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Alright, looks like we've managed to pinpoint the issue.


It was related to the Shadow LODs. For some reason it didn't accept the hand models so it kinda borked the entire model as a result.


The fix should come along with the new stuff/update.

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Next update will include some fixes and a brand new Orsis T-5000 sniper rifle (picture below) which will replace the Lynx.  Planned ETA should be sometime this weekend or later. :)


We will then slowly replace all the vanilla content that our mod is currently using. Also, some planned content for the future: PP2000, GAZ Tigr, Armata tank etc.



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  On 11/22/2016 at 1:10 AM, Deathstruck said:

Next update will include some fixes and a brand new Orsis T-5000 sniper rifle (picture below) which will replace the Lynx.  Planned ETA should be sometime this weekend or later. :)


We will then slowly replace all the vanilla content that our mod is currently using. Also, some planned content for the future: PP2000, GAZ Tigr, Armata tank etc.

:rolleyes: :wub:

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A small 2.01 update is live! All the links have been updated.

Also provided just the sole update version for those who are interested (It should be installed over 2.0.)


See the first page.



VERSION 2.01 (25-11-2016)
- Fixed model deformation when using launchers
- Fixed iron sights for all weapons and their settings
- Some config fixes/adjustments

- New Orsis T-5000 Sniper's rifle
- Added Metis-M AT-13 static launcher

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Outstanding update.  :)


Will the PKM-A optic be getting collimator tunnelling sometime in a future update? The old Arma 2-style painted on red dot that it's currently using looks really out of place in comparison to other red dot sights.


EDIT: Also forgot to mention that the A-545 (both unfolded and folded) and all variants of the AK-12 lack deploy pivots, so you'll 'sink' into the ground when trying to rest them without a bipod attached.


...and I've got two more minor .rpt warnings for you (possibly a spelling error in CfgMods or the stringtable?):

String STR_MIN_RF_MOD not found
String STR_MIN_RF_WEBSITE not found
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I don t have clue why, but when I am using this mod in conjunction with RHS AFRF I can t throw Russian grenades from RHS and player user interface doesn t even see them in HUD. I ve tested it and this is definitely this mod s fault. Nothing in rpt log. Anyone have a clue?


Steps to reproduce:

1. Enable 2035 Russian Armed Forces and RHS AFRF at the same time and launch the game.

2. In game try to use any of RHS Russian grenades RGD, RGN, smoke, whatever.

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  On 11/27/2016 at 6:45 AM, drebin052 said:


Outstanding update.  :)


Will the PKM-A optic be getting collimator tunnelling sometime in a future update? The old Arma 2-style painted on red dot that it's currently using looks really out of place in comparison to other red dot sights.


EDIT: Also forgot to mention that the A-545 (both unfolded and folded) and all variants of the AK-12 lack deploy pivots, so you'll 'sink' into the ground when trying to rest them without a bipod attached.


...and I've got two more minor .rpt warnings for you (possibly a spelling error in CfgMods or the stringtable?):

String STR_MIN_RF_MOD not found
String STR_MIN_RF_WEBSITE not found


Thanks for the feedback. The rifles sinking has been fixed and will be in the next update. Same for the PKM-A optics visuals which will be more to the ArmA3 standards


Not quite sure what is going on in the string since we can't reproduce it.



  On 11/28/2016 at 5:43 PM, bolo861 said:

I don t have clue why, but when I am using this mod in conjunction with RHS AFRF I can t throw Russian grenades from RHS and player user interface doesn t even see them in HUD. I ve tested it and this is definitely this mod s fault. Nothing in rpt log. Anyone have a clue?


Steps to reproduce:

1. Enable 2035 Russian Armed Forces and RHS AFRF at the same time and launch the game.

2. In game try to use any of RHS Russian grenades RGD, RGN, smoke, whatever.


Yup, Mindas took a look and identified the problem. Fix will be included in the next update.



Other than that, some model problems were fixed on Metis, along with slight attributes adjustment.

I am starting to sound like a broken record, but it will be in the next update as well :P

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You know what would be nice!!!!!!  :D

NEW Kalashnikov Concern RPK-16 Machine Gun, VSV-338 Sniper Rifle, SVK Marksman Rifle & PL-15 Pistol


More info here






And they are lore friendly because they are in state trial now.

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Sorry for my English.

There are interesting developments of the Russian army 2035.



and weapons fix

 Configs is old.

 Author - adw8613. 

Unique futuristic helmets, wests and weapons, no outsider content, except for the uniforms. If necessary, I can ask the author about using content.

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Hey there guys. A status update featuring our upcoming Desert pack. Part of our ongoing mod expansion. :)

Excuse the Wall of images. The BBcode seems to be broken to oblivion.










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Merry christmas everyone!


Just another little status update, this time featuring the new, modern desert Spetsnaz units.

They currently utilize the multicam camo pattern (as do their real life counterpart). Lot of inspiration came from photos from Syria and their official "promos". :)



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  On 12/14/2016 at 5:37 PM, Deathstruck said:




Red star on side of ground vehicle:

+10% communism

-100% survivability


It's a Soviet Airforces ensign btw.

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Not only Soviet, but also parade only. Even Soviet Army never had red stars on combat deployments (Afgan) and field training maneuvers.

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Perhaps. But we're working with a fictional 2035 scenario here, and it's mostly there for easier designation. But we'll look into some alternatives.


Also, some new screens featuring new camo and units. Only thing remaining are some tweaks, retexturing the PP2000, testing and it can be released. :)









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Hey, i love the mod but i have an issue when i use it.When ever i install this mod the Chinese CSAT units speak English. When i disable this mod they speak Chinese. Is there anyway to fix this? Thanks

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A new version (3.0) is out! Refer to the first page/post for download links. :)




VERSION 3.0 (13-01-2017)
- A brand new Desert pack (Units, vehicles, weapons)
- All weapons in 3 camo versions (Black, Desert, Forest)
- Same goes for vehicles (Green, Desert, Nakidka)
- New weapons: PP-2000 and ASH-12.7
- New Kobra EKP-8-18 Optics
- Added infantry units in Urban (Izlom) camo
- New helmets, hats, vests, belts in various camo
- Scouts in brand new camouflage and equipment
- New Spetsnaz units replacing the old ones (basic and desert version), new models, camo, equipment


- Config adjustments (weapons, units)
- Minor model and texture fixes
- Fixed reported issues








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Well, CSAT-no more... this is my default opfor faction for now on. =)

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Hey guys! Just wanted to say, despite my lukewarm feelings about the default setting of Arma 3, this mod is a terrific compliment to the vanilla game! The faction feels totally at home in the setting, and that's no easy feat!


I have a feeling it's going to stay in my rotation for a long time- keep up the good work!

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