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Ikarus 1.0 released

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Ikarus is an Arma 3 gamemode which consists of Arma 3 TvT no respawn missions with player progression and equipment tracked in a webapp.


The webapp, found here https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com, keeps track of your equipment, allows you to create a company for your friends and when you are ready to play, it kicks up an Arma 3 server and reserves slots for you and your mates in the mission. There is even a button to launch Arma and join the correct server with one click.


The result is exhilarating Arma 3 action where dying hurts, but winning feels even sweeter.  Ikarus missions are dynamically tailored to the amount of squads and to the objectives you choose at the start of the mission. An Ikarus mission might just be two squads fighting it out, or ten squads battling away in different parts of Altis. All this from start to finish in about an hour.


With reinforcement feature you can even join an ongoing mission, as long as you haven't already played in that mission. This cuts the downtime and waiting it takes to get into a game and allows those slowpoke friends of yours to join the game even after the start.


If there are no other squads online, you can play Ikarus against AI. Other squads can still reinforce the game so stay alert. So feel free to try Ikarus whenever you feel like it. Here is a video showing how fast and easy it is to get into the game:





The help section in Ikarus website also helps you to understand different game mechanics: https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com/concepts


Different objectives are described here: https://ikarus.idleplaythings.com/objectives


We also have a subreddit for community :  https://www.reddit.com/r/ikarus/


Ikarus is now in ready for first 1.0 release candidate, so the mod is fully playable, but not entirely balanced. That will be sorted out after we get more feedback from our players: hopefully you! :)

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