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ALiVE - Advanced Light Infantry Virtual Environment 1.0 (GA)

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  On 5/30/2016 at 6:44 PM, reaper lok said:

Am I the only one that is having issues with ALiVE since today's 1.60 Update.......I have no ALiVE Menu Key and no sign of it in 'configure addons' under controls.  Did I miss something?




I believe this is a known issue with 1.60 and will be fixed in the next ALiVE update. I'm fairly certain it's already fixed in their exparimental download on their Github so we just need to be patient for an official ALiVE update.

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  On 5/30/2016 at 6:44 PM, reaper lok said:

Am I the only one that is having issues with ALiVE since today's 1.60 Update.......I have no ALiVE Menu Key and no sign of it in 'configure addons' under controls.  Did I miss something?





Reference the previous page for more information. This has been fixed for the next ALiVE update coming soonâ„¢

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Same here! ALIVE Key isnt showing any menues ingame at all

When trying to configure ALIVE Controls i only get some drawing options and adding key20 at custom keys didnt work.

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The next generation dynamic persistent mission addon for ArmA3

Release 1.0.6 - Compatibility with Arma 3 1.60


This update primarily addresses several issues caused by the Arma 3 1.60 update. Thanks to MarcelDev89 for his map index of Da Krong map from the Unsung mod.

Map Indexing
As stated, we've included one new map in this release thanks to indexing completed by community members using our indexing tool. The tool is simple to setup and use and everything is done IN GAME! Our instructions for using the Map Indexer can be found here - http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Map_Indexing

Are you using Linux?
ALiVE is fully supported on a Linux Dedicated Server (as well as Windows). In fact the ALiVE Official Server for testing is running Ubuntu. Here are some tips on getting ALiVE running smoothly on Linux and integrated with War Room - http://www.alivemod.com/forum/1916-setting-up-linux-dedi-server

Grab the latest version from ALiVEmod.com
Also available from PlayWithSix, ArmAholic and Steam (Usually within 24 hours of this post)
Note for server admins that this build requires the 1.0.5/6 @ALiVEServer package. Any old versions (i.e. before 1.0.5) should not be used and in most cases won't work or will crash.
Please note that as with all updates, if you have an issue loading a mission made with a previous version of ALiVE, delete and replace the modules in that mission. Don't forget if using 3DEN to set appropriate default values in your modules.

Join the War Room Now!

Please refer to the ALiVE Wiki. All the info you need is there. If anything is missing or unclear, please let us know.

Support Forum
For direct support and feedback from the ALiVE dev team, join us on our forum at http://alivemod.com/forum/.
Please avoid posting issues/questions related to bugs etc on this thread. Devs and support will answer questions on our forum.

Release Highlights
  • Now compatible with Arma 3 1.60
  • Minor fixes to Intel map and intel objects
  • Added index for Da Krong thanks to MarcelDev89
  • Minor performance and optimisation fixes
  Reveal hidden contents

Acknowledgements and Thanks
Particular thanks to all those on our support forum who have worked closely with us to identify bugs, provide logs and generally help us improve ALiVE. Your assistance is valuable and your dedication to ALiVE makes it all worth the effort!

ALiVE is now GA. However, we may need to prune the persistent database data from the War Room, eliminating data that is older than 6-12 months. The ALiVE War Room database is run on a voluntary basis at a cost to the ALiVE development team. No guarantees can be given on the mission data stored or the availability of the service. We apologise for any downtime that may impact your MP persistent missions.

ALiVE has transformed my Arma 3 experience, how can I thank you?
Please consider making a contribution to our server costs if you enjoy ALiVE! It costs us $65 per month to run our War Room website and the ALiVE Database servers and every little helps. Donate here http://www.alivemod.com/#Donate

Special thanks to everyone here for supporting us with donations to the ALiVE mod development effort.

Have fun!

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Thats awesome! Congrats another another outstanding release! One thing I was wondering is if the indexing of Da Krong still works even though they updated it yesterday?

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:01 PM, opendome said:

Thats awesome! Congrats another another outstanding release! One thing I was wondering is if the indexing of Da Krong still works even though they updated it yesterday?

