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pushback Broken?

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Is the below code wrong?  Or is Arma broken?  I'm driving myself nuts here for the past 2 hours.  I want the addEventHandler to only apply to new spawned units once.   Thanks

While {Alive Player} do {

_excludedVehicles = [s01,s02,s03,s04];
_toCheck = (allunits - _excludedVehicles);
player sidechat format ["%1",_excludedVehicles];
sleep 0.3;
    if (!(isPlayer _x) ) then
        _x addEventHandler ["killed", killedEH];
		_excludedVehicles pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach _toCheck;
player sidechat format ["%1",_toCheck];
sleep 3;

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So buddy of mine game a code to use in Description file for PreInt which will work.  Still pissed i spent so much time on above when i know it worked in other scenarios.  if anyone see where i may have screwed up, let me know.

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Why not just add the EH during whatever process you use to spawn the vehicles rather than have some loop running constantly?  Even though it only seems to be an EH for itself to not be counted in the seemingly unnecessary loop...  What exactly are you trying to do?

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Is the below code wrong?  Or is Arma broken?  I'm driving myself nuts here for the past 2 hours.  I want the addEventHandler to only apply to new spawned units once.   Thanks

While {Alive Player} do {

_excludedVehicles = [s01,s02,s03,s04];
_toCheck = (allunits - _excludedVehicles);
player sidechat format ["%1",_excludedVehicles];
sleep 0.3;
    if (!(isPlayer _x) ) then
        _x addEventHandler ["killed", killedEH];
		_excludedVehicles pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach _toCheck;
player sidechat format ["%1",_toCheck];
sleep 3;

You need to rework your code a bit.

As of now you're adding the eventhandler every 0.3 seconds to every non player unit.


Like kylania said, a bit more info on what you're trying to achieve would possibly lead to a simpler solution.



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That whole script makes no sense. Where are you executing it, on the server I guess. However, player is not known to the server. Additionally, what is killedEH? Is that some sort of function? Otherwise there is no code excuted when your EH fires.

#define EXLUDEDVEHICLES [s01,s02,s03,s04]

while {true} do
        if !(_x getVariable ['EH_added',false]) then
            _x addEventHandler ["killed", killedEH]; //What's killed EH?
            EXLUDEDVEHICLES pushBackUnique _x;
    } count allPlayers;
    sleep 3;

I have no clue what you actually try to achieve so I just rewrote the code to what I think would be an improvment. Though, you should still try to add the EH once the vehicle or whatever you are checking when it's spawned.

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One time in init.sqf

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {
	private _victim = _this select 0;
	if (_victim IS_SATISFIES_THE_CONDITIONS) then {

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One time in init.sqf



In fact, now that I think about it, the initPlayerLocal.sqf would be the best solution.

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Ok, so great feedback guys, and take it easy on me as when i work on codes, i dont always think or know what would be best based on performance. :D


So first off just to clarify, the code above is not the whole picture.  Basically what i am trying to accomplish is on missions where units are dynamically spawned, i want this eventhandler to be added to their INIT.  The EH code is added above this script in the same SQF file.


So for exampke

killedEH = {};  //where the code is there and working.

Blow = code then with loop


Now what i want is all units + newly spawned units to have this code executed on their INIT except for BLUFOR and/or Units in my group.  I can play around with the qualifiers to filter this out once i get it going.

While {Alive Player} do {
_excludedVehicles = [s01,s02,s03,s04];
_toCheck = (allunits - playableUnits - allplayers - vehicles - _excludedVehicles);
sleep 0.3;
    if (!(isPlayer _x) ) then
        _x addEventHandler ["killed", killedEH];
		_excludedVehicles pushback _x;
} forEach _toCheck;

sleep 3;

Basically the whole idea is i am trying to add a kill counter script which will add skill points to units as they increase kills.  What i was going to do is work on this some more once i get it somewhat working, and then ask the community for some help with performance enhancements and other ideas to make it more enjoyable that i could have not accomplish.  While i work on this, also playing around with the GUI editor.  Fun times :386:

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One time in init.sqf

addMissionEventHandler ["EntityKilled", {
	private _victim = _this select 0;
	if (_victim IS_SATISFIES_THE_CONDITIONS) then {


So this code looks very promising!  Does this mean it would execute on every unit classifed as "Entity" even after mission starts?  So for units spawned during missions?  Also is it both SP/MP supported?  Wiki doesnt seem to state this unless i missed it.   Thanks!

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So this code looks very promising!  Does this mean it would execute on every unit classifed as "Entity" even after mission starts?  So for units spawned during missions?  Also is it both SP/MP supported?  Wiki doesnt seem to state this unless i missed it.   Thanks!

So i used this code and it works great!!  Thanks for this!

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