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Script not working when binarized

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Any idea why a script to animate the hood of a car would work when the addon is unbinarized, but stop working when it's binarized? 


Here's the config entries:

class AnimationSources: AnimationSources
			class  TwoSecondAnim
				source = "user";
				animPeriod = 2;
		class UserActions
			class Openhood
				displayName ="Pop the Hood";
				position = "pos h";
				radius =1.7;
				onlyForplayer= false;
				condition = "this animationPhase ""hood"" < 0.5 && (getpos this select 2) < 3 && (speed this < 3) AND Alive(this)";
				statement = "[this] exec ""\roadrunner2\scripts\hoodop.sqs""";
			class Closehood
				displayName ="Close the Hood";
				position = "pos h";
				radius =1.7;
				onlyForplayer= false;
				condition = "this animationPhase ""hood"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this)";
				statement = "[this] exec ""\roadrunner2\scripts\hoodcl.sqs""";

And the model.cfg entries:

class hood
				source = "twoSecondAnim";
				sourceAddress = "clamp";
				angle1="rad 36";
				memory = true; 
				minValue = 0;
				maxValue = 1;

Once again, this works marvelously when the whole thing is unbinarized. As soon as I binarize it, I can trigger the animation with an init, but not with the action menu. The prompt shows up, it just doesn't do anything.

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Have you unpacked the Bianrized .pbo to confirm that the script is actually there? It may be that during the Binarization process the config is omitted from the PBO.

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Thanks. I excluded scripts from packing and now it works. :)

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