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Bit of an issue with 'buying' different types of items from a Listbox

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Alright so I'm trying to get buying things working from a listbox, but this only 'semi-works' and it seems to be quite messy since that was the only way i could even get it semi-functional with destorying the balance value completely.


Another problem I'm having is if I click too fast inside the GUI to add things, it splits the items into multiple stacks of the same item or breaks the icon of the item completely.

_gear = _this select 0;
_crate = AUSMD_buyBox;

_isWep = isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_gear select 0));
if(!_isWep) then
	_isMag = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_gear select 0));
	_isItem = isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_gear select 0));
	_isBag = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_gear select 0));
_isMag = isClass (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_gear select 0));
if(!_isMag) then
	_isItem = isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_gear select 0));
	_isBag = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_gear select 0));
_isItem = isClass (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (_gear select 0));
if(!_isItem) then
	_isBag = isClass (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_gear select 0));

if (_isWep) then {
	_arrPath = ([Sand_Weapons,(_gear select 0)] call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement);
	_selectOne = _arrPath select 0;
	hint format ["weps %1 \n\n %2",_arrPath,_selectOne];
	_pathPrice = Sand_Weapons select _selectOne select 1;
	_price = _pathPrice;
	if(_price > GV_Sand_Balance) exitWith {hint "You cannot afford Weapons!";};
	GV_Sand_Balance = GV_Sand_Balance - _price;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
	_crate addWeaponCargoGlobal [(_gear select 0), (_gear select 1)];
	//hint format ["Purchased for $ %1",_price];
if(_isMag) then
	_arrPath = ([Sand_Magazines,(_gear select 0)]) call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement;
	_selectOne = _arrPath select 0;
	hint format ["mags %1 \n\n %2",_arrPath,_selectOne];
	_pathPrice = Sand_Magazines select _selectOne select 1;
	_price = _pathPrice;
	if(_price > GV_Sand_Balance) exitWith {hint "You cannot afford Mags!";};
	GV_Sand_Balance = GV_Sand_Balance - _price;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
	_crate addMagazineCargoGlobal [(_gear select 0), (_gear select 1)];
	//hint format ["Purchased for $ %1",_price];
if(_isItem) then
	_arrPath = ([Sand_Items,(_gear select 0)]) call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement;
	_selectOne = _arrPath select 0;
	hint format ["items %1 \n\n %2",_arrPath,_selectOne];
	_pathPrice = Sand_Items select _selectOne select 1;
	_price = _pathPrice;
	if(_price > GV_Sand_Balance) exitWith {hint "You cannot afford Items!";};
	GV_Sand_Balance = GV_Sand_Balance - _price;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
	_crate addItemCargoGlobal [(_gear select 0), (_gear select 1)];
	//hint format ["Purchased for $ %1",_price];
if(_isBackpack) then
	_arrPath = ([Sand_Backpacks,(_gear select 0)]) call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement;
	_selectOne = _arrPath select 0;
	hint format ["backpacks %1 \n\n %2",_arrPath,_selectOne];
	_pathPrice = Sand_Backpacks select _selectOne select 1;
	_price = _pathPrice;
	if(_price > GV_Sand_Balance) exitWith {hint "You cannot afford Items!";};
	GV_Sand_Balance = GV_Sand_Balance - _price;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
	_crate addBackpackCargoGlobal [(_gear select 0), (_gear select 1)];
	//hint format ["Purchased for $ %1",_price];
if(GV_Sand_Balance < 0 || isNil "GV_Sand_Balance") then
	GV_Sand_Balance = 0;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";

There is an attempt for me to debug the problem as you can see but that doesn't seem to be the issue.


Any Ideas?


EDIT: Weapons seem to have no trouble being added to the box, but others do (they still have the problem of seperating into mutliple stacks though).

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After a couple of hours of bashing my head off the wall i found the problem was with how Bohemia set up their configs to include items guns and uniforms under the same category.....

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BIS_fnc_itemType may help you.

Im not sure of your exact structure but something like...

_gear = _this select 0;
_crate = AUSMD_buyBox;

_itemType = ( _gear select 0 ) call BIS_fnc_itemType;
_itemType = switch (_itemType select 0) do {
	case "Equipment" : {
		if ( _itemType select 1 isEqualTo "Backpack" ) then {
			_itemType select 1
	default {
		_itemType select 0

if !( _itemType isEqualTo "" ) then {
	_sandArray = missionNamespace getVariable format[ "Sand_%1s", _itemtype ];
	_arrPath = ([_sandArray,(_gear select 0)] call BIS_fnc_findNestedElement);
	_selectOne = _arrPath select 0;
	hint format ["%1 %2 \n\n %3",_itemType,_arrPath,_selectOne];
	_price = _sandArray select _selectOne select 1;
	if(_price > GV_Sand_Balance) exitWith {hint format[ "You cannot afford %1s!", _itemType ];};
	GV_Sand_Balance = GV_Sand_Balance - _price;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
	call compile format [ "_crate add%1CargoGlobal [(_gear select 0), (_gear select 1)]", _itemType ];
	//hint format ["Purchased for $ %1",_price];

if( isNil "GV_Sand_Balance" || { GV_Sand_Balance < 0 } ) then
	GV_Sand_Balance = 0;
	publicVariable "GV_Sand_Balance";
Also swapped your final if statement around because if GV_Sand_Balance is nil then having the greater than check first would cause you a undefined error.

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