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Creating a mission, dropping to 4fps after being near explosions

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I have asked on reddit and steam for some help with this and it's troubling that this is only a problem I seem to be getting. I have a gtx 970 gpu, 12gb of ram, and some sort of i7 cpu (sorry im at work so I cant check directly) 


Yesterday I burned through two guides in how to get the best performace out of arma3 and I thought it had worked.But after playing the mission I created with the eden editor for a few minutes I see nothing has changed. 


It seems that once a vehicle has been blown up or is on fire that I go from about 35fps down to 4 to 5. It will then stay at that number for the rest of my session. I could even exit out of my test play and go back to the editor and still I have the issue. 


The game is proving to be unplayable besides the first few minutes before the fight starts. What could be going wrong and is this really just an issue I have? The way it seems so tied to fires makes it seem like it should be a problem for everyone. 

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You appear to be running on the Dev-branch of Arma 3. This could in fact be your issue.


Try switching back to the main-branch and attempt to recreate the fps drop. If it remains at a stable fps, it is a problem with the dev-branch version of Arma 3, and you should report it to the BI developer team.

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