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Getting Real Size of a Building/Object

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Hello there,


I am currently trying to get a function which can say if someone is in a building(in a object)

i have tried using bis_fnc_insideArea and filling it with values calculated by Boundingbox/boundingboxreal.

the problem here is that these both are working, but on some objects even real boxes are like 5 meters from its wall...

using(http://killzonekid.com/arma-3-bounding-box-utility/ ) (green one is real , blue normal)



Is there any way to get better values or is there already a inside function which im just not seeing?!

the problematic with these inaccurate values is when I do something like climbing if a players near to a wall, he will be able to climb too far away)

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I'll try 2 alternate ways, depending on what you need:


- for inside/outside , with 3DEN, it's easy to adapt trigger(s) to a building;

- for distance of a wall , i often use lineIntecsectSurfaces . You could also check if there is a ceiling above head with this command but I didn't test.

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I'll try 2 alternate ways, depending on what you need:


- for inside/outside , with 3DEN, it's easy to adapt trigger(s) to a building;

- for distance of a wall , i often use lineIntecsectSurfaces . You could also check if there is a ceiling above head with this command but I didn't test.


1. yeah this would be possible, but i just can use 2d editor in my case and this was my emergency plan to write down all house sizes(or set sized triggers)



i read so many of these wiki articles but couldn't find any help in these but there is really one where is in building is described! 




thx to killzone kid , he wrote a example for inhouse check!!

KK_fnc_inHouse = {
	lineIntersectsSurfaces [
		getPosWorld _this, 
		getPosWorld _this vectorAdd [0, 0, 50], 
		_this, objNull, true, 1, "GEOM", "NONE"
	] select 0 params ["","","","_house"];
	if (_house isKindOf "House") exitWith {true};
onEachFrame {hintSilent str (player call KK_fnc_inHouse)};

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