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Spawn hostage in random building random position as captive

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This is only spawning him in 1 house (nearest to marker "m1"), at the same position again and again.



_setpos = getMarkerPos "m1";
_groupHVT = createGroup east;

_veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["O_officer_F", _setpos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh setRank "COLONEL";
_veh setSkill 1;
_veh removeallweapons;
_veh setcaptive true;

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _setpos;

sleep 0.3;

_veh setPosATL (_nBuilding buildingPos 2);

_mkr = createmarker ["here", _nBuilding];
_mkr setMarkerShape "Icon";
_mkr setMarkerType "hd_destroy";
_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOpfor";

I have tried all possible ways but I am continuously getting errors. I want the script to scan an area, lets say 400 m around marker m1 and pick a random building (civilian or military) and then pick a random position from it then put the _veh in it.


Please do not re-direct me to other threads, I have seen a butt load and tried the buttload, but to no avail :'(

Thank you. :)

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This is only spawning him in 1 house (nearest to marker "m1"), at the same position again and again.



_setpos = getMarkerPos "m1";
_groupHVT = createGroup east;

_veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["O_officer_F", _setpos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh setRank "COLONEL";
_veh setSkill 1;
_veh removeallweapons;
_veh setcaptive true;

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _setpos;

sleep 0.3;

_veh setPosATL (_nBuilding buildingPos 2);

_mkr = createmarker ["here", _nBuilding];
_mkr setMarkerShape "Icon";
_mkr setMarkerType "hd_destroy";
_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOpfor";

I have tried all possible ways but I am continuously getting errors. I want the script to scan an area, lets say 400 m around marker m1 and pick a random building (civilian or military) and then pick a random position from it then put the _veh in it.


Please do not re-direct me to other threads, I have seen a butt load and tried the buttload, but to no avail :'(

Thank you. :)


Scan for your building, then figure out which model it is, then you can design code for each structure type that would be run based on the model returned on the initial scan to get you a random pos from within that structure. Would take a bit of time to get the all the math right for determining safe unit "spawning" spots in each structure but once it's done it's done and can be used for other things later.

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I wish I were that script literate. I know that is what is needed but the question is HOW?

Any other "detailed" explanation please?

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Try to replace the _setPos = getMarkerPos "m1"; with a random position. Not tested, but hopefully close:

_setPos = getMarkerPos "m1";
// select an arbitrary direction
_dir = random 360;
// select a range between 0 and 400 meter
_range = range 400;
// set a new position in _range meter in _dir degrees from _setPos
_setPos = [(_setPos select 0)+_range*sin(_dir), (_setPos select 1)+_range*cos(_dir)];

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Try to replace the _setPos = getMarkerPos "m1"; with a random position. Not tested, but hopefully close:


TeTeT that is awesome!

Thanks man. You made it look so simple ^^

It will try this now:

_setPos = getMarkerPos "m1";
// select an arbitrary direction
_dir = random 360;
// select a range between 0 and 400 meter
_range = range 400;
// set a new position in _range meter in _dir degrees from _setPos
_setPos = [(_setPos select 0)+_range*sin(_dir), (_setPos select 1)+_range*cos(_dir)]; // Should this also be _setpos or a different name?

_veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["O_officer_F", _setpos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_veh setRank "COLONEL";
_veh setSkill 1;
_veh removeallweapons;
_veh setcaptive true;

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _setpos;

sleep 0.3;

_veh setPosATL (_nBuilding buildingPos 2);

_mkr = createmarker ["here", _nBuilding];
_mkr setMarkerShape "Icon";
_mkr setMarkerType "hd_destroy";
_mkr setMarkerColor "ColorOpfor";

But I think the line where you choose location based on the range and direction, must have a name different than "_setpos" as it was already defined above it?

I have put a comment next to that line.


Thank you.

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There's no harm in re-using _setpos there in the snippet sent, unless you need it later of course. If that's the case, rename the second _setPos assignment to any of your liking and change the createUnit and nearestBuilding lines as well.

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There's no harm in re-using _setpos there in the snippet sent, unless you need it later of course. If that's the case, rename the second _setPos assignment to any of your liking and change the createUnit and nearestBuilding lines as well.



Great. Now how about we add a line or two after

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _setpos;

to determine an array of availabe positions in _nBuilding and then using a random one from among it? Please correct the below code:

_nBuilding = nearestBuilding _setpos;
_pos = [_nBuilding] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
_rndpos = [] floor (random _pos);

_veh setPosATL _rndpos;


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There's a nice random function:

_rndpos = [_pos] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

And for the random relative position mentioned earlier:

_setpos = [getMarkerPos "m1", random 400, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;

The next game update (probably tomorrow) will introduce new scripting commands for these:

_rndpos = selectRandom [_pos];
_setpos = (getMarkerPos "m1") getPos [random 400, random 360];

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There a nice random function:

_rndpos = [_pos] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

And for the random relative position mentioned earlier:

_setpos = [getMarkerPos "m1", random 400, random 360] call BIS_fnc_relPos;

The next game update (probably tomorrow) will introduce new scripting commands for these:

_rndpos = selectRandom [_pos];
_setpos = getMarkerPos "m1" getPos [random 400, random 360];

Great ! Will get back with results later today.



