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Set value of a variable by the variable name - help

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I have a script (sqf) what create a vehicle.

This script has a parameter, the name of the vehicle.

I want name this vehicle after I create it.


In Arma2 I could use this:

_plane = createVehicle ["CUP_O_BMP3_RU", _spawnpos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_plane setDir _dir;
_plane setVehicleInit format["%1 = this",_planename];

Where the name of the vehicle is _planename.

But in Arma3 there is no setVehicleInit and processInitCommands.


How could I name this newly created vehicle?


Naming it directly like bmp1=_plane, is not an option, because I will call this script many times with different vehicle names.

And yes, I know I could use this, but it's very ugly:

if (_planename="bmp1") then {
   bmp1 = _plane;
if (_planename="bmp2") then {
   bmp2 = _plane;
if (_planename="bmp3") then {
   bmp3 = _plane;
if (_planename="bmp4") then {
   bmp4 = _plane;

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