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How to set markers on objects - alive players

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Hello. I am getting an error when the blufor1_1, blufor1_2, and blufor1_3 slots are not filled by a player. I have looked into if, then, else, and exitwith but have not been able to come  up with the proper code. I would want it to not do anything (I've also looked into isnil).

		// Set up Markers On Leaders and Vehicles
		[] spawn
			while {TRUE} do
				sleep 5; // 10 original setting
				if (alive blufor1_1) then
					"ofrsp" setMarkerPos position blufor1_1;
				if (alive blufor1_2) then
					"tlrsp" setMarkerPos position blufor1_2;
				if (alive blufor1_3) then
					"slrsp" setMarkerPos position blufor1_3;

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isNil should work. As variables assigned to object players which don't join from the begining are nil.



if (!isNil "blufor1_1") then
   if (alive blufor1_1) then
   "ofrsp" setMarkerPos position blufor1_1;

should work.

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23:55:47 Error in expression <kerPos position blufor1_1;
if (alive blufor1_2) then
"tlrsp" setMarkerPos p>
23:55:47   Error position: <blufor1_2) then
"tlrsp" setMarkerPos p>
23:55:47   Error Undefined variable in expression: blufor1_2
23:55:47 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.Altis\init.sqf, line 155

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I had tried that before and it didn't work. I just tried it again and it semi works. What's happening now is that: If I am blufor1_1 it works fine, but if I am blufor1_2 it assigns the blufor1_1 marker to blufor1_2. Why's that happening?


Note: Thanks for the soldier tracker suggestion. It is not what I need.

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_nul = [] spawn {

while { true } do {

sleep 5;


_unit = missionNamespace getVariable [ format[ "blufor1_%1", _x select 0 ], objNull ];

if ( !isNull _unit && { alive _unit } ) then {

( _x select 1 ) setMarkerPos getPos _unit;


}forEach [

[ 1, "ofrsp" ],

[ 2, "tlrsp" ],

[ 3, "slrsp" ]




So find the global variable blufor1_# or return objnull if it does not exist, if its not null then check if its alive, if so update marker.
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This might sound stupid but why you don't use allPlayers ? You use a server sided function with global markers (or local markers broadcasted to each client)

while { true } do {
          // Check if marker exists
         If ((getMarkerPos str _x) isEqualTo [0,0,0]) then {
              (str _x) createMarker [name _x, getPos _x];
         } else {
              (str _x) setMarkerPos (getPos _x);
    } forEach allPlayers;
    sleep 0.5;
I wrote this code on my phone with my small mind so just take it as a non working exemple of what you can do. Btw it misses the part where you delete the marker if the player is disconnected (I bet you can do that with a EventHandler or a marker list)

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