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[Img] Grass Mask Appearing over Other Mask

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Whatever you do, DON'T blur your mask - that'll just create more colours at the borders between colours...


Counting colours, on the other hand, is a Good Idea - when there's too many colours within a given area, the standard symptom is usually one ground texture overlaid/blended with another.

You can also use Photoshops "indexed colour" mode to enforce a palette of only 6 colours...




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Whatever you do, DON'T blur your mask - that'll just create more colours at the borders between colours...


Counting colours, on the other hand, is a Good Idea - when there's too many colours within a given area, the standard symptom is usually one ground texture overlaid/blended with another.

You can also use Photoshops "indexed colour" mode to enforce a palette of only 6 colours...






So ... 2 Colors for Soil..                                                              1 color green                                                                              2 color Asphalt..



The index filter was showing "2"  colors for each mask somehow?

So in the last picture its clearly Asphalt over Soil , With the Pencil tool in photoshop having the staircase effect no blur or other colors , and its just that, doesnt explain the grass being there as no grass mask is there in the first place

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What format are you saving to?

If the format is PNG, TIFF or BMP (lossless formats), is the Photoshop image made up of layers? If so, try flattening it before saving.

And check in Photoshop if the image is CMYK or RGB colour space


I can't say I'm very impressed with the Count Colours plugin from what I see in your screenshots, it could at least tell you the RGB values it found.


And as always with Arma, if all else fails, take things one step at a time. Feed it a mask image of 1 solid colour then start adding on to that.

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