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Sector rewards R3f Credits

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ok, im making a MP TDM, and i want to award the team that captured the sector. Using r3f creation factory in this mission. the teams have to build up their base. capture sectors to gain credits to use to buy stuff to build the base. blufor's box is named blubox, opfor's box is named redbox.  basically all i have to do is run this line of code to add money to the crate.


 private ["_credits"]; _credits = redbox getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100;  redbox setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true] //for opfor's "redbox"




private ["_credits"]; _credits = blubox getVariable "R3F_LOG_CF_credits"; _credits = _credits + 100;  blubox setVariable ["R3F_LOG_CF_credits", _credits, true] //for blufor's "blubox"


How do i execute these lines for the specific team in a sector control mission. I can add one of these the expression line of a sector and it will add credits everytime the sector is captured, no matter who captured it. When opfor captures a sector execute the line for "redbox" when blufor captures a sector run it for "blubox". that all i need to do.

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This was alot easier than i thought. Basically i made a redbox.sqf and a bluebox.sqf with the above script in them, named respectively. Then i made a trigger, condition: sector1 getvariable "owner" == east; activation  nul = []execvm "redbox.sqf"; and then another for west. works like a charm

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Works on dedicated too ? Im stuck because dont know how execute this (server only, client, both....nothing seems to work properly )

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