Thank you. :)


EDIT: It workss.. Thank you Greenfist :D

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_nBuilding = nearestObjects [_setpos, ["house"], 100];
_pos = [_nBuilding] call BIS_fnc_buildingPositions;
_rndpos = [_pos] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;

_veh setPos (getPos _rndpos);

But now this is giving me an error:

_veh setPos (|#|getPos _rndpos);

Type Array, Expected Object, Location


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I think the BIS_fnc_buildingPositions already returns positions, so why do you use getpos on it?


_veh setPos _rndPos;

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I think the BIS_fnc_buildingPositions already returns positions, so why do you use getpos on it?

_veh setPos _rndPos;


I tried that too but its throwing the following error:

_veh |#|setPos _rndPos;

Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected.

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Then BIS_fnc_buildingPositions is giving an empty array.

So the question is: does nearestbuilding return also buildings that don't have positions? I dunno.


edit. No. I just noticed you're using nearestObjects which does return positionless buildings too IIRC.

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Then BIS_fnc_buildingPositions is giving an empty array.

So the question is: does nearestbuilding return also buildings that don't have positions? I dunno.


edit. No. I just noticed you're using nearestObjects which does return positionless buildings too IIRC.

Thank you Greenfist for always being there :)


But I have just replaced all this with the fantastic SHK_buildingposition. Just had to replace the "Building" in it to "House" as it was spawning the Captive in open places like piers and bridges. :)


Here it is should someone need. As extracted from EOS:



  Shuko of LDD Kyllikki (kyllikki.fi)
  IRC: shuko @ quakenet
  Version: 0.12

    nul = [position,unitList,radius,priority,height,disableMove,stance,hide] execvm "shk_buildingpos.sqf"
  Required Parameters:
    Origo        Position       Position from where building positions are searched for.
    Units        Array          Units to be moved.
  Optional Parameters:
    Radius       Integer        Range from the origo to look for building positions. Default is 20.
    Priority     Integer        Building position priority.
                   0:             Random, default value.
                   1:             Ground floor has highest prio, roof positions are last to be filled.
                   2:             Roof has top prio, ground level lowest.
    Height       Array          Filter for positions.
                   [min,max]    Minimum and maximum height from ground for valid positions.
    DisableMove  Boolean        Issues disableai "move" to all units.
    Stance       Boolean        Issues setunitpos "up" to all units.
    Hide         Array          Hiding does not prevent the units from detecting and engaging enemies.
                                It's only meant to be used for preventing the units being detected from far away.
                   Portition    Amount of units to be hidden. Valid values between 0 and 1;
                   Condition    Condition to reveal the hidden units.
    nul = [getpos hq,[man1,man2,man3]] execvm "shk_buildingpos.sqf"
    nul = [getpos house,[sniper1,sniper2],20,2] execvm "shk_buildingpos.sqf"
    nul = [getpos house,units grpAlpha,30,0,[1,4]] execvm "shk_buildingpos.sqf"
    nul = [getpos house,bmen1,20,0,[],true,true,[0.5,"SHK_revealHouseUnits"]] execvm "shk_buildingpos.sqf"

    Patrol (switch positions)
    Change prio (for example lower level units moves to roof)
      object: take pos and dir
      array: [[x,y,z],dir]
    Multiple unit groups per script. [[parameters],[parameters2],[parameters]]
      Goal is to get all units into one _men array.

private "_men";
if isserver then {

  private "_sortArray";
  _sortArray = {
    private "_sort";
    _sort = {
      private ["_h","_i","_j","_a","_lo","_hi","_x","_id"];

      _a = _this select 0; //array to be sorted
      _id = _this select 1; //array item index to be compared
      _lo = _this select 2; //lower index to sort from
      _hi = _this select 3; //upper index to sort to

