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  On 5/6/2016 at 1:52 PM, Fiddles27 said:

Would you be entertaining any thoughts on doing a Blaser R93 Tactical 2 chambered for .338 Lapua Magnum? I haven't seen one of these babies in A3 yet so I thought it would be pretty awesome. I know that Australian Special Forces have been using them with devastating effect in Afghanistan. Keep up the great work, cheers!



I second it. There is no 338 I will not second. And ADF tech is right up my alley

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  On 5/7/2016 at 3:01 PM, Focisz said:

Finally an addon with marksman/sniper rifles instead of another M4, keep it up. I also have a suggestion. Implementing https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/182380-weapon-eventhandler-framework/  (similiarly to the NIArms AWM and springfield) would add a lot to immersion.


That's already been mentioned to the mod makers, unfortunately they determined that it would just take too much animation work (because its a bullpup I think it would be a challenge to actually make a bolt cycling animation look right on the SRS and I think even the Tac-50 and 338 would require different animations as the 50 is much bigger). I agree that it would be nice though, really like how the WEF turned out on the NIArms stuff.


Edit: Almost forgot to mention, that you very much for the prompt updates for this mod.

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Hey hey people,


I've just finished curating a zeus experience for two of my players. I've made a mission using your mod, the main premiss was that they were two ST7 snipers supporting Marines in their deployment (AI). The first part of the mission was based around providing recon and observation on the checkpoint, the second part was defending said checkpoint, third part - finding mortars, then on top of that there was some countersniping and other cool stuff.


My players (well, one of them; the marksman) enjoyed the addon greatly. Quality of the models is superb, and we like the compatibility with ACE3.



Couple of suggestions though:

  1. Avoid defining your own bullet classes.
    — You can use the default .338 and .50 bullets that have already been defined with ACE Ballistics.
    — If you really want to have your own classes, make sure the ballistics are done properly or inherited from correct rounds. My player has reported that said bullet had a placeholder ballistics compatible with .408 cheytac
  2. Some new sounds perhaps?
    Vanilla sounds are sweet and dandy but you might want to make your mod even better with some awesome firing sounds. Ask around, I think LAxemann or Jarhead will have some samples laying around :)
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Thanks for your feedback guys :)


@arkhir the problem with using bullets from ACE Ballistics is that it would add dependencies to our addon which we would like to keep as few as possible. Maybe we'll do an optional config that replaces the current magazines with magazines that use ACE Bullets.

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  On 5/8/2016 at 8:22 AM, [ARES] Miroslaw Kowalski said:

Thanks for your feedback guys :)


@arkhir the problem with using bullets from ACE Ballistics is that it would add dependencies to our addon which we would like to keep as few as possible. Maybe we'll do an optional config that replaces the current magazines with magazines that use ACE Bullets.

I'm one of the people who doesn't use ACE, so thanks for that :)

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  On 5/8/2016 at 8:22 AM, Miroslaw Kowalski said:

Thanks for your feedback guys :)


@arkhir the problem with using bullets from ACE Ballistics is that it would add dependencies to our addon which we would like to keep as few as possible. Maybe we'll do an optional config that replaces the current magazines with magazines that use ACE Bullets.

That's a non-problem though; there will be no dependency for ACE3 mod if you just inherit from main vanilla A3 bullet class (not ace3 class). Your bullet will then take ballistics defined for vanilla .338 bullet without having any dependencies other than vanilla.


Or alternatively you can just make a magazines using proper vanilla bullets that will be configured for ACE3 ballistics anyways... Which is something you're already doing, but you're basing your bullets off the wrong class (.408) so they inherit .408's ballistics, I believe. Call me out on that if I'm wrong; I didn't check it in the config viewer.

ACE bullets defined in ACE3 mod (338 example — please notice how ACE3 doesn't add unique class to default bullet, only using the B_338_Ball native arma 3 class:

  Reveal hidden contents

So to make it work with ACE Advanced Ballistics without having any dependencies, you can either:


- define bullets used in your magazines as children to the B_338_Ball class (just for example — find more specifics here)

    class AWC_338_bullet_classname_or_something_else_i_guess: B_338_Ball {
    //other bullet code//

- or define your magazines using vanilla A3 bullets, to inherit ACE3 properties given to the bullets:

    class AWC_338_mag: 10Rnd_338_Mag {
        // ... //
        ammo = "B_338_Ball";
        // ... //
- or just flat out define these values for your bullet and weapon... I don't think it having these values defined in configs will cause any dependency issues, I mean Toadie has done it to his AWM, and people who use ACE3 Ballistics can enjoy it, people who don't also don't lose the possibility of playing with his weapon...
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Hey guys,


I just found out that there is a 12.7x99mm bullet in the vanilla CfgAmmo class so here's a quick fix changing the 12.7x99mm bullets from inheriting the .408 to inheriting proper .50 cal values:




changelog v1.6: 

- updated 12.7x99mm ammo class

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Hi there,


Saw the update changing the bullet class of the Tac .50, props for that. Is it safe to expect a similar class change for the SRS with .338? I'm looking forward to incorporating this mod, I've been waiting for a decent bolt action sniper rifle for ages but I'm hesitant to use it as my unit uses ACE advanced ballistics. 

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Hey Kowalski nice mod i had very much fun using it :)


Now some German words (sorry guys)


Coole Arbeit, find ich ziemlich cool das ihr von AWC jetzt auch noch euer eigenes Waffenpacket gemacht habt war ne coole Zeit bei euch, konnte leider nichtmehr aktiv sein aus zeitlichen Gründen und war dumm von mir nicht Bescheid zu sagen. Das ist irgendwie untergegangen :P und jetzt bin ich hier über diesen Thread gestolpert, naja wollt ich nur mal loswerden. Macht weiter mit der tollen Arbeit und liebe grüße von nem ehemaligen Contractor.

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Would you guys consider to make a larue snper rifle like in Madal of honor warfighter the 7.62 version

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  On 5/25/2017 at 7:51 PM, Dargham.iraq said:

Hi , can you make heavy bolt action sniper rifle ? like 12.7 mm or 14.5 mm it will be nice .

It's against four rules to request things from mod makers

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a. Your digging up an old thread,


b. Mod making is a hobby, and creators make what they want.


c. There is an entire thread dedicated to requests, so go there.



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Too bad I only saw this mod now!


Keep it up Miroslaw! Very nice choice of weapons!



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