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dr death jm

looking for help, server issues on linux

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for some time Ive only had 1 mission auto loading, So I never saw issue until I tried server command #missions.

my server dropped and I got a lost connection message.

So for some days ive been trying   ./a3update.sh

long story short , nothing worked.

so I started (1 file at a time) changing lowercase to uppercase . it ends up mpmissions needs to be MPMissions (on Linux?).

So now server starts, but it only loads default missions... ? ((this is were I'm stuck)) ..

below is my server files maybe someone will see were I'm going wrong..




#!/bin/bash# Wrapper file to start the A3 server
# Network settings used in -cfg paramnetworkConfig="network.cfg"
# Server configuration settings used in -config 
# Server profile and difficulty settings used in -name 
# Server-side modsmods=
# Stop old server./stop
# Start serverecho "Starting server..."nohup ./arma3server 
-cfg="/$networkConfig" -config="$serverConfig" -name="$profileName" -mod="$mods" 
-maxmem=2047 -enableSteamLogs -noSound > arma3.log 2>&1& echo $! 
> .pid


hostname = "BinaryBone BootCamp";
password = "";
passwordAdmin = "";   
serverCommandPassword = "";
logFile = "arma3.log";   
motd[] = { "", 
"",  "---------------------", "Welcome to 
BinaryBone-BootCamp", "", "",  "This is A PVP,RTS,TVT 
Server", "http://www.example.com", "for 
any requests,issues,bugs,or what ever contact Dr Death jm on BIS 
forum", ""};
motdInterval = 5;      
maxPlayers = 32;
kickDuplicate = 1;
verifySignatures = 2;
equalModRequired = 0;
allowedFilePatching = 0;
//requiredBuild = 12345  
voteMissionPlayers = 1;
voteThreshold = 0.33;
disableVoN = 0;
vonCodecQuality = 10;
persistent = 0;
timeStampFormat = "short";BattlEye = 1;
allowedLoadFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; 
allowedPreprocessFileExtensions[] = {"hpp","sqs","sqf","fsm","cpp","paa","txt","xml","inc","ext","sqm","ods","fxy","lip","csv","kb","bik","bikb","html","htm","biedi"}; 
allowedHTMLLoadExtensions[] = {"htm","html","xml","txt"};  
allowedHTMLLoadURIs = {};  
ISSUESonUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)";
onHackedData = "ban (_this select 0)";
onDifferentData = ""; 
class Missions {};
missionWhitelist[] = {};



class Difficulties{    
class recruit
class Flags        
class regular
class Flags        
class veteran
class Flags        
class mercenary    
class Flags        



language                    = "English";
adapter                     = -1;
3D_Performance              = 1.0000000000;
Resolution_W                = 0;
Resolution_H                = 0;
Resolution_Bpp              = 32;
Windowed                    = 0;
MinBandwidth                = 209715200;
MaxBandwidth                = 2147483647;
MaxMsgSend                  = 512;
MaxSizeGuaranteed           = 256;
MaxSizeNonguaranteed        = 128;
MinErrorToSendNear          = 0.0300000000;
MinErrorToSend              = 0.0100000000;
MaxCustomFileSize           = 1000;
serverLongitude             = 2.16;
serverLatitude              = 51.02;
serverLongitudeAuto         = 2.16;
serverLatitudeAuto          = 51.02;

