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  On 1/17/2017 at 3:59 AM, calebfg2 said:

What does this mean exactly? can you load vehicles into them? If so, which one?

Yes. Any that are small enough to fit


The MRZR fits (Richards even shows this in the video in the initial release announcement). If memory serves me right so do vanilla A3's quadbikes, assault boats and SDVs.

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@calebfg2 just drive the vehicle into the trucks cargo space, dismount close the back door and drive it. It doesnt use 'vanila' system.

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Can anyone provide a little more info on the SPC vest hidden selections and use cases for that

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:16 AM, amonrada trakulporn said:

this mod can download only from steam?ooh fucking idiots!!!!

I'd probably edit your quote before you have to deal with endless waves of hatred.


On another topic, the MRZR is so much cooler than the quad-bike for spec ops missions

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:14 AM, Jastreb said:

@calebfg2 just drive the vehicle into the trucks cargo space, dismount close the back door and drive it. It doesnt use 'vanila' system.


the HEMTT he's on about does use the vanilla system.

It's the PTS that has the funky drive-in ramp


  On 1/17/2017 at 4:18 AM, SN M. Buchanan said:

Can anyone provide a little more info on the SPC vest hidden selections and use cases for that


Means you can create retextures for them with hiddenSelectionsTextures


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I honestly avoided to reply to it, there is a post with links to SW and torents, there are mirrors on various sites. This is just a hate troll post nothing else and has been reported, let it die.


@da12thMonkey I stand corrected.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:20 AM, Savage_Donkey said:

I'd probably edit your quote before you have to deal with endless waves of hatred.

Post like that one will not be tolerated, especially a first post.

I've reported a bug/issue on the feedback tracker, I noticed it before and forgot about, with regards to the MP7's as soon as you mount optics, you can't hit anything as the "eye" memory point for optics seems way off.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:22 AM, da12thMonkey said:

Means you can create retextures for them with hiddenSelectionsTextures


I understand that much, but... does that mean a retexture for the whole vest, or is it just the nameplate?  And also I looked and didn't see it, but want to make sure... do we have access to the default texture for modification?  Only ask because I think my group might be interested in the nameplates, if we can get something working.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:23 AM, road runner said:

I've reported a bug/issue on the feedback tracker, I noticed it before and forgot about, with regards to the MP7's as soon as you mount optics, you can't hit anything as the "eye" memory point for optics seems way off.


Which optics? The zeroing setting is probably too high for a short-range SMG rounds (since most RHS optics are designed for rifles with longer ranges) so the ballistic arc shoots over anything close by when it's zeroed for 200+ meters.


Something with a 100m zero or less (like BIS' SMG optics) might not be too bad

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:28 AM, da12thMonkey said:


Which optics? The zeroing setting is probably too high for a short-range SMG rounds (since most RHS optics are designed for rifles with longer ranges) so the ballistic arc shoots over anything close by when it's zeroed for 200+ meters.


Something with a 100m zero or less (like BIS' SMG optics) might not be too bad

Pretty much anything with a bit of magnification, even the RHS EXPS3 it's off.

Would this mean that you'd have to zero in the optics for any SMG type weapons, and does RHS have that ability ?

I'll try it again, Iron sights seem fine, you can see the bullet path and it looks accurate, I'll try out all the RHS optics, and get back to via PM and the tracker, so's not to clutter this thread.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 4:25 AM, SN M. Buchanan said:


I understand that much, but... does that mean a retexture for the whole vest, or is it just the nameplate?  And also I looked and didn't see it, but want to make sure... do we have access to the default texture for modification?  Only ask because I think my group might be interested in the nameplates, if we can get something working.


From the SPC config:

  hiddenSelections[] = {"camo","camo1","camo2","camo3"};
  hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {

I believe the UCMC patch is part of the rhs_spc01_co.paa texture since the patchless variants use "rhsusf\addons\rhsusf_infantry\data\rhs_spc02_co.paa" instead. But I can't check this to be sure, for a few hours since I'm away from my PC with the dev files on for the night.


Probably quicker if you just try writing a config for setting some colours to those selections and see what changes what.

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Front passenger MRZR cannot hear the persons shots from the the driver seat anyone else notice this before i send on bug tracker


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 The update is a dream come true! Especially to us AK nuts. Top notch work as always guys!!

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I was wondering if anyone had a sec, if you could help me out with pointing me in a direction to look towards with these script errors I'm getting? When loading a previously made AFRF mission, I'm getting variations of this error I've never had before in the editor and on mission start, and I can't for the life of me narrow down which asset or assets could be causing it. If I delete all of the AFRF stuff from the missions, the errors goes away. So I have that much locked down. However, trying to narrow down which assets it could be so I don't have to make the missions all over again is proving like finding a needle in a haystack. Does anyone have any idea which AFRF asset being updated could cause this? USAF missions when all by itself seems to be working with old missions just fine (aside from any pre-placed M2 Snorkles disappearing) FWIW.





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I've missed all the party....

Since SAF now are part of RHS,I got a question about it.What time period you planning to reconstruct?Only modern statement?



btw... still no special engineering RPG rocket... RHS,WHEN?! :P it's a joke ofcource,good job guys.


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Thanks RHS for all the goodies.

So when you guys gonna make yourself as RHS 3D faces in Arma 3?


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  On 1/17/2017 at 6:58 AM, graemeshute said:

Thanks RHS for all the goodies.

So when you guys gonna make yourself as RHS 3D faces in Arma 3?


Why, which one of us are you wanting to shoot? :D

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  On 1/17/2017 at 6:54 AM, vastgm said:

I would love to see this soon:






Also thanks a lot for the new update.


Sounds an awfully lot like a request.

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  On 1/17/2017 at 8:33 AM, vastgm said:

I meant that I was going to make MARSOC Loadouts with the new update.

I'm sure that once this update is out of the way and running well, the RHS team will begin their 2017 Road map, and once again we will be surprised with its contents :f:

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Has there been an update on the weapons sounds as well? When you stand, or rotate around the front of the character, you can actually hear the sonic crack of the round passing by you, move towards the back and it's more muffled, and there's no crack,  are you using new sound shaders?  as it's a brilliant effect, and not seeing this on any other major weapons maker.

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