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[COOP] Operation Vigilance for UNSUNG 3.0 Vietnam

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From our last "test" session,,, all we could wish for was maybe x1.5 or x2 number of VCs in each sector, just to spice thing up. Maybe make it an option in mission Parameters.

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From our last "test" session,,, all we could wish for was maybe x1.5 or x2 number of VCs in each sector, just to spice thing up. Maybe make it an option in mission Parameters.

Thanks for the feedback - and the latest test run today. More valuable data collected for adjusting playability as the recent changes to difficulty went a bit over the top. Stay tuned, version 0.25 will be released in just a few days.



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Here's a summary of features for version 0.26, released today:


thm_2016-01-22_7.jpg thm_2016-01-22_4.jpg thm_2016-01-22_18.jpg  


Images from left to right (click to enlarge): Main objective, Arsenal supply, Intel markers: basic (distance) and advanced (100x100)


thm_2016-01-23_3.jpg thm_2016-01-22_5.jpg thm_2016-01-23_11.jpg


Images from left to right (click to enlarge): Weapons cache, Special operations assignment, Special operations intel and marker




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How did you make ACE happy with Unsung?

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How did you make ACE happy with Unsung?


Hi anfo, if you are referring to the discussion about ACE3 hit recognition with Unsung uniforms, my solution was to use the vanilla A3 guerilla uniform with standard CSAT soldiers rather than Unsung NVA units and their uniforms. Then, in BIS Arsenal I added the ACE3 medical and a few other useful items, like Maglite and such, then I dropped the Medic and respawn modules in the 2D editor and that was it.


The Unsung modification is just brilliant work, expertly packaged, and I am waiting eagerly for future updates to be able to include more of the good stuff in mission making.



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The Unsung modification is just brilliant work, expertly packaged, and I am waiting eagerly for future updates to be able to include more of the good stuff in mission making.




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Hello again all you "Nam Nuts" out there, here is a fresh update to Operation Vigilance with a few new features, summarized in the screenshots below (Click to enlarge):


thm_2016-02-08_1.jpg thm_2016-02-08_2.jpg thm_2016-02-08_3.jpg


Images from left to right: Arsenal supply and main objective, Features summary and keyboard shortcuts, Special operations


I decided to start abusing the profileNamespace for persistent military career on my behalf too, as it appears to be somewhat popular amongst mission makers these days. Killing the enemy adds to your career xp points and dying, well, that does the opposite. Career feature is aimed especially to enhancing the single player experience while the mission is still very much intended to be co-op multiplayer. Career progress affects the ability to take part in special operations, which in turn may in some cases reveal advanced intel information vital to the main co-op objective.


I hope you enjoy playing Operation Vigilance !



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Another update to Operation Vigilance again today folks, this will improve dedicated server performance in particular. Below a funny scene from the test session today, something I've never witnessed before:


thm_2016-02-09_4.jpg  thm_2016-02-09_5.jpg thm_2016-02-09_6.jpg


Assigned to special operations for a convoy ambush and half an hour later the scene looked like what seemed to be the dead crew crawled into a ball !


Have fun,



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Operation Vigilance concept updated with version 0.45, here's the current state-of-affairs:


Enemy insurgency is spreading in the DaKrong district. US Army HQ has identified a number of square-kilometer grids occupied by the enemy. New areas are constantly being occupied with steady time intervals. Your mission is to patrol the areas marked red on the map, search and destroy one weapon cache in each to lengthen the attack interval and eventually end insurgency once and for all.


Use intelligence information to locate the cache positions. Intel can be gathered by talking to local civilians or by finding enemy papers on the ground near killed enemy team leaders. Your ability to analyze the intel you collect depends on your military career experience points. The higher the XP rank you have, the more accurate are your intel markers on the mission map common to all players. Multiplayer score adds to your XP with each consequtive session you play.


Along with multiplayer score you can get more XP by special operations assignments. Operation categories vary with rank. Assign to special operations at Camp Sarge HQ bunker by talking to the Military Assistance Command officer. You can assign to one special operation at a time. Details of each operation you assign to are added only to your diary. You may finish the operation with help from other players, but credit for the outcome is yours alone. Some exceptions exist, like with convoy ambush, each vehicle credits XP to whoever destroyed one.


Lastly, you may adjust gameplay parameters in the multiplayer lobby. Skill setting affects the number of occupied grids at mission start, the size of enemy squads as well as enemy grid assault time interval. Time of day setting can be morning start, afternoon or night ops. Adjust overall enemy skill using the Arma 3 main menu difficulty setting.