Didn't test it but as far as I know they only fixed the lighting stuff which shouldn't affect anything else. I think?

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  On 5/31/2016 at 6:31 PM, marceldev89 said:

Didn't test it but as far as I know they only fixed the lighting stuff which shouldn't affect anything else. I think?


As long as all object ID's stay the same, it should be ok.

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Great work.


Question.... is any work in process on the tasking system?


- Linked tasks

- Tasks with strategic impact / macro effect on overall battlefield


Is there any documentation that explains how the task system works.. are they random tasks or strategically driven by logic in the command module?



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I'm going to cross-post this from the ALiVE forums. I'm seeing an increase in mission start profile spawns. Is anyone seeing this?

"So across the board, my initial profile spawns have increased or decreased by about 20-30 profiles on mission start. I'm using a profile counter in the debug console.

I've balanced these missions for months and have kept a close eye on this, but with the BIS/ALiVE/CUP updates, initial profile spawns have changed a lot.

Reshmaan for example has gone from 87 OPFOR to 105. Takistan has gone from 75 to 100. FATA averaged 45 and just loaded with 21. BLUFOR is up or down too. I'm not sure what happened.

Has anyone been counting profiles from before and after the update seeing anything odd? Perhaps CUP defined some object that ALiVE is recognizing and causing groups to spawn at or maybe the /author error is mucking with mission initialization? Initial mission load time seems like it hitches now and I bet that error is causing that.

Anyway, this is a bit surprising. And I don't have any vanilla missions to test with because I'd need one I had decent grasp on profiles from before the updates."

"EDIT: I also want to add, something wonky is definitely happening on mission start regardless. I've had to remove my mission compete trigger (which was set to end my missions once all OPFOR is dead) because all of my missions "complete" on mission start now."

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Quote from ALiVE forums: "So I'm leaning towards mission initialization issues again caused by startup errors (similar to what Highhead helped me with due to duplicate civ placement modules and ARP2 errors). There are times at mission start where my BLUFOR units will only spawn 5 profiles now. LOL! I have them set to spawn around 70. I'm sure this is just related to some errors so I'll just wait a few days for everyone to get their mods updated."

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Has anyone got Da Krong working? I tried making a basic test with just CSAT forces spawning and I get stick at the loading screen

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  On 6/1/2016 at 7:41 PM, opendome said:

Has anyone got Da Krong working? I tried making a basic test with just CSAT forces spawning and I get stick at the loading screen

Da Krong works fine for me with ALiVE 1.0.6 and Unsung 3.1b (http://i.imgur.com/u8oIh1q.jpg). I do get a script error though, I'll try to re-index it later and see if that fixes it.

21:59:18 Error in expression <select 0;

if("active" in (_sectorData select 1)) then {
[_sector, "data", ["ac>
21:59:18   Error position: <select 1)) then {
[_sector, "data", ["ac>
21:59:18   Error Generic error in expression
21:59:18 File x\alive\addons\fnc_analysis\fnc_gridAnalysisActive.sqf, line 48

EDIT: Re-indexed the terrain just to be sure and fixed the error above: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38551057/alive_index_dakrong_unsung_3.1b.7z

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Thanks for the quick update, great work as usual!



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Ok, so I've been experimenting/stress testing on the dedicated server after my RHS/ACE/ALiVE mod mission on Chernarus started desyncing constantly after roughly 60 minutes of play and I have found some interesting results.


I loaded a mission using only the mods listed above on Stratis and ran it....no desync for hours and hours.  No CUP Terrains, No extra map.


So I created a new mission on Al Rayak...only adding CUP Terrains and Al Rayak map to the mod list....and I get this RPT spamming over and over and over and over...causing a desync and a log file of almost 18mb after 10 hours or so.




Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error position: <_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _active

Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error position: <!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error !: Type Array, expected Bool

Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error position: <_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _active

Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error position: <!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error !: Type Array, expected Bool

Error in expression <active = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error position: <!(_active) then {

_position = _profile s>

  Error !: Type Array, expected Bool

Error in expression <tive = _profile select 2 select 1;


if!(_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error position: <_active) then {

_position = _profile sel>

  Error Undefined variable in expression: _active



This looks like an ALiVE error to me.  Is that correct?  Anyone else seen this?  It's the major bugaboo for my issue right now it appears.

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There's a lot of variables there, AuTigerGrad.

I'm thinking it may be worth-while to see if you can repro this with just ALiVE, CBA and a default CUP map (that is, if you're leaning towards the problem being CUP itself).

Taking away RHS and ACE from the mix should really help narrow down the culprit.

I don't mind helping you test things if you want. Let me know. Tonight I'm going to be using a test version of ALiVE for an unrelated reason to test a different problem. I'd say tomorrow I can help you if that would be useful.

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Ok, so I did the exact same mission, swapping RHS units for Vanilla units.


The error was gone.


Here's the RPT of the mission with RHS  https://www.dropbox.com/s/awpvlbwgmbzqhe7/arma3server_2016-06-01_22-54-47%20%281%29.rpt?dl=0


Here's the RPT of the mission without RHS https://www.dropbox.com/s/dz8e6ytkpfpks6p/arma3server_2016-06-02_14-56-43%20%283%29.rpt?dl=0



That one error spammed over 18mb of rpt spam.  Every thing else was exactly the same other than I swapped the Vanilla units for RHS units.

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  On 6/2/2016 at 10:32 PM, autigergrad said:

Ok, so I did the exact same mission, swapping RHS units for Vanilla units.

The error was gone.

Here's the RPT of the mission with RHS https://www.dropbox.com/s/awpvlbwgmbzqhe7/arma3server_2016-06-01_22-54-47%20(1).rpt?dl=0

Here's the RPT of the mission without RHS https://www.dropbox.com/s/dz8e6ytkpfpks6p/arma3server_2016-06-02_14-56-43%20(3).rpt?dl=0

That one error spammed over 18mb of rpt spam. Every thing else was exactly the same other than I swapped the Vanilla units for RHS units.

Did the error occur on Stratis with RHS?

Perhaps there's a CUP and RHS conflict that ALiVE doesn't like?

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  On 6/2/2016 at 10:38 PM, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

Did the error occur on Stratis with RHS?

Perhaps a CUP and RHS conflict that ALiVE doesn't like? Is that what you're thinking?


Quite possibly.  The error was not visible on Stratis RPT log...which did not use CUP Terrains.  So it seems that something in that combination of CUP + RHS + ALiVE isn't liking each other and is spamming that error over and over.


Take CUP out or RHS out of the equation and no error.


I'd like to see if anyone else in the ALiVE community has seen this same error in the same situation (using CUP Terrains plus ALiVE/ACE/RHS).  


I feel like Sherlock Holmes right now trying to find the killer of my server.

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  On 6/2/2016 at 10:47 PM, autigergrad said:

Quite possibly.  The error was not visible on Stratis RPT log...which did not use CUP Terrains.  So it seems that something in that combination of CUP + RHS + ALiVE isn't liking each other and is spamming that error over and over.


I feel like Sherlock Holmes right now trying to find the killer of my server.

It's only inevitable more people will see the error as time goes on if you can repro it so easily. Thanks for catching it and I hope a dev sees it.

Now, if you want to take a break from killing things and want to try to bring something to life, TPW and I have summoned you. :)


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So a quick update:

I deleted all ALiVE Modules from my missions creating the error, then re placed each module, saved...and loaded on the server.

It appears to have fixed the error.

Apparently, the latest ALiVE release was causing an issue on my older build missions if I didn't re place the modules.

So far so good which makes me very happy.




UPDATE:  .....aaaannnnnd there's my server Out of Memory crash.  So the error was gone..but my game still did the "no message received"/desync after about 90 minutes of gametime.  


If anyone would like to grab this mission, throw it on their server, and test here it is. https://www.dropbox.com/s/cybonqb2tig52i2/Operation_Gathering_Storm.pja310.pbo?dl=0

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