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@Generalkong : Nice units. I make take some ideas futur work, thanks.


Update 1.4 :


I directly jump to 1.4 for you guys.

Note that you can remove every single PBO according to your needs except for CPC_Factions_Main . Dependencies for each PBO are exposed on the first post.


Changelog :



- Woami joined the (very small) crew

- New Uniform texture for NPFD made by Woami

- New NPFD hats

- New units for NPFD and GFD (officers, GFD rifleman M4, GFD rifleman night, NPFD rifleman Sa-58)

- Various improvements for Duala factions.


- Added two new factions (meant to be used with Duala or other african maps)

- Added a new variant for a CUP Carrier Vest.


Download on Github :



Some pictures of the new factions :







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Very nice. African factions were the missing piece to the CUP puzzle. Now you can have relevant Opfors for European, Middle East, and African campaigns. Well done.

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Is there an African civilian faction as well for insurgent missions?

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Great work ! Can you add the possibility to remove RHS dependency ?

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Also, can i ask that, if you do make the factions I suggested, can you keep them to using CUP only? the group I play with sadly will not be able to use the african units, since they are using RHS

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  On 3/15/2016 at 1:10 PM, foxhound said:

New release frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


  On 3/15/2016 at 1:56 PM, sonsalt6 said:

Updated mod v1.4 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:

Thanks a lot to both of guys.


  On 3/15/2016 at 1:15 PM, autigergrad said:

Very nice. African factions were the missing piece to the CUP puzzle. Now you can have relevant Opfors for European, Middle East, and African campaigns. Well done.


  On 3/15/2016 at 1:53 PM, Matth_ said:

Great work ! Can you add the possibility to remove RHS dependency ?


  On 3/15/2016 at 2:12 PM, generalkong said:

Also, can i ask that, if you do make the factions I suggested, can you keep them to using CUP only? the group I play with sadly will not be able to use the african units, since they are using RHS

Duala factions are not RHS dependent, it was a mistake from me, thanks for highlighting this.

CPC_Factions_Duala :

Dependencies : CUP Weapons, CUP Units, CUP Vehicles, CPC_Factions_Assets


  On 3/15/2016 at 1:24 PM, autigergrad said:

Is there an African civilian faction as well for insurgent missions?

No but there is still the vanilla african civilian units.

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I don't think there is a vanilla African civilian faction. Just Greek (Altis) Civs

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Don't you think it's a bit wierd you're naming your mod with my mod's name (Duala)?


Especially with my unit pack coming our soon for all factions on my islands. This could be confusing as I'm also contributing to CUP =)

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  On 3/16/2016 at 2:10 AM, icebreakr said:

Don't you think it's a bit wierd you're naming your mod with my mod's name (Duala)?


Especially with my unit pack coming our soon for all factions on my islands. This could be confusing as I'm also contributing to CUP =)

Hum, I'm realy sorry and I understand you feel bad about that. At first, I named the PBO Duala because when I started to work on it I did it with the idea to create some african factions in order to enjoy Duala even more.

At this time there is no particular reason to keep the name "Duala" and I'll change it in an hotfix. You're right it can be confusing.

Again, I'm sorry, it was really not in my plans to upset you.

Best regards.

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Hey Sparfell,


I noticed that your African units don't have any group configs in the editor, only individual.  Any chance of creating infantry and motorized groups so they can be used with ALiVE?


Nice looking units too by the way, nice work!

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  On 3/16/2016 at 12:35 PM, autigergrad said:

Hey Sparfell,


I noticed that your African units don't have any group configs in the editor, only individual.  Any chance of creating infantry and motorized groups so they can be used with ALiVE?


Nice looking units too by the way, nice work!

Yes it is planned.

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Thanks sparfell_19 for quick response & action, units look top notch btw ;)

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Hello everyone !
Long time but we are finally sharing an update for CPC_Factions.
The addon received a lot of updates for our own usage but they never came to public use. This is now fixed.
The addon is now divided in two parts : CPC_Factions_CUP and CPC_Factions_RHS, and each part is independent from the other.

You can download the update from the steam workshop :




CPC_Factions_CUP :

Three african factions :
- GFD (Government Forces of Duala) : regular army
- NPFD (National Patriotic Front of Duala) : guerilla forces
- Pirates
Two south-american factions :
- Ejercito : regular army
- Picaros : guerilla forces


CPC_Factions_RHS :

Three Middle-East factions :
- Kamistan : eastern style regular army
- République du Damuz : western style regular army
- Desert Rebels : guerilla forces
Two south-east Asia factions :
- Asian army : regular army
- Asian guerilla : guerilla forces
And a few winter retextures


Opening post is up-to-date :


Enjoy !

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CPC_Factions_CUP Updated


- Ejercito main rifle changed to M16A1 and M16A2 carbine
- New units for Ejercito : Rifleman (M72A6), Grenadier, AA specialist
- Few modifications for recent CUP update

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CPC_Factions_CUP Updated


- various small changes and fixes following CUP 1.13.1

Pictures :







CPC_Factions_RHS Updated



- use of chicom chestrig for asian guerilla

- use fo FNFAL for damuz faction (new main weapon)

- updated role specific parameters for all infantry units

- updated preview pictures when necessary




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CPC_Factions_CUP updated

New contributor :
Warzen aka @1212PDMCDMPPM



- Added 3 New Vietnam war factions : US, VC and civilians
- Added 1BDU Vietnam OD retexure
- Added NPFD Rifleman SKS
- Added Hilux variants for NPFD and Picaros
- Adjusted various things

Picture :

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CPC_Factions_RHS updated


- Changed Kamistan soldiers' vests
- Fixed M249 magazine wrong classname
- Fixed M1117 wrong inheritance

CPC_Factions_CUP updated


- New M113A1 for GFD and Ejercito
- New armed Cessna for Ejercito
- Switched Ejercito crew weapon to M3A1

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