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Flankers release for CUP

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Finally here, but only in 'preview' format for now... Consider this "version 0.9".  Feedback will be appreciated, but there are several known issues, so please don't post about them as I know about them already.


Download location here:  https://onedrive.live.com/?id=5B54FC51A7917265!31528&cid=5B54FC51A7917265


CUP Factions!!!  So YES IT REQUIRES CUP!  :D :D :D :D :D :D


Only weapons are R73/AA-11 missiles, Kh-29/AS-14 AGM, and FAB-250 bombs.  I'm waiting on the full missilebox release in order to finish the loadouts.


Edit to add - I included a PDF which details all of the information to explain the different systems.


Models present include:

  • Su-27B - Standard model
  • Su-30 - Two seat model
  • Su-30M - Thrust Vectoring model


11 different texture schemes so far...





Articulated parts






Working drogue chute




Working ejection seat




Sonic boom effects!






Pilot Cockpit - working MFD's, warning lights, working "pullup" indicator, complete with the Russian "bitching betty"








Su-30 Gunner Cockpit





Also, it requires CUP.

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Nice what programs did you use to make it? the only thing I would improve upon would be the cockpits. they look too clean, the rear seat looks a empty add panel lines and rivets and some weathering to the textures, what model of the Su 30 are you doing? 

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I'm going to test it tomorrow, but I'm sure that it will be good :)

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Awesome! Those Flankers are really a treat, loved those Mukceps beasts on Arma2 (they were packed within ACE2, weren´t they?), but aside the praising, I´ve noticed 2 things (smalls issues, but noticeable nonetheless):


A - The afterburner action doesn´t seems to activate the AB per ce... there´s already a blue fire cone whenever the engine is on, and using the afterburning action doesn´t trigger a loud burner sound neither a larger fire cone on the exhaust (and have no impact on thrust/speed at all) Summarising: it seems the afterburner action (on action menu) isn´t activating the AB script =/


B - The Sonic Booms is being triggered at 800 KM/H (instead of 800 miles per hour), maybe a metric/imperial scale confusion bug? It should be 1125 km/h instead


Loved all the cockpit functionalities, a pity VR engine doesn´t handles off boresight lock for the A-11! Anxious for the upcoming missile box and all brand new toys (for either the flankers and Eurofighters!) and for Pinaz extra camo packs (wink wink)



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what a bunch of assholes posting bugs straight out of release.

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Well I did ask for feedback... not necessarily bug reports but whatever.  It is a "pre v1 release" after all.

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Well, just shows that people do fly these beauties for more then "5 minutes and delete the addon"... must be a good thing, right?  :ph34r:

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Cant wait to test those beauties.... PW6 takes its time - as usual -.-

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It looks very good, any chance for a standalone release?

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Beatiful. Hopefully it will make it's way into CUP itself one day:)

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  On 5/8/2016 at 2:58 PM, danny96 said:

Beatiful. Hopefully it will make it's way into CUP itself one day:)


Will it? Maybe I didn't get the future plans, I thought this might be part of a future Arma III Rangemaster package?

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  On 5/8/2016 at 3:31 PM, mdtorch said:

Will it? Maybe I didn't get the future plans, I thought this might be part of a future Arma III Rangemaster package?

No idea. But while the CUP is requirement - it would be actually cool to have it inside CUP.

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Just random wishful thinking.  Since loadouts for certain weapons rely on non-CUP content I don't think this will ever get included in anything else.





As I mentioned in the included PDF guide, I plan to do some further experimentation for ECM scripts.  The notion being to make the Sorbtsiya ECM pods an option, instead of mandatory.  I could conceive of some loadout options without ECM pods, but requires scripting to make them work. 


I was inspired by Franze's original jamming scripts for his Arma1 Su-17/Su-22 pack.  Those used a "setvector" command on the incoming missiles based on some criteria.  So that basic idea - an action menu to "Activate ECM Pods" if the ECM pod is the current weapon.  So when an incoming missile warning fires off, the action menu can be selected and the ECM pod can be activated.  I think the trick will be to make them to where they will work "for the most part".  Since real world information on performance is pretty much non-existant, and for good reason, it is difficult to gauge how effective to make them.  So they won't be "magic missile shields" but at the same time I don't want them to be completely random in their effectiveness.

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I can spot some familiar edges and lines here.

Always remember to give credits to those you base your work on. This is only fair if the model lives on in a newer version of the game engine.




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Please don't ASSUME I stole this from other people's work.  I sourced this from the "free planes" download from Mukcep.  Which I strongly suspect more people than I alone did... now if that "free planes" pack removed that skin from a different author's work, that is news to me and I'll gladly remove it immediately.  Please let me know which way that went down and I'll proceed accordingly.  Thanks for the heads-up on that one!


From the readme PDF:


  • Based on models originally ported by Mukcep for A2.
  • Eggbeast for developing FRL missilebox-compatible weapon proxy placement ordering format.
  • CUP for development of A2-style factions for “current world†use.

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As source of his Su-27 conversion he states the FSX under free licence, which is only correct to some parts used in the Su-30.


The models and textures used by the Su-27 are ports of the ArmA1 ACE edition. 1=1.  http://i286.photobucket.com/albums/ll84/Aushilfe/ACE%20WIP/Su27.jpg~original

The Su-30 is kind of interesting. It is a combination of my ArmA1 release of the Su-30MK(K/I) and possibly the stated source in the documentary.

(textures, materials, cockpit, rear part of the outer model, thrust vector nozzle animations were part of this release: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?game=0&cat=addons&id=667)


It is not my intention to take this down, just asking for credits. BIS was kind enough to share the sample models with us, which made the base for some of my work as well. This spirit should continue in the community.

There is still a lot of fixing ahead.

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Thanks for this clarification.  Yes I combined different model parts into the Su30 so it is truly unique :) 


I will update the readme PDF with proper credits.  Thanks again for the details!

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Great work, thanks. Do you plan to add some hot keys for afterbuner and scripted functionalities ?

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Which "scripted functionalities" are you referring to?


Also, why does this insane need exist for afterburners when the average map is 10km wide?  Real Life afterburners literally pour fuel into the exhaust nozzles to the point the plane would run out of fuel if real pilots used it like it is used in this game. 


Which is why an "advanced" fuel management system would be awesome.  A proper afterburner should get you watching that fuel gauge very closely... and watching the needle start moving w/ afterburners on.  And getting a "bingo" fuel warning when you start them up.  And having to calculate fuel based on weight so the "bomb sled" notions would be reduced.  Yes I know this isn't DCS but it isn't HAWX either!

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like real life I  only use afterburners for escaping your goddamn SAMs or AAA, or for getting off the carrier.

admittedly how i implemented them in A2 and unsung was very much without costing fuel properly.

this i think we should remedy in unsung charlie, inc your fuel tank scripts.

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  On 5/29/2016 at 2:29 PM, hcpookie said:

Which "scripted functionalities" are you referring to?


Also, why does this insane need exist for afterburners when the average map is 10km wide?  Real Life afterburners literally pour fuel into the exhaust nozzles to the point the plane would run out of fuel if real pilots used it like it is used in this game. 


Which is why an "advanced" fuel management system would be awesome.  A proper afterburner should get you watching that fuel gauge very closely... and watching the needle start moving w/ afterburners on.  And getting a "bingo" fuel warning when you start them up.  And having to calculate fuel based on weight so the "bomb sled" notions would be reduced.  Yes I know this isn't DCS but it isn't HAWX either!


Like MFD, SEAD, Refueling Boom ...


Anything you need to go in action menu to use  :D

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