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How to get Object 'Mempoints' - Walls, corners, etc?

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How would I be able to fetch the 'mempoints' (for the lack of a better word) of an object, that you can tell AI to move to and occupy with A3's default HUD?


Where can I find more information on these?









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Unfortunately no. The BIS function only returns "building positions", the ones you can have manned within a building. A house can have those, a simple wall will not.


The positions in the images are a different thing, things like a wall or even a simple chair model can have those - I tried to compare entries of a building and a simple object but could not work up anything helpful. Seems to be rather unexplored territory.

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Are these 'mempoints' & stuff some kind of spheres that register damage to the building (or do a similar function)?


Don't think they can be exposed or access through SQF, sadly... Perhaps BIS will offer some kind of an implementation soon.

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Well they should be in the config for each part. Just means you have to look for them. They should be accessible with existing commands

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Ive looked into this several times and im damned if i can see where these points come from.

To begin with i thought maybe they were points based off of model components due to how they often seem to be half way along a wall and on corners but there are to many instances where this is not the case.

I even spent ages looking at the test house in the samples which seems to be very similar to "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" and i still cant see anything that denotes where these points should be. "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" has two distinct points inside the shop on the wall that backs onto the stairs just before the pillar that sticks out.

My next option when i get around to it is to build a basic cube and see if points get defined out of the blue or maybe bring the test building in to see what happens.

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Ive looked into this several times and im damned if i can see where these points come from.

I even spent ages looking at the test house in the samples which seems to be very similar to "Land_i_Shop_01_V1_F" and i still cant see anything that denotes where these points should be.


I am pulling my hair out over this. I chose a random object while looking for pointers:



It's a small bunker, obviously without any defined building positions. But selecting an AI and hovering over the object gives you at least 15 (!) different visual helping options where you could send the unit to, The result of those are extremely random but at least these have to be defined somewhere. I checked all entries for the bunker in the config viewer, but there's nothing that seems relevant or even has anything defined.


only seemingly data from config viewer:

_generalMacro = "Land_BagBunker_Small_F";
memoryPointSupply = "doplnovani"; // translation for this appears to be "refilling"
cargoCompartments[] = {"Compartment1"}; // seems to be the usual 'driver' spot
cargoGetInAction[] = {};
cargoAction[] = {};
cargoCanEject = 1;
driverAction = "";
driverCanEject = 1;

I mean, I am the exact opposite of an expert, but I also have some custom made helper objects with barely any lods.. Those don't give you any of these fancy helper lines .


Enterable buildings usually have entries for "UserActions" and "HitPoints" that you can use to find positions within the building, but it seems like those are unrelated to what we are looking for here.


god dammit where are these things.

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I also looked into this recently. Unfortunately also without a workable solution. 


Perhaps a BIS dev can shine a light on this???

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 I have no idea Mad Cheese and wish I could help but definetly see the value of us having better access to these points. They really need  an overhaul especially the way they sticky halfway across the screen when trying to give an AI a Move order.

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