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[Terrain] Khogyani, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan (Release Thread)

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Khogyani, Ghazni Province, Afghanistan


ALPHA Version Notes:

This is an ALPHA version of this terrain, I still have lots of work to for the best looks of this terrain. For now most of the terrain is flat, in future updates I will be adding more ditches and bumps in the ground to add a more realistic feel to the terrain. Don't expect too much from this release, as I just want feedback about the terrain and some suggestions about the ALPHA version.


There are a few issues with this terrain, biggest issue is the 2d editor and navigation map not showing the gray outlines of objects and houses, along with green shapes and circles marking tree lines and bushes.


About this project:
This terrain is based in the Ghazni Province of Afghanistan. For a google maps location click here. This terrain will be as close to the real life satellite images. The structures will be different, but the compounds layouts, roads, foliage and geographical features will be as accurate as I can get them.


This terrain is intended for missions like foot patrols. For those realism units or groups that like to do some foot patrol missions, this might be a terrain to try out.


Required Addons:



Release State:







Release Stages:




  • Multiple towns and villages.
  • Accurate tree lines and farms.
  • One small outpost.
  • Rivers and Creeks.
  • Complete road systems and foot paths.


To do for v0.2-Alpha:

  • Rocks.
  • Foliage and Farms.
  • Terraforming.
  • Some buildings and compounds.











Mediafire - http://www.mediafire.com/download/og0s8od1dfw2g2w/Khogyani+v0.1-Alpha.zip

Thanks to:
MilkM8n and smokedog for Jbad Buildings
ArmA 3 community

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Congrats! Been following your updates over in the discussion area.

Sorry for the obligatory 'had this been indexed for ALiVE' question, but, has it been indexed for ALiVE?

I see you plan on adding more buildings throughout development so definitely no hurry if the buildings aren't super complete right now (the buildings are what would need to be indexed I think). I'm still very excited and will be following this closely. Thanks Drifter.

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Looks great. Will check it out soon. 

Thanks for the release.

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Looks really really nice Drifter. Good job-cant wait to see this map develop :)

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Looks really really nice Drifter. Good job-cant wait to see this map develop :)

Since I am happy with this terrain and the way things are going, I plan on finishing this terrain. I feel this terrain is not too much to Drain myself of ArmA and end up not finishing like my past terrains, which I do have plans on finishing, mainly Waziristan.


Thank you.

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This terrain looks really good so far!   Looking forward to seeing the rest of it populated.   You're definitely on the right track   B)

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Thanks for more good work drifter, had fun doing some shooting on it today, cheers.

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Thanks for more good work drifter, had fun doing some shooting on it today, cheers.

As always Jeza, thanks for the showcase and glad you enjoyed playing on the terrain!

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There are a few issues with this terrain, biggest issue is the 2d editor and navigation map not showing the gray outlines of objects and houses, along with green shapes and circles marking tree lines and bushes.



I belive this is caused by the type of p3d, it's easily fixed by using Mikeros pro tools, the free version won't show them.

Congrats of the 1st release though, looks great :)

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I belive this is caused by the type of p3d, it's easily fixed by using Mikeros pro tools, the free version won't show them.

Congrats of the 1st release though, looks great :)

I figured it was that, I use to use Mikeros free tools when they did work before the Eden update. I am looking into buying the pro version.

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Nice. Love it. How is Wardak and Waziristan going? Seems like u got a lot of work to do  :lol: .

Im am really into the beauty of the afghan landscape and youre maps are so awesome.

Thank you u r the best  ;) .

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Nice. Love it. How is Wardak and Waziristan going? Seems like u got a lot of work to do  :lol: .

Im am really into the beauty of the afghan landscape and youre maps are so awesome.

Thank you u r the best  ;) .

Wardak I might cancel due to the quality of it for being my first terrain. Waziristan is still active.


Thank you.

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Update on the terrain. My group and I will be working on the terrain for the Beta release of Khogyani, when it will be done? Not sure, I will announce a date once we get near release time.

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Sorry for the lack of updates, just having issues some of my communities game servers and also had issues with the lighting and waited for APEX to release in case any problems popped up with my terrain, development is still going for this terrain.


Thank you.

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Hello. How is it with this project? I hope that its not dead?! :)


Best regards DonbassCZ

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Hello. How is it with this project? I hope that its not dead?! :)


Best regards DonbassCZ

Hello DonbassCZ, this project is definitely not dead. As a matter of fact, this is the terrain I am most proud of right now. I can 100% assure this project will not die :)


Sorry for the late response. Been busy with my ArmA unit as we had issues with our servers lately and I had to chip away at them for the past 2-3 weeks. Which is now fixed, so now I can pay more attention to this terrain.

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Hello, for anyone following this terrain I will be planning a live stream either on Friday (8/5/16) or Sunday (8/7/16) on my YouTube channel to show the progress made on the terrain. I also have plans to release a Pre-Beta update due to my recent inactivity to give back to those who follow and support this project, it will be half of the Beta version zone completed with buildings and foliage, terraforming will be minor due to Pre-Beta.


YT Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPTqSw3g4sukAw3SaI3CNKw


Thank you.

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Will be starting my stream soon as of 8/7/16 @ 9:50PM (Alaska Standard time) My time zone.


Other US timezones:

10:50pm Pacific Time

11:50pm Mountain Time

12:50am Central Time

1:50am Eastern Time


I will stream during the day on Monday (8/8) for those who couldn't catch this late night stream.


YT Stream - https://gaming.youtube.com/user/BlueDotGamingHD/live



Stream ended, went for about 2 hours. Got some work done, mainly including compounds and buildings. Next stream will be on Monday as stated above and will also include more compound work and possibly treelines and farming fields. Thanks for those of you who stopped by!

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Will be starting my stream soon as of 8/8/16 @ 6:30PM (Alaska Standard time) My time zone.


Other US timezones:

7:30pm Pacific Time

8:30pm Mountain Time

9:30am Central Time

10:30am Eastern Time


YT Stream - https://gaming.youtu...otGamingHD/live



Stream ended, just did a short 30 minute stream working on some final compounds in a town. I am not sure when I will be streaming next time.

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I keep missing these. :(

Are you archiving them at all?

Yes, they are uploaded right after I stream them on my channel.


Monday Night stream


Tuesday Night stream

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I managed to catch the stream on Monday.....I found it absolutely fascinating to watch you build those beautiful compounds. It really shows why this terrain is the one your most proud of.

Thank you for going that little bit extra to stream your WIP....inspirational stuff indeed.

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Can't you build your cities on EDEN now ? Then export them back to terrain builder ?

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Can't you build your cities on EDEN now ? Then export them back to terrain builder ?

Yes I can, but I cant resize the walls in Eden. I resize quite a lot of walls on this terrain and also change terrain elevations when building compounds and other objects. So I choose to continue to build the terrain in terrain builder.

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