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Caution: people may explode.

  :don2:  :yikes:

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New version available: http://files.bitdungeon.org/arma/@bloodlust_v2.1.zip



Overhauled vaporization conditions.

Added body exploding sound effects to vaporization.

Added two new gibs (skull fragment and bone shard).

Added collision sounds when a unit is hit by a vehicle.

Added probability that a unit can be vaporized when hit by a high-speed vehicle.

Fixed intestine gib (was frozen in place).

Reduced gib bounciness.

Added version number to BloodLust Settings menu.

Added distance-based clean-up of BloodLust (removes splatters, gibs, etc, once the player leaves the area; can be toggled via Settings Menu).

Moved all scheduled code into PFHs.

Refactored code base, prefixing all global variables with "BloodLust_" to prevent naming collision.

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Your the BOSS, Zooloo!!! Thank you for your constant effort to make our gaming experience better by the day :) 

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  On 5/19/2016 at 8:55 PM, Biflioi said:

Your the BOSS, Zooloo!!! Thank you for your constant effort to make our gaming experience better by the day :)





Here's something for those that want a giggle:

LOL = 
   if(!isNull cursorTarget) then
      cursorTarget call BloodLust_VaporizeUnit;

player addaction ["LOL", { call LOL; }];

Aim at someone and click the fancy "LOL" button in the action menu.

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thank you zooloo, really aprechiate you working in your free time to make awesome things such as this for the community to enjoy. 

thank you again


looking forward to your future plans for this mod :)  oooo interesting gib idea... what about intestines, or stomach parts. 

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I'd just like to thank everyone who has donated! Every bit helps me out and keeps the motivation up!

-Thank you

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  On 5/19/2016 at 11:01 PM, tyl3r99 said:

thank you zooloo, really aprechiate you working in your free time to make awesome things such as this for the community to enjoy. 

thank you again


looking forward to your future plans for this mod :)  oooo interesting gib idea... what about intestines, or stomach parts. 


Thanks! I have an intestine gib, but some more wouldn't hurt ;)

Definitely not done creating models for the vaporization effect -- slowly but surely!

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If I ever see a feral dog on a map I shoot the bloody thing. I notice that your bloodlust fx apply to dogs, which is good! Out of interest I shot a few sheep and goats, and notice that bloodlust is not applied to them. Is this by design or just a quirk of your implementation?

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  On 5/20/2016 at 12:51 AM, tpw said:

If I ever see a feral dog on a map I shoot the bloody thing. I notice that your bloodlust fx apply to dogs, which is good! Out of interest I shot a few sheep and goats, and notice that bloodlust is not applied to them. Is this by design or just a quirk of your implementation?


They may be lacking the traditional hitpoints like humans have.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 1:11 AM, sttosin said:

Why shoot sheep's tpw lol

One of them tried to headbutt me in the nuts. Or was it a goat?

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  On 5/20/2016 at 1:27 AM, tpw said:

One of them tried to headbutt me in the nuts. Or was it a goat?

That's definitely goat behavior

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I should try to script that behaviour into the game!

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  On 5/20/2016 at 2:22 AM, tpw said:

I should try to script that behaviour into the game!


Please do, lol.


Surprised no one has recreated Goat Simulator in ArmA.

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  On 5/20/2016 at 2:27 AM, zooloo75 said:

Surprised no one has recreated Goat Simulator in ArmA.

The world isn't ready for something like that! Madman!

Though, considering how wonky the physics can be and all, I don't see why some mental case gifted mission-maker couldn't make it so...

Oh, and great update, enjoying this to no end, never before has running over people on purpose accidentally been so satisfying, etc.

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Thanks, I absolutely love this mod! I happened to mortify my mother-in-law who happened to just walk in just as I was taking a headshot from 400 meters away with a Barrett (overkill, but fun) ha ha! I haven't seen wounds like these since playing VBS 2, so your mod was a necessity. Any thoughts about making "nut-shots" a possibility like in Saints Row? You could literally laugh your balls off!!

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This has just become outstanding... absolute must have!

Getting it to work in multiplayer must be a huge pain

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  On 5/20/2016 at 6:25 AM, asuseroako said:

Test with arty...



conveniently sums up the definition of "insanity" :p

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