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[IceBreakr/IBIS] Lingor & Dingor for A3

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Lingor Island

This lush green environment in a fictional country somewhere near the Equator. Inspiration were countries such as Venezuela & Colombia. ~5 months were spent on research and creation of this world. 

Lingor is one of the most played maps in Arma Community and first really lush green environment that worked well with all the optimizations. 
Reason for the project is that I've been waiting for years for a proper optimised jungle map. With help of great talented man Berghoff that is now (after 5-6 months of hard work) possible to enjoy. 

We have to understand that vegetation rich map is a whole different matter in BIS engine. PCs that were able to run Duala/Jade Groove on max settings & view distance of 10 km will probably only have sufficient FPS with 1000-4000 meter distance on Lingor. With months of optimisations (especially Berghoff did an amazing feat here) we can now enjoy jungle from air or from a grunt's perspective. 

Required addon: CUP Terrains Core.

Latest version: v3.9.5 (Lingor) & 3.82 (Dingor)
Latest changelog:

- finally: all new Apex vegetation! (DLC is not required)
- massive improvement of lighting and satellite image of the map
- new huge sectors to explore with lot of details
- new town Mirasol on NW with a new unpaved runway
- burned down villages: Jodido and unnamed one
- added scrapyard
- large sector is now GAL training facility with two mock villages
- 3 new research bases for sci-fi scenarios (Deidre, Scarlett, *censored*)
- one research base is abandoned and long forgotten
- added bio storage facility Marika
- added couple of invisible roads (for AI pathing)
- added iron gates by poolpunk (thank you!)
- added bunker objects by Sahbazz (thank you!)
- fixed incorrect runway numbers at FOB Eddie (greetz to the legend: wld427!)
- various smaller fixes, too many to mention here

Download / Official Site:

http://www.icebreakr.info (currently only Steam Workshop version is up to 3.9, new patch coming very soon!)

Promo video #1:


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Hi Ice,

don't apologize it's already a gift for us to know that you are working on Lingor for A3...
If I had time. I would be interested to help you for your project has it seems to be really interresting for a new gameplay style...

Unfortunately I will not be your guy, but hope to see your project released one day...

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So, is their gimmick going to be throwing javelins and Javelins at the enemy?

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Yaasss... ha, this reminds me of books I read about South African mercenaries ;)

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cpl_hicks: I would gladly include them but:


1. I have basically very limited knowledge of porting A2 stuff exc. islands

2. I've been told by Bad Benson he will prepare/introduce aliens faction for A3 so on other words: I have no permission for A3 =)

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  On 9/2/2015 at 10:55 PM, icebreakr said:

cpl_hicks: I would gladly include them but:


1. I have basically very limited knowledge of porting A2 stuff exc. islands

2. I've been told by Bad Benson he will prepare/introduce aliens faction for A3 so on other words: I have no permission for A3 =)


Is he REALLY going to do so? His PC is broken for months, but the major issue is that he´s been publically voicing his dismay for RV´s burocracy for modding and promissing a leave on ArmA´s mod scene... I wouldn´t count on it... but hey, we can use OPTRE´s covenant aliens as space OPFOR now lol (thou I miss the grey ones from Zetaborn)



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Probably an unneeded question, but meh:


Will you be switching from AiA to CUP islands/objects once they hit public release?

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Finally !!!!! Thank you VERY much for your effort. You've made my day. :D

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Mods please move to Complete.


Anyhow... PWS is experiencing troubles - cannot accept reset password, add mod button is not working, etc... :/

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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:36 PM, bars91 said:

Probably an unneeded question, but meh:


Will you be switching from AiA to CUP islands/objects once they hit public release?

There will be no need as CUP is having it so it has complete backwards compatibility, Aka. If you used CUP-T on a AIATP required terrain it will still work, same goes for A3MP i presume

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  On 9/3/2015 at 5:14 AM, corporal_lib[br] said:

Is he REALLY going to do so? His PC is broken for months, but the major issue is that he´s been publically voicing his dismay for RV´s burocracy for modding and promissing a leave on ArmA´s mod scene... I wouldn´t count on it... but hey, we can use OPTRE´s covenant aliens as space OPFOR now lol (thou I miss the grey ones from Zetaborn)




indeed. however there's a slim chance that my old source files are still around and that i can fix the baking issue i had.


basically i made new weighting for the existing model but also had to deform it to make it fit the skeleton better. so it needed new UV mapping onto which i still had to bake the old displacement data. all steps are done except the baking (automated process).

so if i can fix that or find someone who can do the bake for me i could (MAYBE) at least give Icebreakr an updated model. no promises on that at all though since there are two outcomes.


1. it taking a few minutes since it's just baking. so push button...wait for texture output...done.

2. lots and lots of extra work. so i'd say 50%.


however. i hereby grant permission to Icebreakr (or anyone else if credit is given) to do whatever you like with those old models (maybe new weighting? :D ). be warned though. the weighting still is and always was hidious, dreadful, horrible...just bad :lol:

kind of against my pride to let them out there again but, if people really want them, i don't care anymore.

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Absolutely loved this map from A2, thank a ton for converting it over. 

Only thing I noticed is the brg_africa.pbo was not included in the package 3.0beta version, couldn't download the 4 version as it stated not available.
Once I downloaded and installed it everything came up normal, just thought I let you know.

Thanks again. Lingor looks beautiful once again. 

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Now we need missions to better enjoy this old classic =)


@BB: thanks for open sourcing your Zetaborn visitors, I really hope someone steps up and makes the final touches on your port to A3... little OT, but I would really hope that someone like Laxeman (whose has already a climb mod) could update and keep up the development of your Enhanced movements... I´m missing a lot it (stopped using cus of the fatal get off chopper bug and savegame memory leak)



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Issue : Getting a grey background screen and an error (file not found) instead of an "intro" after i loaded Lingor into the editor and switch back to the main menu. (Currently using 3.0beta)

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Congratulations on release! :) It's great to see that one of the most intresting Arma 2 maps has finally made its way to Arma 3. B)

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