And last is my server log


21:59:22 Updating base class ->Base, by 
a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/PAPA_BEAR/21:59:22 Updating 
base class ->Base, by 
a3\dubbing_radio_f\config.bin/CfgHQIdentities/AirBase/21:59:22 Updating base 
class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by 
a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Controls/B_OK/21:59:22 Updating 
base class RscSliderH->RscXSliderH, by 
a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Slider/21:59:22 Updating base 
class RscText->RscPicture, by 
a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayEditObject/Preview/21:59:22 Updating base 
class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by 
a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionLoad/Controls/B_OK/21:59:22 Updating 
base class RscShortcutButton->RscButton, by 
a3\editor_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMissionSave/Controls/B_OK/21:59:23 Updating 
base class ->RscControlsGroup, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscControlsGroup, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscControlsGroup, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscControlsGroupNoVScrollbars/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLine/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscActivePicture/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscButton, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonTextOnly/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscShortcutButtonMain/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonEditor/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIShortcutButton/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscShortcutButton, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscGearShortcutButton/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscShortcutButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenu/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuOK/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscButtonMenu, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuCancel/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscButtonMenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscButtonMenuSteam/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscLoadingText/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscListBox, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListBox/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscListNBox, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscIGUIListNBox/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackground/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUI/21:59:23 Updating 
base class ->RscPicture, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUILeft/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIRight/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscPicture, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIBottom/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUITop/21:59:23 Updating 
base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundGUIDark/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscBackgroundLogo/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscMapControl, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlEmpty/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscPicture, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Mainback/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Back/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title_Back/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->CA_Mainback, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Black_Back/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscTitle, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Title/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo/21:59:23 Updating base class ->CA_Logo, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Logo_Small/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->CA_RscButton, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_RscButton_dialog/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscActiveText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscText, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image/21:59:23 
Updating base class ->RscText, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_image2/21:59:23 Updating base class ->RscText, 
by a3\ui_f\config.bin/CA_Ok_text/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->RscPicture, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscVignette/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMapControlTooltip/21:59:23 Updating base class 
RscUnitInfo->RscUnitInfoAirNoWeapon, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscInGameUI/RscUnitInfoAir/21:59:23 Updating base class 
RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_OK/21:59:23 Updating base 
class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Cancel/21:59:23 Updating base 
class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayDebug/Controls/B_Clear/21:59:23 Updating base 
class ->RscText, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCapture/controls/TimeLines/21:59:23 Updating 
base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenu, by 
Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoHScrollbars, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/21:59:23 Updating base 
class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/21:59:23 Updating base class 
IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcOwnedIconPicture/21:59:23 Updating base 
class IconPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/DlcIconPicture/21:59:23 Updating base 
class RscListBox->RscCombo, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/21:59:23 Updating 
base class ->RscStandardDisplay, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayControlSchemes/21:59:23 Updating base class 
ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by 
Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by 
Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by 
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by 
Cannot delete class B_KickOff, it is referenced somewhere (used as a base class 
probably).21:59:23 Updating base class RscButton->RscButtonMenuCancel, by 
Updating base class RscShortcutButton->RscButtonMenuOK, by 
Updating base class ButtonOK->RscButtonMenuCancel, by 
Updating base class ->RscSubmenu, by 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscMainMenu/Cannot update non class from class 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscCallSupport/Items/Cannot update non class from class 
a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscRadio/Items/21:59:23 Updating base class 
RscStandardDisplay->, by 
a3\ui_f_mp_mark\config.bin/RscDisplayRespawn/21:59:23 Updating base class 
->SlotInfo, by a3\weapons_f_mark\config.bin/UnderBarrelSlot/21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_mp_mark\data\marksmen_scenario01_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_kart\data\timetrials\sl_unload_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_kart\data\timetrials\sl_load_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_kart\data\timetrials\quit_igui_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_kart\data\timetrials\sl_carry_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_kart\data\timetrials\onground_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_grenadesfiringrange.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_m04_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\icons\targetposition.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\mp_zgm_m13_east_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_m01_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\bootcamp_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_karts.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_m05_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_vr_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\mp_zgm_m13_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_weaponsfiringrange.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_wrongway.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_m02_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_vehiclesfiringrange.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_vehiclesobstaclecourse.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\mp_zgm_m13_guer_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\whiteboards\scoreboard.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\bootcamp_mp_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\boot_m03_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\mp_zgm_m13_west_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_infantryobstaclecourse.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_bootcamp\data\img\signs\board_go.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\quit_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_purple_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_green_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_blue_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\timer_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_purple_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\special_jay_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\medal_silver_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\medal_bronze_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_green_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_orange_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_purple_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\medal_none_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_red_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_orange_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_blue_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_blue_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\medal_gold_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\training_orange_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\checkpoint_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_red_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\finish_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\restart_red_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\target_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f_beta\data\firingdrills\competitive_green_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_in2_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\showcase_fixed_wings_briefing_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_eb_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\stage_c_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\whiteboards\mapboard_stratis_c_in1_co.