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Global Variables & Movable Spawn Point Help [OPEN]

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I thought someone on here might be interested in the struggle I've been through trying to get this work, and I feel like I am so close that perhaps there is something I'm just missing.


What I have so far is the following:


Got JIP working for the initial, but the disable script doesn't seem to apply to other players:
Added the following to initplayerlocal.sqf:
waituntil {! isnull player};
if (player == player) then 
 view = player addAction ["Settings", "scripts\Viewdistance.sqf", [],-98,false,false];
[] execVM "scripts\s3_tp_init.sqf";
else {};
_run = true;
while {_run} do
if(stopTeleport == "yes") then
_run = false;
if(player distance s3_teleport < 10) then
player setPos [(getPos s3_tf_spawn select 0)+((random 20)-10), (getPos s3_tf_spawn select 1)+((random 20)-10)];
sleep 5;
the Zeus player init contains:
stopTeleport = "no";
publicVariableServer "stopTeleport";
s3_spawn addAction ["Enable Teleport to Flag", "scripts\s3_tp_enable.sqf"];
_unit = _this select 1;
_run = true;
if(_unit iskindof "rhsusf_army_ocp_officer") then 
stopTeleport = "no";
publicVariableServer "stopTeleport";
while {_run} do
if(stopTeleport == "yes") then
_run = false;
Hint "";
if(player distance s3_teleport < 10) then
player setPos [(getPos s3_tf_spawn select 0)+((random 20)-10), (getPos s3_tf_spawn select 1)+((random 20)-10)];
Hint "Teleport Enabled";
sleep 3;
Hint "";
else {Hint "You are not in the Zeus Slot, Access Denied."};
s3_spawn addAction ["Disable Teleport to Flag", "scripts\s3_tp_disable.sqf"];
_unit = _this select 1;
if(_unit iskindof "rhsusf_army_ocp_officer") then 
stopTeleport = "yes";
publicVariableServer "stopTeleport";
Hint "Teleport Stopped";
sleep 10;
else {Hint "You are not in the Zeus Slot, Access Denied."};
So when the players join they will be teleported, but now it won't disable when i run the disable script. So for some reason the variable "stopTeleport" is not getting transferred or received by other players for some reason.

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