      _h = nil;            //used to make a do-while loop below
      _i = _lo;
      _j = _hi;
      if (count _a == 0) exitWith {};
      _x = (_a select ((_lo+_hi)/2)) select _id;

      while {isnil "_h" || _i <= _j} do {
        while {(_a select _i) select _id < _x} do {_i=_i+1};
        while {(_a select _j) select _id > _x} do {_j=_j-1};

        if (_i<=_j) then {
          _h = _a select _i;
          _a set [_i, _a select _j];
          _a set [_j, _h];


      if (_lo<_j) then {[_a, _id, _lo, _j] call _sort};
      if (_i<_hi) then {[_a, _id, _i, _hi] call _sort};
    [_this select 0, _this select 1, 0, 0 max ((count (_this select 0))-1)] call _sort;
    _this select 0

  private ["_opos","_rad","_bpos"];
  _opos = _this select 0;
  if (typename _opos == typename objNull) then {_opos = getpos _opos};
  _men = _this select 1;
  _rad = if (count _this > 2) then { _this select 2 } else { 20 };

  _bpos = [];
    private ["_i","_p"];
    for [{_i = 0;_p = _x buildingpos _i},{str _p != "[0,0,0]"},{_i = _i + 1;_p = _x buildingpos _i}] do {
      _bpos set [count _bpos,_p];
  } foreach (nearestObjects [_opos, ["House"], _rad]);

  // Priority
  private "_prio";
  if (count _this > 3) then {
    _prio = _this select 3;
    _bpos = [_bpos,2] call _sortArray;
  } else {
    _prio = 0;

  // Height
  if (count _this > 4) then {
    if (count (_this select 4) > 0) then {
      private ["_tmp","_min","_max","_h"];
      _tmp = [];
      _min = (_this select 4) select 0;
      _max = (_this select 4) select 1;
        _h = _x select 2;
        if (_h >= _min && _h <= _max) then { _tmp set [count _tmp,_x] };
      } foreach _bpos;
      _bpos = _tmp;

  // DisableMove
  private "_disableMove";
  _disableMove = if (count _this > 5) then { _this select 5 } else { false };

  // Stance
  private "_stance";
  _stance = if (count _this > 6) then { _this select 6 } else { false };

  private ["_taken","_ind","_pos","_dir"];
  _taken = [];
    while {count _taken < count _bpos} do {
      switch _prio do {
        case 0: { _ind = floor(random count _bpos) }; // random
        case 1: { _ind = count _taken }; // ground floor first
        case 2: { _ind = count _bpos - count _taken - 1 }; // roof first
      if !(_ind in _taken) exitwith {
        _taken set [count _taken,_ind];
        _pos = _bpos select _ind;
        _dir = ((_pos select 0) - (_opos select 0)) atan2 ((_pos select 1) - (_opos select 1));
        if (_dir < 0) then {_dir = _dir + 360};
        _x setpos _pos;
        _x setformdir _dir;
        if _disableMove then { doStop _x; };
        if _stance then { _x setunitpos "UP" };
  } foreach _men;

}; //isserver

// Hide
if (count _this > 7) then {
  if (isnil "SHK_BuildingPos_init") then {
    SHK_BuildingPos_fnc = {
      private ["_act","_arr"];
      _act = _this select 0;
      _arr = _this select 1;
      { _x hideobject _act } foreach _arr;
    "SHK_BuildingPos_EH" addpublicvariableeventhandler {
      private ["_act","_arr"];
      _arr = _this select 1;
      _act = _arr select 0;
      _arr = _arr select 1;
      [_act,_arr] call SHK_BuildingPos_fnc;
    SHK_BuildingPos_init = true;
  if isserver then {
    private ["_hide","_portition","_condition","_hidden","_u","_i"];
    _hide = _this select 7;
    _portition = _hide select 0;
    _portition = round (_portition * (count _men));
    _condition = _hide select 1;
    _hidden = [];
    for "_i" from 0 to (_portition - 1) do {
      _u = _men select _i;
      _hidden set [count _hidden, _u];

    SHK_BuildingPos_EH = [true,_hidden];
    publicvariable "SHK_BuildingPos_EH";
    if !isdedicated then { [true,_hidden] call SHK_BuildingPos_fnc };
    waituntil {(call compile _condition)};
    SHK_BuildingPos_EH = [false,_hidden];
    publicvariable "SHK_BuildingPos_EH";
    if !isdedicated then { [false,_hidden] call SHK_BuildingPos_fnc };

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Ok that is annoying. I am unable to make the waituntil conditions:

	waitUntil {
		sleep 3;
		(_veh distance getMarkerPos "base" < 15 && alive _veh) || (alive _veh)};

if (alive _veh) then {
    ["Task11", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
} else {
    ["Task11", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

The hostage _veh, if he is alive and reaches marker base I want mission complete, but if he is killed before, i want the mission to fail. how to achieve it :(



EDIT: Got it working like so:

waitUntil {sleep 3;(_veh distance getMarkerPos "base" < 15 && alive _veh) || !(alive _veh)};

if (!(alive _veh)) then {
    ["Task11", "Failed"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;
} else {
    ["Task11", "Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState;

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