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_m01_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_out1_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\showcase_fixed_wings_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\orbat\b_111_texture_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\campaign_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_in1_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_m02_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_out2_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\c_ea_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\orbat\b_111_bw_texture_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epc\data\img\whiteboards\mapboard_altis_c_in1_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusc5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crawl4_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_kneel3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_right4_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_left4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_noshoot_target5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_penetrate2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_rifle2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_sidearm4_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_stand5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_right3_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_target5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_vault4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\sp_fd01_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd01_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusb2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusd1_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crouch4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_right3_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_prone4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_noshoot2_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crawl5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_kneel4_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_right5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_left5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_penetrate3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_rifle3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_right4_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_vault5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_combined_arms_briefing_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd02_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusb3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusd2_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crouch5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_right4_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_prone5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_sidearm5_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_noshoot3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\portraitmptypedefense_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_kneel5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_left1_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_penetrate4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_rifle4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_right5_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\firingdrills_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_commanding_i_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd03_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusa1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusb4_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusd3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonush1_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_right5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_noshoot4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\sp_fd02_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_left2_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_noshoot_target1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_penetrate5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_rifle5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_stand1_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd04_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusa2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusb5_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusc1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusd4_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonush2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_noshoot5_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_target1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_left3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_right1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_noshoot_target2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_vault1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out1_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\mp_coop_m04_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_combined_arms_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_night_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_supports_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusa3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusc2_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusd5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonush3_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crawl1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_left1_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_sidearm1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_stand2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_target2_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\sp_fd03_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\campaign_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\challenges_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crouch1_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_kneel1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_left4_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_noshoot_target3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_prone1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out2_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusa4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusc3_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonush4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crawl2_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_right2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_left2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_sidearm2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_stand3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_right1_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_target3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_vault2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crouch2_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_left5_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_right1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_prone2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out3_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusa5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusc4_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonush5_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crawl3_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_kneel2_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_lean_right3_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_left3_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_noshoot_target4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_penetrate1_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_rifle1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_sidearm3_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_stand4_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_right2_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_target4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_vault3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\iconmptypedefense_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_night_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_supports_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_bonusb1_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_crouch3_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_move_right2_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_prone3_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_target_noshoot1_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\decals\decal_watch_out4_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\showcase_commanding_i_briefing_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_beta\data\img\sp_fd04_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_hub02_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\orbat\i_aaf_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_in2_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m03_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_skirmish02_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\orbat\b_aegis_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\stage_c_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_briefing_a_m05_co.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_in_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_a_in_camp_co.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m04_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m01_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\stage_a_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_a_in_lz_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m05_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\campaign_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_hub01_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m02_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_skirmish01_overview_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\orbat\b_aegis_texture_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\orbat\b_nato_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_m05_intel_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\a_out_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epa\data\img\stage_b_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconhq_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconsector_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_marta_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f\data\portraitstrategicmapmission_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_hc_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_hc_sub_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraithq_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitmodule_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitsectordummy_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\iconstrategicmapopen_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitrespawn_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconsectordummy_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_acm_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_effects_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_functions_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\iconstrategicmapimage_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconmodule_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\iconstrategicmapinit_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitstrategicmaporbat_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f\data\iconstrategicmapmission_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\iconunlock_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitsector_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitstrategicmapopen_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconrespawn_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\icon_jukebox_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f\data\portraitstrategicmapimage_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\modules_f\data\portraitstrategicmapinit_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header "a3\modules_f\data\iconlock_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\modules_f\data\iconstrategicmaporbat_ca.paa" already in the manager and new 
