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Site module opfor units

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Anyway to edit the units spawned with site modules? For example from standard opfor to urban opfor?

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Depending on what you want to change, you can modify the spawned objects by detecting them dynamically:

    if ((alive _x) && {(side _x) == east}) then {
        _x forceAddUniform "<...>";
} forEach ((getPosATL OpforSite) nearEntities [["Man"], 100]);

Just put whatever uniform you want in there, change OpforSite to the name of the module, and tweak 100 to whatever distance includes all the units.

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Depending on what you want to change, you can modify the spawned objects by detecting them dynamically:

{    if ((alive _x) && {(side _x) == east}) then {	    _x forceAddUniform "<...>";    };} forEach ((getPosATL OpforSite) nearEntities [["Man"], 100]);
Just put whatever uniform you want in there, change OpforSite to the name of the module, and tweak 100 to whatever distance includes all the units.

Nice I presume I could use _x forceaddhelmet and backpack the same way too . and this goes in the initserver.sqf thanks

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All groups that are spawned with a site are kept in a variable on the site called 'garrison'. So instead of near entities use...

One site named myOpforSite

//Only run on server
if !( isServer ) exitWith {};
//Wait for sites to finish initialising
waitUntil { !isNil "BIS_initSitesDone" };
//foreach group
	//foreach unit of the group
		_x forceAddUniform "###";
		//Whatever else needs doing to each unit
	}forEach units _x;
}forEach ( myOpforSite getVariable [ "garrison", [] ] );

A couple of options if you need todo more than one site..

Mulitple sites called myOpforSite, myOpforSite2 and myOpforSite3

//Only run on server
if !( isServer ) exitWith {};
//Wait for sites to finish initialising
waitUntil { !isNil "BIS_initSitesDone" };
	//foreach group
		//foreach unit of the group
			_x forceAddUniform "###";
			//Whatever else needs doing to each unit
		}forEach units _x;
	}forEach ( _x getVariable [ "garrison", [] ] );
}forEach [ myOpforSite, myOpforSite2, myOpforSite3 ];

For all sites currently on the map

//Only run on server
if !( isServer ) exitWith {};
//Wait for sites to finish initialising
waitUntil { !isNil "BIS_initSitesDone" };
	//foreach group
		//foreach unit of the group
			_x forceAddUniform "###";
			//Whatever else needs doing to each unit
		}forEach units _x;
	}forEach ( _x getVariable [ "garrison", [] ] );
}forEach ( BIS_missionScope getVariable "sites" );
Either execVM/spawn these from the init.sqf or place in your initServer.sqf or could be execVM/spawn from a sites init line.

There are also ways to add your own factions to the site modules but is a little more involved see HERE for details, and can make it possible to rewrite the site module to do pretty much anything you want.

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