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Game launches at 800x600 everytime

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Started using dev branch 2 days ago and whenever I start the game it reverts to 800x600 rez and is also overstretched as if it was applied on a monitor 4x my monitor size. However all gfx settings are unchanged. How to fix that?

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Wont work, I deleted the profile and cfg, still the game insists to load into 640x480.

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Now I tried to repair install, manually select the correct rez in menu then restart. Nothing works, it always reverts to 640 at game start. However this only happens since I switched to DEV

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Maybe have someone knowledgeable from BIS support or the community help you on your PC through Teamviewer?

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I have exactly the same problem with the dev branch since a few week :


Launch worked the first time, and after that start in 640*480 upper corner you can't do s**t.


Vanilla, no mods, no better.


Note : I don't care about dev branch but I'm afraid 1.54 will bring that crap in my stable build.

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I just found this on google :





I determined it was TFAR by removing all launch parameters and systematically removing all mods.
I updated my drivers after the problem started and it had no effect.
The workaround I found is to append "-window" to my launch parameters and change to fullscreen once Arma starts up.

Has anyone else experienced this?


Will try this evening ...

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At least your resolution is that big. Mine is like take 8x4 pixels from the top left corner and stretch it full screen (42") :D Launching windowed seems to get around the problem so far. It doesn't happen everytime. Another way around I've found is to click the screen constantly though there will appear "program doesn't respond" pop-ups but you just need to ignore them and try to avoid clicking "close the program" which can be hard because mouse automatically goes on top of that.


My post from other thread. Let's quote it here:


  On 11/14/2015 at 1:13 PM, St. Jimmy said:

0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI error


Has anyone got this error? I've had that happen for couple months now at least on the dev branch. Can't now remember was it dev issue only. It sometimes do that. Sometimes I even need to launch the launcher again and sometimes just launching the game again helps.

The game launches in a resolution of a forum avatar. Taking picture in steam and the picture is 8x8 pixels :D It's the pink and black thing on top of the task manager. It's like taking two pixels from the top left corner and having that as a resolution. The pink is there because of MSI afterburner but the problem doesn't have anything to do with it, I've tested. When I close the game I get that error. So if you know what D3D11 text in the MSI Afterburner looks you can understand the resolution.


I found out that I'm not the only one with the same error issue.


Seems like the wiki gives these kind of options how to maybe deal with it. I've the latest Nvidia drivers so maybe it's an issue with many of the newest drivers (I mean maybe even before 353 and we're currently in 358). I've GTX 970 and this is the only game I've had that kind of issue.

Steam overlay issue? Well that's a freaking important part of Steam and if that's the problem then it should be fixed. Tested and it's not the problem.

GPU and CPU temps aren't problem.


I haven't yet tried much to see what's causing the issue. I installed the Windows again because I changed my Motherboard and the same issue is still here. I can live with it because I only need to launch the game couple of times but it's still very annoying. I'll make a ticket later when I've tried to look more about the issue. It's a common random issue so it's not fun try to repro and eliminate what's causing it and that's why I haven't yet even tried that.




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Is this problem mostly only with NVIDIA cards? I've NVIDIA, froggy has, teabagginpeople and 2legsakimbo has the GTX970 like I've. Teabagginpeople has heard that some AMD cards have had the same problem though some numbers/cards would be nice to hear. Resolution is also a different with people, so some people get 800x600, some 640x480, some like me even much smaller like 8x2. People who get the higher resolution like 800x600 does your game throw the error message (0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI error) after shutting the game? I get that only when the low resolution thing happens. ///EDIT: Seems like the error happens when i need to end the process from the task manager.

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Hey, sorry you are having issues. Could you please report the issue to the feedback tracker?




Please attach logs from the launcher. Step by step guide is below.


Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:
1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
3. Drop down menu will appear
4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file
Have a great day :)

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  On 11/19/2015 at 2:04 PM, BIS_Adam said:


Hey, sorry you are having issues. Could you please report the issue to the feedback tracker?




Please attach logs from the launcher. Step by step guide is below.


Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:
1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
3. Drop down menu will appear
4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file
Have a great day :)


Here you go. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=26581


I think that my problem might be some windows focus problem. Closing some windows or having it open in the background or something might make the difference if this happens or not. But I haven't tried that other than just now once so not 100% sure.

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I confirm launching the game windowed solve the issue for me.


I have a Nvidia GFX card

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Doing Alt+Enter a few times fixes the issue for me. Although I do not get any errors when this happens.


I'm NOT using Dev branch, using 1.54 stable.

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Had this issue few times about 2 weeks back. Have not really played since. It occurs mostly when I quit and then try to start again. A few tries normally get me back in the game but it is very frustrating to use, since I was testing config changes for my mod that time. Glad to know it is not an isolated issue.


I am using dev branch on GTX680

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Same problem for me. Had it a few times in the past but got much worse after the 1.54 patch. GPU is nVidia GTX980 running at 2560x1440.



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Had this also a couple of times but not always, it occured quite randomly. When it happened i could hear the gamesound running, but could do nothing else than end the game via the taskmanger. On my end it was a problem with the EVGA Precision/RivaTuner Overlay. Disabling this worked, but i don't get it why i can start the game without problems while it is enabled sometimes and sometimes it is all messed up.


This it what it looks like:


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  On 12/23/2015 at 3:38 PM, ApoTTCC said:

Had this also a couple of times but not always, it occured quite randomly. When it happened i could hear the gamesound running, but could do nothing else than end the game via the taskmanger. On my end it was a problem with the EVGA Precision/RivaTuner Overlay. Disabling this worked, but i don't get it why i can start the game without problems while it is enabled sometimes and sometimes it is all messed up.


This it what it looks like:



Mine looked very similar. At that screen if you Alt+Enter twice it should fix it. The best method if you are not using Aero in Windows is to disable Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service.

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  On 11/19/2015 at 2:04 PM, BIS_Adam said:


Hey, sorry you are having issues. Could you please report the issue to the feedback tracker?




Please attach logs from the launcher. Step by step guide is below.


Steps on how to export logs from ARMA 3 Launcher:
1. Start ARMA 3 Launcher
2. Click the Hamburger menu tab in the launcher (Top right corner. Next to Options (Cog wheel icon) and Minimize Button)
3. Drop down menu will appear
4. Select: Prepare Arma Troubleshooting error and save those files
5. A notification will pop up with the name of the generated file
Have a great day :)


Maybe you need to read KB81823 to fix this problem ;)

When you start a character-based application in a console (for example, CMD.EXE), the application runs in the current console (unless you start it with the "start" command). If you start a Windows 32-bit or 16-bit application, it starts on the desktop.
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  On 12/23/2015 at 4:14 PM, major-stiffy said:


Mine looked very similar. At that screen if you Alt+Enter twice it should fix it. The best method if you are not using Aero in Windows is to disable Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service.

Thanks a lot, 2x Alt+Enter did it.  :thumb:

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  On 12/23/2015 at 3:38 PM, ApoTTCC said:

Had this also a couple of times but not always, it occured quite randomly. When it happened i could hear the gamesound running, but could do nothing else than end the game via the taskmanger. On my end it was a problem with the EVGA Precision/RivaTuner Overlay. Disabling this worked, but i don't get it why i can start the game without problems while it is enabled sometimes and sometimes it is all messed up.


This it what it looks like:


Seems like this was the only cause for this issue now. It wasn't the reason couple months ago but now that I disabled RTSS, the game launches normally everytime.

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FRAPS running will cause this to happen as well.  CLose A3, close FRAPS, re-launch A3, THEN re-launch FRAPS.

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