header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_in_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_m03_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_out2_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m05_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_hub02_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m02_2_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_hub01_co.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\stage_c_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_skirmish01_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_m05_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m06_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\orbat\fia_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_m06_co.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_out2_co.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_hub03_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m03_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_skirmish02_overview_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_in2_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\orbat\csat_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m05_orestes_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\campaign_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_m01_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_skirmish03_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\orbat\fia_marker_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\papermaps\papermap_briefing_b_m02_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_hub01_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m01_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\b_m02_1_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_epb\data\img\stage_b_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_autonomous_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_drones_pegasus_photo_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_gunships_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_ground_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\firingdrills_blue_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\iconmptypeseize_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_drones_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd08_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd09_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_ground_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m06_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_tanks_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_ground_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_water_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\firingdrills_red_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\portraitmptypeseize_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd05_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_briefing_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_expo_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m03_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_expo_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_water_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\icon_exit_big_ca.paa" already in the manager and 
new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 Texture 
header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd09_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd10_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_air_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_water_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\firingdrills_orange_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m07_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_arma_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd10_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_weapons_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m04_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_drones_aaa_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_tanks_overview_ca.paa" 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd06_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd05_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_overview_ca.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_opfor_autonomous_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_gunships_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\campaign_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header "a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_air_ca.paa" already 
in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_drones_briefing_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd06_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_air_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m08_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_autonomous_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_weapons_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_expo_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\sp_fd07_overview_ca.paa" already in the manager 
and new header is different! Removing header from the manager.21:59:23 
Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd07_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_blufor_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\mp_coop_m05_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\showcase_arma_overview_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\faction_independent_weapons_ca.paa" already in the 
manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
already in the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 Texture header 
"a3\missions_f_gamma\data\img\whiteboards\whiteboard_sp_fd08_co.paa" already in 
the manager and new header is different! Removing header from the 
manager.21:59:23 ragdollHitDmgLimit (0.000000) is lower than minimum 
(0.010000) and it was set to min.21:59:23 Initializing Steam 
Manager21:59:23 Steam Manager initialized.21:59:23 
List of mods 
modsReadOnly = true21:59:23 safeModsActivated = false21:59:23 customMods 
= false21:59:23 hash = 
'F4D378170393B578E0529D7223E6E86AB2492A23'21:59:23 hashShort = 
modDir |    default 
hash | hashShort | fullPath21:59:23 
Arma 3 DLC Bundle 
|            dlcbundle 
|       true 
|            NOT FOUND 
Arma 3 Marksmen 
mark |       true 
|             GAME 
DIR | 72dafe7fb444b4ca8438eb4a18bb963f04451f1c |  d80931de | 
Arma 3 Helicopters 
heli |       true 
|             GAME 
DIR | d501ad2cecf1acdf8df830a3c4c82c549508a1f0 |  54e1c164 | 
Arma 3 Karts 
kart |       true 
|             GAME 
DIR | ff5d4beff64aa06e5291ee726dba99122de0c9be |    3d3c6d | 
Arma 3 Zeus 
curator |       true 
|             GAME 
DIR | 13fd3ee42f34a3437b91fcb413b4f9469c6e9781 |  6dbbef82 | 
Arma 3 
A3 |       true 
|            NOT FOUND 
|           |21:59:23 
InitSound ...21:59:23 InitSound - complete21:59:23 Dedicated host 
created.21:59:23 PhysX3 SDK Init started ...21:59:23 PhysX3 SDK Init 
ended.Attempt to override final function - rscminimap_scriptAttempt to 
override final function - rscdisplayloading_scriptAttempt to override final 
function - rscdisplayloading_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayloading_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdiary_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaysinglemission_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdiary_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayremotemissions_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayloading_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdiary_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdiary_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaystrategicmap_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaycommon_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayloading_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaycurator_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayattributes_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayattributes_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplayattributes_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaycommon_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscdisplaydebriefing_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_scriptAttempt to override final function - 
rscunitinfo_script21:59:26 BattlEye Server: Initialized (v1.207)21:59:26 
Host identity created.[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; 
SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 
10741021:59:26 Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 230321:59:26 
Initializing Steam server - Game Port: 2302, Steam Query Port: 230321:59:27 
Connected to Steam servers

Any help would be great..


and thank you ....




Edited by dr death jm

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Since this post is now quite old, I will just comment generally that case is important, as you pointed out.  For example, I run a script to change all mod and contents names to lower case, and I reference them in lower case. However, I allow mission file names to be mixed case, and I reference them that way. Whatever you do, just be sure you match between the way something is named and the request you make for it, including path.

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