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I set up a quick script to check where one of my scripts was stopping without an error using diag_activeSQFScripts and ended up with this:

//	]","[

private ["_activeSQF","_count"];

_activeSQF = [];
_count = 1;

	hint str (_count);
	_count = _count + 1;
	_activeSQF pushBack (str _x);
} forEach diag_activeSQFScripts;

copyToClipboard str _activeSQF;
hint str (count _activeSQF);
player sideChat "done";

So from there I just paste the array _activeSQF and then manually separate each script for ease of reading (hence the ]","[ - I use that to find the end of each script). It's not hard to do, but is there a better way than this?

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