Please leave a comment if you try out the mission ! I'm especially interested in how you find the playability at this stage in development.



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Hey Nik4nder thanks for the mission.


Is very interesting and nice scripted.

One thing, because we cant get out from the Base where she was instantly under attack maybe you should think about some base guards.

As i use the same base in my mission you can just use its function to set some guards.

fnc_guards = {

	private ["_guard", "_unit", "_guard1", "_unit1", "_guard2", "_unit2", "_guard3", "_unit3", "_guard4", "_unit4", "_guard5", "_unit5", "_allguards", "_buildings"];
	_guard = creategroup WEST;
	_unit = _guard createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3679.38,1249.47,0.00143433], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_guard1 = creategroup WEST;
	_unit1 = _guard1 createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3705.67,1236.08,0.00145721], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_guard2 = creategroup WEST;
	_unit2 = _guard2 createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3703.92,1185.17,0.00145721], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_guard3 = creategroup WEST;
	_unit3 = _guard3 createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3680.05,1147.99,0.00146484], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_guard4 = creategroup WEST;
	_unit4 = _guard4 createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3629.32,1161.39,0.00144958], [], 0, "NONE"];
	_guard5 = creategroup WEST;
	_unit5 = _guard5 createUnit ["uns_usmc_3amg", [3650.48,1229.68,0.00146484], [], 0, "NONE"];

	_allguards = [_unit, _unit1, _unit2, _unit3, _unit4, _unit5];

	_buildings = nearestObjects [getpos _x, ["house"], 10];
	_x setPosATL ((_buildings select 0) buildingPos 1);
	_x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight";
	_x enableGunLights "AUTO";
	} forEach _allguards;

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One thing, because we cant get out from the Base where she was instantly under attack maybe you should think about some base guards.


Hi davidoss, thanks for commenting, I've received a few similar suggestions and been thinking about adjusting enemy attacks against US base to be more infrequent. Adjustments will certainly be there for the next version, but what they'll be exactly is uncertain at this point.


Adding AI base guards is one solution and I appreciate your script snippet for the task. By the way, did you try adjusting skill to make it more playable ?



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Yes. Because ai can see through the Jungle we need to setup AI skill to have a chance  for success.



function :

fnc_setEnemySkill = {

	private ["_skill", "_enemies"];
	_skill = paramsArray select 0;
	_enemies = [];
		if (side _x == east) then {
			_enemies pushback _x;
	} foreach allUnits;	

	switch (_skill) do	{

			case 0: //conscript low skill
					_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.01];
					_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.01];
					_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
					_x setSkill ["courage", 0.6];
					_x setSkill ["general", 0.05];
					_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.2];
				} forEach _enemies;
			case 1: //rebels normal
					_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.6];
					_x setSkill ["courage", 0.5];
					_x setSkill ["general", 0.1];
					_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.3];
				} forEach _enemies;
			case 2: //regular hard
					_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.7];
					_x setSkill ["courage", 0.5];
					_x setSkill ["general", 0.2];
					_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.4];
				} forEach _enemies; 
			case 3: //elite very hard skill
					_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.8];
					_x setSkill ["courage", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["general", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.5];
				} forEach _enemies; 
			case 4: // specops godlike
					_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.4];
					_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.7];
					_x setSkill ["courage", 0.3];
					_x setSkill ["general", 0.7];
					_x setSkill ["reloadSpeed", 0.7];
					_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.7];
					_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.7];
				} forEach _enemies; 



class Params	{

	class AISkill {
			title = "Set Enemy Skill";
			texts[] = {"Easy","Normal","Hard","Very Hard","Godlike"};
			values[] = {0,1,2,3,4};			
			default = 0;


After vietcong spawn complete  execute:

[] call fnc_setEnemySkill;
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Mission update version 0.5 released, here's the changelog:

Added: Special operations 'Antenna Raid' for sergeant rank

Added: Arsenal bonus weapons and items for each rank

Added: Mission map icons option

Added: More ambient sounds, lights and bunker life

Added: Instant achievement notification upon rank promotion

Fixed: Arma 3 main menu difficulty had no effect on AI skill

Tweak: Lobby skill parameter affects enemy attack waves on HQ



Have fun !



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Operation Vigilance was having issues with Arma 3 update 1.56 specifically on dedicated server, so changes applied until things change again :)


Update v0.52 released, changelog:

        Added: GrumpyRhino's Huey Pack mod support

        Fixed: Revive failed

        Fixed: Camp Sarge ambient sounds missing

        Fixed: Enemy attacks to Camp Sarge missing

        Tweak: Respawn location menu removed

        Tweak: Respawn tent workaround applied



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