thanks, guys!


Well, my current "plan" with this one is monitoring the DevBranch phase of Apex for now, seeing what Bohemia will do to CTRG. And then cheaply copying the cool ideas.^^ Other than that there's two things at the monent:



  • Distinguishing between combat and recon KSK operators. Mostly through lighter gear, suppressors, and less use of plate carriers.
  • Maybe adding some more classes.
  • Configuring some boat teams?


  • The standard stuff: booniehats, patrol caps, tac vests, chest rigs, maybe another backpack or a Marksman DMR.
  • Strider / Fennek
  • NH90?

I unfortuantely cannot re-colour any Apex-specific content because of encryption.


As for other German forces, these policemen PML-lookalikes are interesting. Not sure though why one couldn't just use the existing khaki pants + shirt uniforms and create them in the editor.

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The concept sounds really interesting, but what are you planning with the NH-90? Did not knew, that Bohemia will publish one. :huh:


  On 6/20/2016 at 2:22 PM, IndeedPete said:

As for other German forces, these policemen PML-lookalikes are interesting. Not sure though why one couldn't just use the existing khaki pants + shirt uniforms and create them in the editor.


That is right, maybe I am just too spoiled. The things I miss are german flags and logos on vests and helmets and an armoured SUV. I will try it on my own with GIMP and we will see what I can do. :blink:


Anyway good luck with your project!

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I was talking about the Mohawk that gives me some NH90 vibes. Even if it's not actually based on the NH90, it can pass of as NH90-like in my opinion. Aside from the Strider, it's hard to find German assets in the vanilla content. Other than the Kuma / Leopard of course which, as I said before, seems a bit out of scope for special forces stuff. To my knowledge, there are no decent air assets available either. If this mod here has the popential for some more popularity, I might consider contacting the guys over at BW Mod and politely ask them if I could use a model or two from them to port here. But that's in the distant future, if anything. For now, SF and vanilla models are the way to go, even if I'd like to have some sort of air capabilities.


Well, I could think about some covert operators in civilian/paramilitary clothes which could also pass off as PSA / body guards. Did that before in private projects and could certainly port some of the stuff I already did. We'll see though, no promises.^^

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