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  On 6/3/2016 at 9:48 PM, "[FOXHOUND]
Azza" said:

In multiplayer does the server need to run it aswell?


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New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.31.zip

Official BloodLust Webpage: http://bitdungeon.org/arma/bloodlust/

Note: The server and clients must run the addon.


[6-3-2016] v2.31:
Added BloodLust Settings menu to multiplayer.
Increased amount of blood splatters emitted.
Fixed addon key and signature.

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Wow this mod is cool. Its not as 'hollywood' as I thought so we might end up using it in coop anyway. I have seen the list of options, but how would I go about disabling it for everyone with a command in the mission init if possible?



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Wow this mod is cool. Its not as 'hollywood' as I thought so we might end up using it in coop anyway. I have seen the list of options, but how would I go about disabling it for everyone with a command in the mission init if possible?


What are you trying to accomplish by disabling the settings menu?

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sorry, i meant disabling bloodlust itself...

Same as preventing any other addon from being used on your server. Verify sigs.

If you have a reason to disable it only for a specific mission, you can dissect the addon and find which functions to overwrite/clear.

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got a script error to report. seems to happen on dedicated server and when a grenade goes off



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  On 6/4/2016 at 11:49 AM, [FOXHOUND] Azza said:

got a script error to report. seems to happen on dedicated server and when a grenade goes off



I'm also getting the same exact error on a hosted server and all clients connected to it are getting it as well. It appears to happen with AOE weapons like grenades and HE rounds from choppers from what we've seen so far.

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Sound: Error: File: BloodSplatter\Audio\blooddrip_3.ogg not found !!!



Getting RPT spammed with that. A typo maybe?

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  On 6/4/2016 at 11:49 AM, [FOXHOUND] Azza said:

got a script error to report. seems to happen on dedicated server and when a grenade goes off




Will look into that, thanks.






  On 6/4/2016 at 9:45 PM, R3vo said:
Sound: Error: File: BloodSplatter\Audio\blooddrip_3.ogg not found !!!

Getting RPT spammed with that. A typo maybe?



That file path looks fine to me. The file exists as well. Even checked the Configurables.sqf which contains the collection of blood drip sounds, and that path isn't any different than the other paths. Nevertheless, I'll check my RPTs and see if I get that issue.

BloodLust_BleedSounds =


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That file path looks fine to me. The file exists as well. Even checked the Configurables.sqf which contains the collection of blood drip sounds, and that path isn't any different than the other paths. Nevertheless, I'll check my RPTs and see if I get that issue.


Forget about it, the issue is on my end. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Any idea why this doesn't work? It's as though none of these conditions even matter, it continues execution regardless if any of these conditions are true.

if(time == _lastEventTime || ((position _target) distance (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]) > BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance) || count _unitLastFiredProjectileInfo == 0) exitWith {};

Yet when I do it like this, it works. WTF SQF???

if(time == _lastEventTime) exitWith {};
if((position _target) distance (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]) > BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance) exitWith {};
if(count _unitLastFiredProjectileInfo == 0) exitWith {};

Am I just too tired right now, or is this legit?


On a related note, fixed that error message you were seeing, Azza.

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Here's a new event hook example. This will cause units that are killed within an exploding vehicle, to vaporize. Execute this in the debug console or slap it in an addon (whatever your preferred method is for adding this functionality).

Get into a dogfight, or launch a missile at a truck.

_UnitVehicleExplosion =
    _unit = _this select 0;
    _vehicle = vehicle _unit;
    _isUnitInVehicle = _vehicle != _unit;
    if(_isUnitInVehicle && damage _vehicle == 1) then
        _fuelExplosionPower = getNumber (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeOf _vehicle) >> "fuelExplosionPower");
        if(_fuelExplosionPower >= 1) then
            [_unit, _fuelExplosionPower] call BloodLust_VaporizeUnit;

BloodLust_OnUnitKilledPostEventHandlers pushBack _UnitVehicleExplosion;
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  On 6/5/2016 at 12:25 AM, zooloo75 said:

Any idea why this doesn't work? It's as though none of these conditions even matter, it continues execution regardless if any of these conditions are true.

if(time == _lastEventTime || ((position _target) distance (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]) > BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance) || count _unitLastFiredProjectileInfo == 0) exitWith {};
Usually, wrapping the conditions with parentheses helps.

if ((_var1 >= 5) || (_var2 == _someVariable) || (_var3 != MY_VALUE)) exitWith {};
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  On 6/5/2016 at 7:02 AM, marceldev89 said:

Usually, wrapping the conditions with parentheses helps.

if ((_var1 >= 5) || (_var2 == _someVariable) || (_var3 != MY_VALUE)) exitWith {};


I think I tried that as well without luck. Operator precedence may be lacking in the SQF department :(

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Shittt, I think all this BloodLust development screwed up my sleep pattern. 6AM, and still writin' code.

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Hey just curious, is it even possible in arma 3, to make bullet hit holes on the body, exactly where the shot landed, and make the size according to the caliber? Also make bodies react to bullets/explosions etc... 

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 Exact bullet holes would be amazing but I think there's a problems with them retaining position when rotating

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Any ideas if it's possible to keep ragdoll simulated even after death? That would be a cool feature! 

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  On 6/5/2016 at 12:25 AM, zooloo75 said:

Any idea why this doesn't work? It's as though none of these conditions even matter, it continues execution regardless if any of these conditions are true.

if(time == _lastEventTime || ((position _target) distance (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]) > BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance) || count _unitLastFiredProjectileInfo == 0) exitWith {};


It may depends of your loop, but you could try :

if(time == _lastEventTime || ((position _target) distance (positionCameraToWorld [0, 0, 0]) > BloodLust_BloodLustActivationDistance) || count _unitLastFiredProjectileInfo == 0) exitWith {true};

With waituntil for example, it could save your life :P.

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  On 6/5/2016 at 1:33 PM, froggyluv said:

 Exact bullet holes would be amazing but I think there's a problems with them retaining position when rotating


Yep, I already tried this early on; attachTo is quite wonky, attached models float around a memory point which aren't indicative of what you actually see of the model itself. It also messes up rotations.

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