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How to make a searchlight can be found in TKOH sample helicopter. There's nothing secret, really complicated nor demanding in understanding. Copy, paste and adjust in your addon, simply as that.


The light's gonna be operated by copilot due to the fact that 1). pilot has different things to do than looking for a lost pilot in a trees, 2). the addon is intended to be used in MP mainly, the more crew stations manned the better, however only 2 players are required to have all features available as copilot can switch positions 3). searchlight is operated in a camera mode (zoom, optics view), I won't remove zoom view from pilot in exchange for searchlight view/control.


I know that searchlight control switches are usually available on sticks in real helicopters thus are available for both pilots, but we don't have such controler in Arma3. The basic version of the addon is not, and won't be optimized for single player use, I am afraid. Advanced one might have such feature tho.

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  On 8/17/2016 at 9:29 PM, Jnr4817 said:

I truly cannot wait for the searchlight. I have been wanting one since I have been flying in Arma.


Do you plan to share how you achieved this, so the community can add to other aircraft?


Why make it a copilot procedure and not the pilot or both? In my real life job, the pilot controls the search light.


Thank you for your hard work,





The Hellcat has a searchlight for the Co-Pilot. Just press light on, and then you control it with the camera.

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Anyone wants to be Presidential driver and bodyguard in VH-46 WIP?




Update regarding tools: my satisfaction with overcoming the poly limit issues was premature. Now, the BIS Tools cannot binarize the merged model saying that base class is undefined for the second version in row. Couldn't find any missing bracket in base class definition, but I'm suspecting there must be something wrong in the config.cpp. Unbinarized addon doesn't show up any error on game load however CTD the Arma at Virtual Garage preview. Logs says nothing except a bunch of ST errors. One step ahead, two steps back, as always :)

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Its funny, because the MV-22 was deemed too dangerous for the president to fly in for now, I wonder if the Knight was as well. Probably not? ;)

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The calls like "never trust a helicopter under 30" come from operating of CH46 in fact, as its one of the most reliable and thrustworthy aircraft the US Army had. Marines have several platform to provide presidential transportation but I think the 1st place in this matter still has VH-3 Seaking due to its safety record, speed, design and capability of safely ditiching on a water. It's worth noticing that it's still in service unlike CH-46. BTW, I don't think the Seaknight was the primer aircraft to fly the president in, it was rather a support aircarft to bring his Secret Service agents and attendants along. Also this is quite interesting picture, that shows unusual presidential camo on VH46, notice lack of sensors and countermeasure dispensers so couldn't be used in war zones: 



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  On 8/16/2016 at 9:11 PM, NightIntruder said:

I've given a try the current version and, huh, I love it! UH-46 on VERTREP at night below. Please, notice the new cargo hook in the floor hatch. It is activated whenever slingload assistant is active or ropes catch a cargo. There's also standing position of a loadmaster over floor hatch to help pilots through giving corrections and assist with fastroping. It's partially visible on the second picture. However, often ropes behave weird as the aircraft has walkable deck. It could also be fixed, BIS. Please :)













Is the crewman hanging out going to be an implemented feature or is it a external mod/script? Edited by R0adki11
removed quoted images as per the forum rules!

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  On 8/20/2016 at 5:41 PM, jordanbache97 said:

what mod is that ship from?

looks like a frigate from CUP

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  On 8/20/2016 at 5:22 PM, jakjak112 said:

Is the crewman hanging out going to be an implemented feature or is it a external mod/script?

Its built in as a crew position !

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  On 8/20/2016 at 5:22 PM, jakjak112 said:

Is the crewman hanging out going to be an implemented feature or is it a external mod/script?


It's already there, no scripted.



  On 8/20/2016 at 5:41 PM, jordanbache97 said:

what mod is that ship from?


Destroyer, port from A2:  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29765

And no - you don't have to have whole CUP, but hey, it's great mod so nothing wrong to have it, right? :)

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  On 8/20/2016 at 10:35 PM, NightIntruder said:

It's already there, no scripted.




Destroyer, port from A2:  http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29765

And no - you don't have to have whole CUP, but hey, it's great mod so nothing wrong to have it, right? :)


Your tryign to play me right? Thats clearly the Frigate from CUP (Fregata from Arma3 i believe. Not the A2 Destroyer ) The CUP can drive aswell. 




:D  :P


(Im not tryna be a dick or something, this is just joking around, palse dont be mad :P )

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  On 8/20/2016 at 11:25 PM, Hill_G said:

Your tryign to play me right? Thats clearly the Frigate from CUP (Fregata from Arma3 i believe. Not the A2 Destroyer ) The CUP can drive aswell. 




:D  :P


(Im not tryna be a dick or something, this is just joking around, palse dont be mad

The one in the two pictures is the CUP frigate the last picture is the destoyer.

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  On 8/20/2016 at 11:25 PM, Hill_G said:

Your tryign to play me right? Thats clearly the Frigate from CUP (Fregata from Arma3 i believe. Not the A2 Destroyer ) The CUP can drive aswell. 




:D  :P


(Im not tryna be a dick or something, this is just joking around, palse dont be mad :P )

Let me Sum it out if I am correct, first pic, A2 Ported DDG, Last four was the CUP frigate. There you go ;)

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Hahaha, yeahh... Obviously Unarmed Cheese won the contest!
I made mistake, I do have the mission with cargo placed on both ported DDG and the CUP's frigate (as you call it). Anyway, the ship with cargo that's ANZAC class frigate, and if I am remember it right, it's available on arma.de as a standalone.
Yea, here you are: http://www.arma3.de/?path=comment&comcat=cont&subid=2080

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  On 8/21/2016 at 4:35 AM, NightIntruder said:

Hahaha, yeahh... Obviously Unarmed Cheese won the contest!

I made mistake, I do have the mission with cargo placed on both ported DDG and the CUP's frigate (as you call it). Anyway, the ship with cargo that's ANZAC class frigate, and if I am remember it right, it's available on arma.de as a standalone.

Yea, here you are: http://www.arma3.de/?path=comment&comcat=cont&subid=2080

Ooorah :D

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Polite request please don't quote pictures, there are several offenders in this thread. Any further rule breaking may result in forum penalties :ph34r:  

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